The final act of the original Robotech series begins as an advance rescue mission mounted by the "Mars Base" Division of the Robotech Expeditionary Forces is wiped out by the Invid-a powerful and mysterious alien race. S... more »cott Bernard, one of the few survivors of the battle, leads a colorful band of freedom fighters in a campaign to seek out and destroy Reflex Point, the Invid Stronghold. Along the way, Scott and the others are forced to look inside themselves to discover hidden strength and the determination to carry on in the face of overwhelming odds. Throughout this final chapter, many of the mysteries of Protoculture are revealed, including the role the Invid play in this complex, dramatic intergalactic saga.« less
"Being a relatively new Robotech fan, I was blown away by how good this series was when I first started watching. Especially considered how I've been spoiled by more rescent anime such as Evangelion and Cowboy Bebop. The New Generation story is as simple as it gets. Big bad aliens attack and take over the Earth and humans are trying to take it back. But oh it's so much more than that. The action is still amazing even after fifteen years. It's fast, exciting and it still sets the bar for giant robot action. And I mean come on, it's got a motorcyle that turns into power armor! If any shred of childhood remains in you, you have to admit that's pretty dang awesome. Yes, I'll admit the dialoge is clunky and melodramatic, but heck, that's half the fun! In the end, Robotech is really a hyped up cross between Top Gun, Saved by the Bell, and Star Wars. Best of the Eighties all the way!"
Series hits a quite different tone than the other parts
"To begin let me tell you something about Robotech: Robotech was created by taking three Anime that were not in any way related (Super Dimension Fortress Macross, Southern Cross and Mospeada) and creating a single series - Robotech - from them. This is because back then there was a minimum length for shows to be aired on US-TV and Macross was too short...
I must admit after watching "The Masters" my expectations for "Mospeada" aka "The New Generation" were not all that high. I was surprised!
Mospeada has by far the best Animation of the three parts of Robotech but there are other things that set it apart.
First this series hits a quite different tone than the other parts. Macross and Southern Cross (Masters) were all about a giant war between massive armies, including vast space and ground battles. Mospeada has such battles only in the beginning and in the end. The rest of the series focuses on a small band of freedom fighters with seldom more than a dozen Mecha involved in any single battle. Those small battles are masterfully done though. Unlike in Southern Cross and (to a lesser degree) in Macross, battle footage is almost never repeated. Choreography is nice and though each episode ends with the obligatory battle against the invid, every battle seems unique. (Even the recap episode had an own story!)
The second high of the show are the characters! I've grown to like each and every member of the small band. They are given much time to develop, and though some episodes might be considered filler by some, you learn a bit more about one of them each time.
Third the atmosphere: Macross and SC seemed a bit lacking in that department. You wouldn't have known how the characters felt, if the narrator hadn't (persistently) told you. In Mospeada you get the feeling of a small group, constantly hunted by overpowering forces right from the beginning, you feel the suspense when they are hiding from another invid patrol. Yes much of the time here is actually spent AVOIDING battles, which makes this show fell more real than the others.
Finally Yellow Dancer has a much better singing voice than either Minmei or Dana Sterling!
Differences between "The New Generation" and "Mospeada": Few that I could tell... For once the armada of the humans trying to reclaim earth does not return from deep space but comes from Mars. You can read "Mars base" written on some of the ships. I don't think there was an Admiral Hunter or a SDF-3 either in the original show.
The "Invid flower of Life" probably doesn't exist either, but the references to it are few and far between and can easily be substituted with other things.
Having its focus on a small group instead of the Big Picture probably saved the show from too drastic editing.
Robotech Is Back Now!!
Sal Paradise | Washington, DC | 02/15/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"When I purchased this I had how many episodes comprised the "new generation" I was pleasantly surprised. I remember New Generation the 3rd chapter in the saga of Robotech as being one of my favorites next to the Macross Saga. Scott, Rand, Rook, Lance (or Lancer), Annie and that big Mexican looking dude that reminds me of Hunk of the Voltron series. They all struggle to get to Reflex Point to kick some Invid butt and their adventures are the stuff of nostalgia. I thought I would never see Robotech again after it went off the sci/fi channel but now it's back thanks to fans around the world. Robotech fans rejoice!"
Best of the 3 acts
Sal Paradise | 01/06/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This is my favorite act of the robotech saga. I remember taping the series daily in my youth to get the whole series on tape. Don't expect a great trasfer to the DVD format though because the first two robotech acts are about as bad as it gets as far as picture quality goes the only advantage of the dvd format for this release is that it won't suffer from degradation due to time. What makes this the best of the three Robotech acts is the great story line, character development, and the awesome mecha. Who doesn't want to hop on to a Cyclone and kick some Invid [behind]. This also features some great animation once again probably the best animated of the 3 acts. Highly recommended and its easier than buying the dvd's separate."
Definitely a must-have box set!
Walter L. Taylor Jr. | Buffalo, NY USA | 11/22/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Robotech has always been one of my favorite tv shows of the 80's. The action was non-stop, the weapons were great, and the storylines for each episode, had you on edge. It takes it's place in the top 5 animated tv shows by far.
I wasn't that into the 2nd saga, the Hover Tanks, driven by Dana Sterling. Not to say that it wasn't good, but it didn't grab me like the 1st and 3rd. Season 1, Rick, his big brother Roy, Lisa, and Lin Minmay, kept you coming back for more each week. The love triangle between Rick, Lisa, and Minmay, was some true soap opera stuff. Also, who could resist that tingle in your body when the jets went from plane,to guardian, to robot modes? C'mon , you couldn't!
Season 3, awesome! Scott Bernard, Rand, Rook, and Yellow Dancer aka Lancer. Rook was indeed, the best on the team. That red bike she rides, had some off the hotest weapons. But I will not take away from the rest of the pack. Lancer pushed that blue bike to the limits. I loved how his wheel caps turned into hand blasters.
This takes me back to 11:00am Sat. mornings 1987. That's back when EVERY local channel showed cartoons from 5am( starting with Bullwinkle & Rocky on ch. 2, ending w/ Looney Tunes Hour on ch. 7) to 12pm. Cartoons nowadays, don't have that rush of excitment, I mean the Nicktoons, are good, but kids today, will never have what we had. From G.I. Joe(80's) to Transformers( the original gen. 1), to Robotech, they gave the animated series the same type of audience that comes with your most watched reality show. Damn, I miss growing up."