Note to all you americans out there
a reader | Gloucester MA USA | 07/07/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I am from london.I remember thinking this was funny back in the 70s then got hold of it again.I haven't laughed so long and hard in years.But you got to have a feel for british humour.If you're not sure you do,get hold of Faulty towers.It has great reviews by americans on amazon.If you like that ,get Blackadder which many say is very funny and they understand the accent.Rising Damp ,you may have to have a good ear because the accent is slightly northern england.My american friend watching it with me said she couldn't always understand what he was saying(so would have missed the facial expressions that go along with it too)These comediens have really funny ways of taking the mickey out of themselves and others in a cynical way.But this doesn't mean sarcastically mean .Far from it.Yet the barbs are sharper than Are you Being Served.Rising Damp is about a seedy slum landlord(Rigsby)and his 3 tenants.One is a romantic wallflower of a women who Rigsby is always trying to get into bed.Next is a posh african student who is more british than the british.But he's black!Rigsby is somewhat racist.Yes this sounds politically incorrect but don't worry he is always getting put in his place!And the woman has a crush on him.Then a student who Rigsby considers effeminate because he blow-dries his hair and wears rollers at times though he is not gay and the most normal out of all of them.I think Rising damp is far more funny than Faulty towers and Blackadder but then i'm a brit and also not fazed by the slight northern accent of Rigsby."