Guitar Gods looks at the pioneering technique of Blackmore that combined virtuosity with flamboyant showmanship, talking to those who knew and played with one of the most controversial frontmen in the history of Rock.
GET THIS ASAP: DON'T WALK, RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vince Palamara | South Park/Bethel Park, PA | 01/24/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD was so much better than I thought it was going to be! I expected a well-intentioned but lame attempt at trying to convey Blackmore's incredible guitar stylings (with an equally well-intentioned but lame 'guitarist/ instructor'), or perhaps a budget 'retrospective' from persons having little or NO connection to the Man In Black telling us all what we already know: he is an amazing guitarist and musician. I WAS WRONG (and I'm very glad I was, too)---Nick Simper (!!!), Glenn Hughes, Joe Lynn Turner, Doogie White, Bob Daisley, and Don Airey, among others, wax on about Ritchie's career (pre-Purple and up to/ including the present day), along with a nice dose of quite rare *audio* interview segments, circa 1974-1998, from Ian Gillan, David Coverdale, and Ritchie himself, among others. AND, to top it all off, some priceless *1974*-vintage footage of MK III Deep Purple at Leeds (including interview segments with Blackmore, Hughes, Lord, and Coverdale)! Now, if that wasn't enough, we are treated to a nice sampling of vintage Deep Purple clips from Mark I, II, and III, as well as Rainbow (from the 1977 concert DVD) AND a very nice booklet (acting as a case for the DVD, as it were) of interviews with Ritchie and others...nice photos, too (before I forget, the DVD has a nice image gallery, too, as well as the standard chapter and audio sections). I was blown away by this, as this was obviously lovingly put together by a fellow Blackmore fanatic...and one with an eye and an ear for giving us some UNIQUE stuff---GET THIS ONE ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Yet another way to take your money-Buy "Black Knight" Instea
Gregory P. Arnold | Northern Virginia, USA | 02/18/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"If you are a complete newbie to Blackmore and Deep Purple or Rainbow then this DVD is a decent enough primer to Blackmore himself. If you are a fan, then you have already heard every anecdote. Blackmore himself does not appear except in 30 year old clips. Many of the interviews are over 30 years old as well. The most recent commets by Blackmore are from 1998. All in all, a bunch of slick repackaged snippets put together in fresh packaging. The face to face interviews w/ Malcom Dome (who is credible), Bob Daisley, Joe Lynn Turner, Glenn Hughes, etc. are okay but amount to fluff. Tell you what. Do two things ( I am a huge Blackmore fan and I'm trying to help you here ) (1)Buy the unauthorized bio "Black Knight" which is a scintillating read and worth twice the price for previously unreleased material, read it, the set up a video camera with 2 or three friends and discuss that book. Package that video and sell it and you'll have produced at least as good a product as this. It's a waste of money, because they do not discuss guitar technique , but wallow in admiration for the man, his accomplishemts, his fame, and his (many) foibles. Spend your money elsewhere for the Blackmore fan in your life. Do not reward this kind of junk."
The Odd guitar God!!!
M. A. Cercone | 02/23/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Very strange how this dvd comes across....Ritchie Blackmore just about burned every one of the musicians he worked with in the past,but to my suprise,watching them get interviewed they all still cherish their time spent with the legend! Go figure!?That tells you something! They all knew that their time spent on stage with Blackmore was about as good as it gets!It was especially good to see Nick Simper (Finally!), Glenn Hughes and Bob Daisley tell their stories of the man in black.This was worth buying this dvd alone!"
Avoid it!
Joao Cucci Neto | São Paulo, Brazil | 05/13/2010
(1 out of 5 stars)
"The package contains a book with some interviews already published in other places (the interview with Blackmore is from an old Guitar Player issue - but in this book it's incomplete). There's no credit on the book - who made the interviews compilation? No dates, no sources, nothing, just the interviews, with no other informations. The DVD have nothing new. Everything apears in others Purple or Rainbow DVDs. I'm from Brazil, what means that I spent more money than the americans because the shipment! Guys, avoid it!"
Complete (as can be) & entertaining.
Stephen Hearn | Australia | 12/28/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I bought this for myself for Christmas. I am a self-confessed Blackmore tragic.
I had seen a lot of the Purple-era stuff before, but interestingly I found myself enjoying the later Rainbow-era part the most. Joe Lynn Turner is interviewed, and I must admit he seems to have improved with age, making a few jokes at his own expense and providing some interesting insights into our subject. He even addresses the churlish "big shoes" comment he made back in the day.
Bob Daisley, Don Airey & Bobby Rondinelli all speak glowingly of Ritchie, commenting on what a good band leader he was, yet most acknowledge his foibles as well. Doogie White is always giving of his opinion & entertaining, and he gives some good insights. I would like to have seen more mid-90's era footage, but only a snippet was shown. Oh, Glenn Hughes has a lot of insightful stuff to say too.
There's some interesting musing over RB's ability to lead & deal with people. Some people don't like this stuff, and I usually count myself amongst them, but given what is commonly known about him (shy, doesn't like people nor suffer fools, etc), I thought this was well handled. Thankfully we are spared the "practical joker" legends, which i was a little surprised about actually, but I think it would add little of any consequence to the story.
I would like to have see more Blackmore's Night stuff, but clearly the producers did not have access/permission to show any footage. This is a pity because otherwise this is a very complete coverage of Blackmore's impressive career. Of course the Holy Grail would be a current interview with the man himself, but I don't know if we'll ever see that. As others have noted, there is precious little footage of RB, and some audio stuff. It's better than nothing.
Like I said, I'm a huge RB fan, and I really enjoyed this. The other commenters are probably right to some extent, there's not a lot new here, but it's very complete, really well presented, contains mostly measured and knowledgable info from people who were there, and moves along nicely. I found myself grinning quite a lot, so that's gotta be a good sign."