"Stay away from this DVD! Do not support a company that blantantly steals work from fan sites: WORD FOR WORD. No permission granted, just stole blog posts and pictures to promote their video.
Not worth your money
K. Rielly | Northern, New York | 10/08/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Seeing this is an unauthorized biography - much of the information is stuff we already know or information you could obtain for free off many of Rob's wonderful fan sites that already exist on the internet! Having been a teen during Leo-Mania when Titanic was the rage and having bought unauthorized dvd's like these, if I knew then what I know now about the money that goes into these things for company gain without any profit for the actor - I say fail. Do not buy this dvd."
Nothing You Haven't Already Seen. Why Spend $18 When You Get
DeadBunnyDip | The Land of the Over Yonder | 10/09/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Being a true fan. It upsets us that companies would want to milk the situation and profit from it. Several reviews have stated that this DVD has NO personal interviews with the subject, and has mostly second/third-hand information. We don't want to hear about what other people want to say about him. We want to see and hear the real deal. Besides, there are a lot of bootleg copies online, so we'll probably just torrent it. OR get it for free, and burn multiple copies of it, and distribute it FOR FREE... :D So, unless Rob Pattinson gets royalties from the MILLIONS of dollars this dvd will make from clueless fans, consider this NOT SOLD.
Not Worth It
The Old One | 01/21/2010
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Mostly re-hashed old photos and interviews with people you've never heard of from Pattinson's early amateur theatre days. No new first-hand interviews or footage."
A rip off.
Ellen R. Muggle | Oshkosh, WI USA | 01/19/2010
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD is a rehash of pictures (still photos) and video already seen. Most are poor quality. It had no pictures that were interesting. Wish I'd saved my money but it is part of the collection now."