"There are two things wrong with this DVD. The first is that this program is a roast of a man who is known for his rants not bantor so the whole thing comes off flat because this is not the style of humor that Leary or his friends are known for. The funnies person turns out to be his priest. Second this is severely edited. There is an unedited version of Leary's rebutle in the special features and they cut all the good jokes from his rebutle out of the main program. One can only assume that the rest of the program suffered the same fate (as the jokes are not good and do not flow). Also, the editor even cut out pieces of jokes from Leary's rebutle. This means that some jokes were missing the middle and made little sence in the main program. If you like Dennis, go get his DVD with a classic "No Cure for Cancer" and enjoy what he is good at, not what Comedy Central put together for him."
Hilarious; worth owning for Leary fans
N. Durham | Philadelphia, PA | 10/02/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"In the tradition of the New York Friars Club Roasts, Comedy Central's Roast of Denis Leary is deservedly the highest rated program to hit the cable network (next to South Park that is) as it shows the foul-mouthed, scathing comic getting a taste of his own medicine from his closest friends. Hosted by Jeff Garlin of HBO's Curb Your Enthusiasm and featuring live remarks from Colin Quinn, Adam Ferrara, Lenny Clark, Nick DiPaulo, Dane Cook, Mario Cantone, Dr. Dre & Ed Lover, Jim Breuer, Gina Gershon (performing a musical and dance number), along with taped comments from Conan O'Brien, Rene Russo, Jon Stewart, Peter Gallagher, Christopher Walken, Michael J. Fox, and Joe Mantagna; the Roast of Denis Leary is full out funny from beginning to end. It's definitely worth picking up for Leary fans (his rebuttal at the end is scathingly funny), although I wish more special features would have been put on the DVD."
In Defense if I may...
Lilly J | Australia | 07/20/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"ALL comedians 'take' or 'borrow' material and you would know this if you have watched years of stand up comedy! Yes Bill Hicks is certainly one of the best, but get over it! You can watch Bill religiously, remembering all his lines, and still not be able to make people laugh. Denis is a funny guy. His friends are funny guys. The roast is good entertainment for those that aren't offended or precious. It didn't rate it's arse off because everyone thinks Denis stole all his stuff from Hicks. No one cares obviously. Don't fear. Hicks memory is not being stomped on... and lets face it, imitation is the sincerest form of flatery, don't you think? This is a great show, top dvd and I had a good old laugh. Lighten up, have a smoke and knock back a beer. Life isn't to be taken too seriously!"
I couldn't have been more disappointed
vs | Redmond, WA USA | 08/24/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Spend your money on one of Leary's performances, not this painfully unfunny waste of 90 minutes. If you've ever watched a comedian struggle mightily to be funny and fail, you know the sort of discomfort I felt when watching these no-names flail on stage. It's telling that the only names of consequence--Stewart and Leary's cousin O'Brien--literally phoned it in. A typically awkward detail: the director cuts away to Keifer Sutherland reaction shots maybe a dozen times, like he's the President at the Lincoln Center Honors or something. It's utterly bizarre. Leary deserved better. I spent the whole time wishing I were watching him do standup--instead of watching him watch his inferiors. His brief closing remarks are amusing enough, but it's too little too late."
Lighten up, Jr It's COMEDY
K. Murphy | Boston,MA | 02/28/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"First of all,to quote Chris Jericho "Lighten up, Jr"! Second, don't write a review that has NOTHING to do with the product.
Now that THAT is over wth on to the review
I saw it when it aired and it was funny as all hell. I HAD to get it when it came out on dvd. Ed Lover, Docter Dre(not Mr. N.W.A.), Colin Quin and others provide some great one-liners when they sum u his career. If you like Dennis Leary or Comedy, you should get this DVD."