W. G. Stockglausner | Columbia, MO USA | 10/15/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"A new twist to the oldest stories are just what is needed to spark the attention of the younger generation. Kids will love these characters obviously created by someone who is genuinely interested in changing the world through love of, and faith in God. Making it fun is part of the attraction! The sweat and attention to detail that went into these products is obvious. The star-level talent contributing to the music package speaks (sings) for itself. Other reviewers with shallow comprehension who can't spell 'hurricane' will fail to see the entertainment value and will selfishly withhold this entertaining teaching tool from children with eager and open minds. I find that offensive."
The worst kind of retelling of sacred stories.
Julie S. Bell | Seattle, WA USA | 10/13/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I'm glad I previewed this before showing it at my church. A child might leave this movie believing that roaches were there in the lion's den helping to mediate between the lions and Daniel. Add a rapping bat with heavy gold jewelry, and the power of the original story is completely lost. I can't in good conscience even pass this on to someone else, as I find it so offensive. It will be in this week's garbage."
A Review of "The Main Event"
August A. Strandberg | Wilton, CT | 11/01/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I have just viewed Thr Roach Approach's The Main Event and found it to be a charming animated story with a biblical theme. Even though it's a child-oriented movie, it is entertaining for adults as well. I strongly recommend it for viewing for the entire family.
August A. Strandberg"