The Robert Greenwald Collection
Kevin L. Nenstiel | Kearney, Nebraska | 02/11/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This collection brings together three movies produced by Robert Greenwald in one inexpensive box. Please note these are movies produced by Greenwald; he driected two of the movies, but one, Unconstitutional, was directed by Nonny de la Peña.
The three movies are:
1) Uncovered. A selection of experts comes together to comment on the merits and logic of the intelligence on WMD that led us into the war to topple Saddam Hussein. Though the experts are not equally of one mind, they seem to agree that the arguments for war were unsound and the war is unjust. Please note, this is the original one-hour version of this film from late 2003, not the feature-length version released in 2004.
2) Unconstitutional. What were the circumstances behind the passage of the USA Patriot Act? What are its provisions? What are its ramifications? The sad fact is, no one seems to know. The language is muddy and incomprehensible, and as it is with your auto loan, so it is with your government: if you can't read the language and understand it yourself, someone is trying to hoodwink you.
3) Outfoxed. Media mogul Rupert Murdoch has his own idea what news should be, and it's not just cold hard facts. Media critics, journalists, former Fox employees, and others come together to dissect the Fox News Network and shed some light on the inner workings of its politically motivated machinery that take place out of sight of the public.
This collection also includes a disc of bonus content that embellishes on the content of the documentaries, showcases the publicity that has accompanied the films, and details some of the process of making and distributing the movies in a timely manner. This disc is, frankly, boring.
Not everyone will appreciate these films. Robert Greenwald and his creative team start with a position in mind and marshal evidence to support the conclusion they want. People so firmly entrenched in their beliefs that they don't want to hear other arguments will shut their eyes and ears, while people who agree with the positions in these films will only be ratified in what they already think.
But in a media environment that has fallen in love with the documentary film as a means of communicating ideas back and forth, Robert Greenwald has perfected the concept of reaching out to an audience without resorting to the slick urbanity of Morgan Spurlock or the self-superior smirk of Micheal Moore. This collection is a good way to get your hands on a thorough introduction to Greenwald's work. This collection is recommended for political fanatics, documentary afficianadoes, and film lovers looking to learn more about the world around them."
Outspoken & | Denver | 02/21/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"These DVDs ought to be required viewing in every classroom and every household in America. They are extremely well done and absolutely riveting in exposing dangers inherent in the machinations that are driving our country."
Robert Greenwald Documentaries are perfect for Introduction
Denise E. Walters | Denver, CO, USA | 01/04/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I originally purchased this collection because it was the only place that I could find "Outfoxed," which I had wanted to use in my Introduction to Mass Media course. However, I found that its contents covered more than just the Murdoch documentary. "Uncovered" works well when the class is dealing with the chapter on Public Relations, in that it offers an in-depth look at spin control as well as crisis management. "Unconstitutional" works increadly well with the chapter on Legal Ethics and legalities involved in mass media. I haven't watched the bonus disc yet, but I highly recommend this collection to anyone teaching any type of journalism course."
Essential Viewing
Chris Corcoran | 02/23/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"All of Greenwald's films should be shown free at theaters and available at public libraries. In addition, movie stars should pony up their funds and pay for these films to be shown on network TV, or at least cable. Stick one of these in place of American Idol one night. Half the people would change the channel for their usual mindless fluff. But maybe half would watch and that would be millions of potential Americans who might learn, and hopefully engage in the political system."