From the man who introduced us to Jack Nicholson, Francis Ford Coppola, Jonathan Demme and Martin Scorsese, Shout! Factory is proud to present new collectors editions of Roger Cormans most loved productions. — Vince Lombard... more »i High School has quite a reputation: it is the wildest, most rockin high school around! That is, until a thug of a principal, Miss Togar, comes along and tries to make the school a totalitarian state. With the help of the Ramones, the students of Vince Lombardi battle the iron-fisted rule of Miss Togar and take their battle to a truly explosive conclusion!
Starring P.J. Soles (Halloween), Vince Van Patten (Hell Night), Clint Howard (Grand Theft Auto), Dey Young (Spaceballs), Mary Woronov (Death Race 2000), Dick Miller (Piranha) and Paul Bartel (Hollywood Boulevard).
Bonus Features
* New Anamorphic Widescreen Transfer (1.85:1)
* Special Introduction From Director Allan Arkush
* Audio Commentary With Director Allan Arkush, Producer Mike Finnell And Screenwriter Richard Whitley
* Audio Commentary With Roger Corman And Dey Young
* New Audio Commentary With Director Allan Arkush, P.J. Soles And Clint Howard
* Back To School: A Retrospective Including All-New Interviews With Allan Arkush, Roger Corman, Joe Dante, Dey Young And Marky Ramone
* Staying After Class: A New Interview With P.J. Soles, Vincent Van Patten And Dey Young
* Interview With Roger Corman Conducted By Leonard Maltin
* New Interview With Director Allan Arkush Including A Look At Rare, Behind-The-Scenes Stills From His Personal Collection
* Audio Outtakes From The Roxy
* Original Radio Ads And TV Spots
* Original Theatrical Trailer With Commentary By Eli Roth Courtesy Of