It's Megacop vs. Megacop when Detroit's cyborg crime-fighter hits the streets to protect the innocentthis time from coporate greed! Laced with a sardonic sense of humor (Drama-Logue) and packed with action scenes coming... more » at a deliberate clip (Boxoffice), Robocop 3 is thrilling sci-fi adventure that will have you on the edge of your seat! When the ruthless corporation that runs Motor City begins kicking families out of their homes to clear space for a profitable new real estate project, Robocop (Robert John Burke, Copland) joins forces with a renegade band offreedom fighters to save them. But Robocop must face some deadly foes, including a lethally efficient android and a dangerous gang of thugs. Robocop's latest arsenal of high-tech weaponry only somewhat evens the battlefield as this one lone superhero takes on the entire army of corporate militia inan all-out war to control Detroit!« less
The Robocop metal deteriorated as they made more of these films.
Movie Reviews
Completely horrible
N. Durham | Philadelphia, PA | 09/16/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Remember how blood curdlingly violent and loaded with dark humor the original Robocop was? Even it's first sequel had it's share, and that was partly what made the original Robocop so great, especially in the hands of Paul Verhoeven. With Robocop 3, Verhoeven is definitely gone, as is the violence and the dark humor, and so is original star Peter Weller, who wisely chose to skip this horrible schlockfest. Robert John Burke (Stephen King's Thinner, frequent guest roles on TV's Rescue Me and Law & Order: SVU) has the unfortunate task of playing Detroit's cyborg cop, taking on police corruption and such. There's not one redeeming factor about Robocop 3; just about everything from the action pieces, to the story, to the effects, are just plain bad. The surprisingly solid cast of supporting actors, including the returning Nancy Allen as Robocop's partner Lewis, along with CCH Pounder, Jill Hennessy, and Daniel Von Bargan, are wasted. All in all, there's a reason this was laughed at by audiences and critics when it was first released, and any fans of Robocop should just do themselves a favor and pretend this movie never happened."
Why Why WHY?
Michael Crane | Orland Park, IL USA | 08/23/2002
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Robocop: An awesome cult classic that is one of my favorite movies.Robocop 2: Had some problems, but not too bad. Still, nothing compared to the first one. It was still dark and violent, at least.And Robocop happened? Everything that made Robocop so good in the first place is all taken out of this flop of a movie. Oh man, is it terrible! This is a true example of Hollywood trying to make a quick buck. There was no thought process that went into this movie whatsoever. And, pretty much like any other sequel or installment, it loses all of the danger, evil, and violence that was found in the first two.Robocop......PG-13.......... Okay. While we're at it, why not make a sequel to "Pulp Fiction" and have it rated G. Okay. And while we're at it, we'll make another Crow movie and turn it into a Walt Disney cartoon so everyone can enjoy it! Jeez!So, "Robocop 3" basically stinks on every level. However, I must confess that if I were given a choice between this or "Batman and Robin," chances are I'd go with this one. Still, do not consider that a complement."
The worst of the series, but not one of the worst films ever
John | UK | 11/21/2003
(1 out of 5 stars)
""RoboCop" (1987) was a hard action picture with an edge and a heart. It had a strong sense of everything--brains, heart, social satire, and wit, probably all thanks to Paul Verhoeven, the eccentric Dutch man responsible for "Total Recall" and "Basic Instinct.""RoboCop 2" (1990) lost the heart but still had the violent edge. It seemed somewhat geared towards children, the plot was tired and recycled, the violence still packed a punch but lacked the seriousness and dramatic flair of the first film. In a sense, all humanity shining through the RoboCop character from the first film was gone."RoboCop 3" (1993) has none of the above. It has no heart, it has no brains, it has no sly social puns, and it has no hard violence. It's goofy and stupid. Over-the-top and obnoxious. Some qualites are redeemable. Most are not. It's undoubtedly the worst of the series.Filmed in 1991 and delayed for two years due to film company Orion's pending bankruptcy, "RoboCop 3" centers around Murphy, a.k.a. RoboCop (Robert John Burke) joining forces with evicted squatters who are opposing Omni Consumer Products, the new conglomerate company running Detroit, which is kindly referred to as the homeless citizens as Opposing Capitalist Pigs.OCP is no longer run by The Old Man (Daniel O'Herlihy), but rather The CEO (Rip Torn), a character played over-the-top for laughs that never come; he is in fact a sort of subtle summary of the entire movie. He is in cahoots with the Japanese to throw citizens of futuristic Detroit out of their homes and onto the street so that he can level their homes and build big money-making skyscrapers.RoboCop doesn't like this one bit, and after seeing a lone child named Nikko (Remy Ryan) run across a street and into the arms of squatters, he decides it's time to protect the innocent and delete his fourth directive, which instructs him to not oppose a member of OCP. After Lewis (Nancy Allen) is killed my a corrupt OCP employee, he swears to take vengeance and uphold the law. What a digression the "RoboCop" series has made! It started as a biting social satire, a hard action film with loads of wit, and an emotional tale with subtle hints at humanity and the warnings of regenreating the dead. It was "Frankenstein" and "The Terminator" intertwined into one gigantic, non-stop, thrill-packed rollercoaster ride. Watching "RoboCop 3" is like trying to focus on a Saturday morning cartoon serial with an invincible hero defeating uncountable foes amidst a very, very unfocused backdrop. It's hard to do. Co-characters extended in this film were made clearer in the first installment when they were given less time on screen. Johnson (Felton Perry), the black man who gave Robo the thumbs up at the end of the first film, is now partly a bad guy. He was supposed to be a fairly good guy in the first two. What's happened to him? I doubt the movie cares much.Peter Weller, who said making the first two films in this trilogy was the worst experience of his acting career (the suit was heavy and hot, shedding some number of pounds off his body on a daily basis), has left the series for more attractive projects, leaving John Robert Burke to fill in his shoes. Burke is okay in the suit, but his voice sounds too robotic when he speaks, lacking the monotone calmness that Weller possessed without any type of digital alteration. Weller's voice sounded like a man who was fused with gadgetry and somewhat hidden underneath an alternate identity. Burke just sounds like a robot, leaving all sense of humanity at the door. And with the mask off, his facial features look splattered with too much makeup and plastic, probably an ill-fated effort to cover up Weller's disappearance. It's not a biggie, as RoboCop himself is barely in this film at all.Yes, that's right, RoboCop is not really the subject of this movie at all. Perhaps because Weller left they decided to keep RoboCop off frame for as long as possible. He is introduced some fifteen minutes into the film during a heated (and ridiculous) car chase, he gets injured and disappears throughout most the film, comes back for a bit, then saves the day. It's like when they tried to cover up Crispin Glover's absence in "Back to the Future Part II"--only Zemeckis knew how to do it right. Fred Zekker, the director of "RoboCop 3," does not. Paul Verhoeven was (and I say "was" because he is now a has-been) a great director. He got away with over-the-top action because he had a way of making it brutal, gleeful and downright excellent, while managing to insert levels of humanity (remember Quaid's background in "Total Recall"? The flashback sequences in "RoboCop"?). Zekker's over-the-top style is different. Very different. Zekker is the type of director who should be in the cartoon business, not the movie business. It's obvious that he knows how to make adventure serials with over-the-top childish blow-'em-up action, long passages of cheesy dialogue between cardboard characters, and anticlimatic battles. Now it's time for him to prove that he can show the decent amount of courtesy to make a satisfying conclusion to a great movie. He has, in essence, failed."RoboCop 3" is rated PG-13 for language, childish violence and idiotic sequences of stupid battles.Footnote: A complaint of mine in "RoboCop 2" was that the RoboCop suit had been remodeled as a type of overweight blueberry as opposed to the sleek silver armor seen in the original. They've got the armor back in "RC3." They don't have the direction skills. If it's not one thing, it's another...*sighs*."
Nick Preston | Baldwinsville, NY United States | 05/14/2000
(1 out of 5 stars)
"When a movie has dialogue like, "I thought your ninja was supposed to take care of RoboCop!", it ain't gonna be Citizen Kane. It won't even be a good RoboCop movie. But if you must indulge, look for the strings holding up RoboCop when he flies. Yes, I said look for the strings holding up RoboCop when he flies."
Great DVD set!
M. Smith | 09/08/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I watched Robocop a long time ago and loved it. Watching it again now is even better. What a great movie!!! There was so much in it that I didn't pick up when I was a teenager, but now, watching it from a man's prospective, it's a totally different experience. I really get sucked into it!
The version of Robocop in this set is the "un-rated" version. Some of the scenes are extremely grusome. A lot more grusome than they were in the "R" rated version. (After seeing these scenes, I actually thought twice about eating red meat.) I would definitely keep kids away from watching it. Robocop 3 on the other hand (rated PG-13), is very strangely more family oriented. A lot less violent, with no use of the "F" bomb. Not as good as the other two movies, but it has it's moments.If you remember and liked the Robocop movies (especially the first one), this set is worth picking up. The movies were ahead of there time and have aged very well. A "must have" DVD set for me, and maybe for you too!"