The most challenging Ripped workout yet!
Beth Cholette | Upstate NY USA | 07/09/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Ripped 1000 is instructor Jari Love's fourth DVD. In this workout, she combines some of the best aspects of her three previous releases plus adds a new twist, cardio intervals. Ripped 1000 follows the same basic principle as the original Get Ripped--ie, you will do a small series of exercises using a high number of repetitions and varied counts (4-4, 3-1, 2-2, etc.). From her second workout, Slim & Lean, Jari includes pulsing reps, and she also includes compound moves similar to those found in her third workout, Ripped to the Core. As I mentioned above, Ripped 1000 also adds cardio intervals using a step (but modifications are always shown without). All of this, and you get Jari's simple, no-nonsense instruction style as well.
The Main Menu on this DVD is as follows: Introduction--Full Workout--Full Workout (Cardio Modifications)--Exercises--Bonus Features--Credits. For the Full Workout with Cardio Modifications, an inset appears on screen showing an alternative option. The Exercises segment is basically a chapter breakdown showing the 20 total chapters: warm-up, 9 cardio segments, 9 strength segments (including abs), and cool-down. Here as with all of the Ripped DVDs, Jari works out with four background exercisers, each of whom shows varying equipment, modificiations, and weight loads (the latter of which are helpfully shown on screen at the start of every exercise).
As in her other workouts, Jari uses light weights for the warm-up and quickly moves through all of the major muscles of the body in the form of squats, side squats, dead lifts, bicep curls, and overhead presses. She then sets the weights down to do some warming up on the step, and she finishes with some stretches for a total of about 5 minutes. The workout itself alternates short cardio intervals (about 1.5 minutes each) with weight segments. For the cardio segments, Jari performs a single move, starting off slow, moving to a quick tempo, then going back to slow and ending with a stretch (there's no choreography to learn). Each weight segment ends with a stretch as well. Here is a general breakdown of the workout:
Cardio 1 (stepovers with jacks)
Side Squat with Lunge Back
Cardio 2 (pulsing squat to skiers)
Stiff Leg Deadlift with Reverse Lunge
Cardio 3 (front toe taps)
Pulse Squat-Pulse Lunges
Cardio 4 (up-up down-down)
Push-Ups (70 declining reps--ie, 16-14-12-10-8-6-4)
Cardio 5 (up-up down-down, other leg)
Clean and Press
Cardio 6 (side taps to skier)
Wide Leg Squat with Biceps Curl
Cardio 7 (down-jack up-jack)
Triceps Extension with Leg Abduction (very unique balance move)
Cardio 8 (football runs)
Chest Press and Chest Flye
Cardio 9 (football runs, other leg)
Abs (lying to stand move with weight, straight leg hip raises, legs in and out, crunch with single leg squeeze, double leg lowers, brief bicycle)
Stretch (floor, standing, step)
The entire workout comes in at just under an hour. I'm a high intermediate exerciser, and I was able to follow Jari's weight loads for most of the moves. However, sometimes I had to modify the compound moves by doing the lower body only, and the only way I made it through the push-up sequence is by doing them on my knees and resting during the 6 reps. For the most part, however, the workout felt quite doable (for some reason, I found this one a bit easier than Ripped to the Core), so I was surprised that after doing it the first time, I was sore for days after! One last thing: the name of this workout supposedly comes from the idea that you will burn 1000 calories while doing it. That seems a little far-fetched to me, but according to my HR moniotr, I'm generally burning close to 500, which I think is still pretty darn good for a 1-hour workout. Get Ripped 1000 is definitely an intermediate to advanced workout that will challenge most exercisers out there; highly recommended!"
Tough and fat burning for sure ;-)
Little Miss Cutey | Melbourne, Australia | 10/20/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I have two other dvds of Jari and because they were so good, I couldn't wait to get a copy of this. It's also fantastic and tough and effective and will have you burning fat and calories like crazy.
It's a great interval workout using step and then weights. You alternate tough repetition body sculpting moves with step for your cardio (it's not too dancy but very challenging). This makes it more effective for fitness training and weight loss. There is one part where you do (or try hard to do) 70 push ups in a row. I can't do it, but this dvd gives you something to work for and try to improve on. If you aren't a good stepper then don't worry. There is no choreography to speak of; it's just a focus on one move and you repeat that for the complete interval to really get your heart rate up.
Don't think this is for the faint of heart. You will need to be somewhat fit to make it through here. If you aren't - then you may get discouraged. If you are starting out, this is an excellent dvd to have on hand for when you get closer to your fitness goals. She's a great instructor who doesn't mess around and will push you to your limits. I really like the challenge."
Tracy M. White | Baltimore, MD | 02/24/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"All I can say is WOW, this is one tough (but excellent) workout. I am an intermediate to advanced level exerciser and incorporating this DVD into my routine is going to get me into the best shape ever. No question about that!
There is a short segment of ab work, and I would like to see more, but if you're like me and do other things through the week targeted to your abs, you will be fine.
Five stars for Jari!"
Go Jari, Go!
DaisyDo | 05/01/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I ordered this DVD after I ordered "Get Ripped! To the Core". I really enjoy the Jari Love DVDs. I'm not new to workout DVDs, but I needed something to do other than my older Tea Bo workouts.
This DVD is different than the other Ripped! discs because it incorporates cardio workouts. After every toning exercise there's different styles of cardio. This disc also features a choice to play the workout with cardio modifications, which is nice if you're newer to working out or just don't feel quite comfortable with the workouts yet.
Two things that I love about the DVDs is that no matter what level you're at you can use them; there's three people along with Jari who demonstrate the workouts at different levels, so whether you're a beginning or advanced you can use this DVD. Another thing that I like is that if you're rushed you can selected any exercise you want. (My older workout DVDs I'd have to fast forward through the workout).
I love Jari Love DVDs now. She's not cheesey and doesn't just do workouts without explaining them. She'll explain the form you're supposed to have and what muscles you're working. She throws in an occasional "Good job", "You can do it", and "Looks good on you", but she's not cheesey about it.
This DVD is challenging, but you can always pause and come back! She's like a personal trainer any time of the day!"