Don Bluth's lavish animated musical Rock-A-Doodle was not a success when it was released in 1992. It's not hard to understand why: the film varies wildly in tone and the story makes little sense. In the live-action prologu... more »e, a little boy named Edmond learns that the crowing of Chanticleer the rooster did not make the sun rise, as everyone thought. But when a flood threatens his family's farm, Edmond sets off to get Chanticleer to make the sun rise and save the day. (Edmond gets turned into a kitten during this adventure, for no apparent reason other than that cats are easier to animate than humans.) Chanticleer has moved to the city, and although the farm seems to be in the Midwest, the nearest city is clearly supposed to be Las Vegas. Chanticleer is now the King, an Elvis caricature used for an unfunny spoof of showbiz clichés. The animation is quite fluid, and there are lots of brightly colored effects--rainbows, sparkles, sunbeams. But parents will have a hard time explaining the story to their children. --Charles Solomon« less
"My kids and nieces LOVE this movie! (So do the adults) Notonly is it an easy and fun storyline, but the songs are great too! Acompliment to this movie is the soundtrack cassette tape (which I am looking for a replacement). We listen to the cassette in the van all the time. It is definately the favorite of all we have. Mom of 3, Aunt of 7"
Here the truth about this moive
Shirley A. Emmons | FL | 12/05/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I was 4 when I first watched it and I have been searching for the title to this moive for over 13 years I finnally found it and watched it again and Its still the same great moive that I have alway had a nack for. Its great for kids. A bit scary in a few spots but its an awsome moive full of adventure and the singing is out of this world. Anyone can enjoy this moive."
I grew up on stuff like this
Shirley A. Emmons | 03/20/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I Grew Up on this movie, it was my second favorite movie next to the pagemaster, which i recomend to anyone. The story is simple,sweet, and very funny for kids. InFact im about to go rent it for my 3 year old nephew
Im also 16"
Its no Secret of NIMH, but....
The Brad | Central Kansas USA | 11/08/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"While its not one of Don Bluth's best in the vein of his earlier films NIMH, An American Tale, Land Before Time or even All Dogs Go to Heaven, Rockadoodle is no less enjoyable and certainly more fun than the somewhat heavier drama of those films. Dont believe Amazon's review. I was 11 years old when Rockadoodle was released and while the plot certainly isnt airtight, I never had a problem following the story. If nothing else, Rockadoodle succeeds in what should be animations highest goal... fostering the use of one's imagination. This movie has been unavailable for far too long and I look forward to introducing it to my daughter."
Kid at heart
The Brad | 01/22/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I remember being caught up in the drama through the eyes of my first born when the movie was first released. He was just 2 years old and Rock-A-Doodle was his favorite, Now, 11 years later I introduced my youngest daughter to this classic and she's hooked, glad Netflix lets you keep DVD's as long as you like as I'm going to have to buy it before she'll let me return our rented copy!!"