And the winner is.......
mr. snrub | Out there in La La Land | 01/19/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"RING OF FIRE II: BLOOD AND STEEL is without question Don "The Dragon" Wilson's best film ever. Those disappointed by the fact that he only had one major fight in RING OF FIRE will find that he more than makes up for it here.
In fact, so does everyone else. While I was disappointed that Gary Daniels was not in BLOOD AND STEEL, most of the rest of the kickboxing cast from RING OF FIRE are back, and it is evident that everyone was determined to make a kung fu maovie so action-packed that it would be almost impossible to dislike.
And as far as I'm concerned, they have. Don particularly shines in the film. Never has he been faster, tougher, or more determined to kick ass. And everyone one of his martial art compadres (Eric Lee, Ron Yuan, Vince Murdocco, Dale Jacoby) get their oppurtunity in the spotlight as well, and they do not disappoint.
And to top it off, the film's head villian, Kalin, is played by non other than everyone's favorite kickboxing tough guy, Ian Jacklin. He and Don have a fantastic climactic duel that will blow you away.
If you hated every single other movie that Don "The Dragon" Wilson has been in, RING OF FIRE II: BLOOD AND STEEL is the one to see. If you loved all of his other movies, RING OF FIRE II: BLOOD AND STEEL puts them all to shame."
Just Leave Your I.Q. At The Door
Gary Young | Tucson, AZ USA | 11/25/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Wow! "Ring of Fire 2" takes an entirely different route than the original. The first installment was a Romeo and Juliet type of romance set against a backdrop of a cross-culture martial arts fued. Don "The Dragon" Wilson was the romantic lead and left most of the fight scenes to his capable co-stars.
The sequel, on the other hand, is a non-stop action film. Don, reprising his role of Johnny, and his buddies go underground(literally!) in search of the gang leader who kidnapped his fiance(Maria Ford, reprising her role- but with a different hair color!).
The plot is totally contrived, but this is just such a likable knucklehead of a movie that it's hard not to like it. Don the Dragon gets plenty of fight scenes this time around. Wise move.
"Ring of Fire 2" is solid action entertainment. Just remember to leave your I.Q. at the door and you'll love it."
Not as good as the first installment
dominion_ruler | Carolina, USA | 04/21/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Ring of Fire 2 goes in a completely different direction than the first Ring of Fire, concentrating more on fight action than story. The best thing about ROF2 is many of the retruning cast members from the first movie, and this time, all fighting on the same side instead of against each other.
Here is an example of some of the martial arts cast list in this movie, enough of a reason to own ROF2:
Don Wilson (Bloodfist series)
Dale Jacoby (No Retreat No Surrender, Bloodmatch)
Vince Murdocco (Kickboxer 2, To Be The Best)
Ron Yuan (To Be The Best, White Tiger)
Eric Lee (Talons of the Eagle, Fists of Iron)
Ian Jacklin (Death Match, Kickboxer 3)
Evan Lurie (Tiger Claws 2, American Kickboxer 2)
The story is so simple, that the action pretty much is the story. Bad guy gang (led by the Ian Jacklin and Evan Lurie charcaters) take Johnny's girl (Maria Ford) to the underground, and the good doc and his 4 buddies from the first Ring of Fire movie, go in to find her. From there on out its one action scene after another, battling their way through. The only positive element of the story I found was the Sy Richardson character, ex army man, who explains his views and opinions of the world above while trying to survive in the world below.
Most of this movie is cheesy as heck, with underground garbage gangs and shadow warriors dressed in costumes from the carnival. The only entertaining fights are those in the Ring of Steel (yes Steel, no Fire in this movie) put on by the villains. Don Wilson gets to fight Evan Lurie in the ring, and then finally a several minute final showdown against Ian Jacklin above ground that is basically an average fight.
Lots of action is the theme of this movie and a good cast, but no story and the fights are just average. Unfortunately, the skills of some of these guys - Ron Yuan and Vince Murdocco for ex. - are not used to their fullest."