When mild-mannered Ricky takes revenge on the drug pushing thugs who killed his girlfriend, he is sentenced to a maximum security prison. Within these walls lies a penitentiary like no other, run by a host of evil characte... more »rs. A sadistic warden, his sniveling assistant, and the powerful Gang of Four all control the inmates through terror and brutal death!« less
OH MY SCIENCE (yes I know that is getting worn out, but its still funny)!!! If you have not seen this, go go now and get this! Anyone remember the Daily Show when it was funny (that is, when it was hosted by Craig Kilborn)? His 5 Questions portion. I think he used it on his NBC show also. Any way it is amazing through and through. Rated the equivalent of "X" for gore! Anyone know where to see the animation?
Movie Reviews
A tour de force of blood, mayhem, and carnage - 5 stars
(5 out of 5 stars)
"You MUST buy/rent/steal the video "the story of Ricki Oh"....An instant classic and quite possibly the most violent, gory, and graphic film ever made. Multiple gorings, eye gougings,stabbings, impalings, and dismemberments. Dudes get buried alive, encased in concrete, flayed, their tongues cut out, crushed under presses, and run through meat grinders. Guys are chopped in the face with swords, boards studded with nails, and have wood planes run up their face. Did I menntion that the prison warden in this movie shoots prisoners with exploding bullets that make them expand like balloons beforee they burst like road kill underneath a car tire?The hero ricki punched through dudes, decapitates his enemies with oopen fist blows, crushes guys heads like he's popping a zit. There's even a scene where a guy, who is about to die in a fight with Ricki, grabs a knife and stabs himself in the stomach...then he pulls out his intestines and tries to strangle ricki with them.... With memorable lines like:"They gave me 30 pounds of rice to cut you up, turn you into mince meat, and put you in a pie...""Oscar has shown his tatoos...now he must kill!!!!""Ricki, I am your uncle. I have known you since your were 7 or 8 years old, when you possessed suoperjuman strength. Do you still possess your super human strength?""Chi Cong feeds on strength!!!!!""I have hit you in your death spot..soon you will die""His style of Kung Fu is unorthodox...I do not think I can defeat him...""
"I was promised seven bags of rice to turn you into mince me
cookieman108 | Inside the jar... | 01/04/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Based on a Japanese manga by Tetsuya Saruwatari, which developed into an animated series and finally this live action film, Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky (1992) aka Lik Wong is probably one of the most comically gonzo, graphically gory features I've seen since viewing Peter Jackson's comical horror splatter fest Dead Alive (1992) aka Braindead. Written and directed by Ngai Kai Lam (Erotic Ghost Story), the film stars Siu-Wong Fan (Supercop 2) as a young man with superhuman abilities who ends up taking on the sadistic leaders of a corrupt prison system. Also appearing is Mei Sheng Fan (Year of the Dragon), Frankie Chin (Operation Scorpio), Yukari Oshima (Death Triangle), and Ka-Kui Ho (Once Upon a Time in China II).
As the movie, set in the not to distant future of 2001 A.D., begins, we learn prisons have been privatized, and are run as franchised businesses, at least in Hong Kong, and we witness the arrival of a group of new inmates including a young, muscular man named Ricky. Shortly after settling in to his new surroundings, Ricky runs afoul of a mid-level flunky/bully, who subsequently recruits a homicidal blimp named Silly Lung to dispatch Ricky in the shower. Thing is Ricky isn't any ordinary schmuck, as he possesses superhuman strength along with powerful kung fu, enough to punch a hole through his obese attacker's guts causing them to spill out all over the floor. This causes the sadistic assistant warden, a fat slob with a hook for a hand and a prosthetic eyeball, to take notice, enough so to order the Gang of Four, a group of powerful prisoners with awesoma skills who rule the inmate population, to take Ricky to task. As Ricky stands up to the powerful and brutal leaders of the prison, the rest of the inmates start developing a rebellious attitude, seeing Ricky not only as their hero but their savior. Things eventually come to a head as Ricky uncovers, and subsequently destroys, an illicit business being run from the prison, resulting in the Warden, who was on vacation, making the scene, with his fat, goofy, annoying son in tow. More fights ensue along with some flashbacks, eventually leading to a full-scale riot as Ricky finds himself battling the warden himself, whose unorthodox kung fu is mighty to say the least.
This film extremely violent, disgustingly gory, and actually, pretty funny, if you share a decidedly bent sense of humor. A lot of the comedy comes from the ridiculous English translations of the dialogue, along with the outlandish, and often grotesque, situations that ensue during the fight scenes. There's one scene where Ricky literally guts an opponent and the man, in his death throes, uses his own intestines to try and strangulate Ricky. Perhaps one of my more favored lines of dialogue, taken from the English subtitles, comes as Ricky threatens the warden with the following exclamatory statement...
"You'll die mutilated today!"
Classic stuff...I can't wait to use that line at work...anyway, I learned a number of things from this movie, including the following...
1. If you're a wee, runty little fellow in prison it's probably best not to attack someone larger than you with a hand plane as they'll probably swipe it from you and use it to peel your face off, which, I'm guessing, is as painful as it sounds.
2. In prison deceased inmates are transported wearing handcuffs, as I guess there's a concern that they may come back as the undead and try to escape.
3. Severed tendons can be tied together in order to restore ones ability to utilize the affected limb.
4. Crows seem to really love eyeballs, especially ones knocked out of someone's skull during a fight.
5. Prison cell doors are rarely locked allowing the prisoners to come and go as they please.
6. Apparently a flute and a trumpet sound so much alike they can be mistaken for one another.
7. Keeping your prosthetic eye in the same glass of water that you drink from is kinda disgusting.
8. The hollow part of a glass eyeball is a great place to store your breath mints.
9. A leaf can be played in such a way that it sounds exactly like a flute...that is if you've still got your tongue.
10. Prison finks generally don't fare well behind bars as they usually end up getting their skin removed or having their head literally punched off.
As far as the story, well, it's fairly dodgy as there's plot holes galore (some of them ginormous enough to drive a bus through), but the visceral action sequences (the head popper bit is worth the price of admission alone) are copious and spread evenly throughout enough so to have kept me distracted from such shortcomings. Just to give you an idea of the brutality consistent with the film in one scene our hero is immobilized in a strange, rebar construct, and he's being uncooperative during the subsequent interrogation, which results in one of his tormentors shoving a fistful of razor blades in Ricky's mouth, taping it shut, and then smacking him viciously in the face. I won't tell you what happens next, but it's truly classic. All in all this is a spectacularly horrific film, certainly not for all audiences, but if you like your action extremely violent and cartoonish, your gore abundant, and your subtitled dialogue atrocious, then this one should be right up your alley.
The back of the DVD case for this Tokyo Shock DVD release states the picture is presented in widescreen, with an aspect ratio of 1.85:1, but I'd say it looks closer to 1.78:1...regardless, the picture is fairly clean and comes across well, and the Dolby Digital audio, available in Cantonese, Mandarin, and English, is decent. There are subtitles in Chinese and English, along with the original theatrical trailer, cast and crew biographies and filmographies, along with a text synopsis of the plot. Also included are previews for the films Heroes Shed No Tears (1986), Last Hurrah for Chivalry (1978), Duel to the Death (1982), and Magnificent Butcher (1979).
Nothing Compares to Ricky-Oh
Peter Mastromarino | 04/15/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Incredible storytelling and spellbinding performances make Ricky-Oh arguably the finest cinematographic work ever produced. The exposition is unforgettable, suspenseful and riveting. The characters, plot, and conflict are introduced with such masterful artistry that the film could end after the first half hour and rightfully be declared as the pinnacle of movie-making.Yet events transpire, with the awe-inspiring resolution filling you with a surge of emotion. One of the most memorable denouements of all time marks the end of the this most memorable of films.If you never see this movie, in no way can you *ever* claim to be a well-educated person of the arts. This is a bona-fide classic, a seminal work that encapsulates our century. You owe it to yourself to see this film."
Lai wong.
Puzzle box | Kuwait | 07/07/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The story of ricky has got to be one of the most absurd and goriest film to come out of Hong Kong. Even though there isn't any long fight scenes since Riki-Oh gets to punch his way through prison gaurds or any one that gets in his way the film is deffinently one of the most insane Kung fu films I have ever seen. The blood and gore is so over the top that it seems to rival the level of violence in films like Peter Jackson's dead alive and the toxic avenger, scenes like one of the fat prisoners getting his stomach sliced open and his guts spilling all over the place will tell you imediatley what type of film your watching, as the film progresses it gets increasingly more violent as heads are being smashed in and limbs are hacked off you also get an evil prison warden that has a gun with exploding bullets and a meat grinder that well you'll just have to see it for your self, the gore scenes are plentyfull and it is definently not for the weak of stomach but then you will realise its not be taken seriously as some of the scenes are un-intentionaly halarious like Ricky Oh's girlfriend comiting suicide by jumping of a roof while attempting to escape from the drug dealers, nice one. The story of Ricky was based on a popular Japanese manga or comic book and as you can see from the original trailer the scenes were taken from the comic book exactley with all the nauseating detail, the story takes place in a high maximum security prison in the year 2001 in the future, Riki-oh is one of the prisnors that gets incarcerated for killing one of the drug dealers out of revenge for killing his girlfriend, Riki-oh soon gets to confront the corrupt prison gaurds and assistent warden who has a hook replaced in his arm and one glass eye that contains mints, yep thats right mints he also gets to drag prisoners from there mouths with his hook. There is also a flash back scene that shows us how Riki-Oh's uncle or as Riki likes to call him uncle ghost trains Riki-Oh and tells him about his super human strength. If that wasn't enough we also get the gang of four that seem to discipline prisoners by torturing them or killing them in gruesome ways like ripping there faces of. Anyway if you like your films to be ultra gory in a funny way then you should deffinently check out The story of Ricky, I must have watched this film alot since I had bought it last year it was definentley good."
Oh oh OH, Ricky!
Sean E. Mcgrath | Austin, TX USA | 09/11/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"What more can one say except that this is a movie you MUST have in your collection!!! It will horrify your parents! Your pets will hide under the couch! Friends will think you are twisted and super-cool! "The Story of Ricky" is Hong Kong's answer to The "Evil Dead" Trilogy: over the top, disgusting and totally hilarious.Ricky is sent to prison for killing the thugs who kidnapped his girlfriend after she witnessed a drug deal and jumped off a roof to escape said thugs. Granted, it was lemming behavior (and somehow not as poignant as Isaac falling to his roof-induced death in "SMilla's Sense of Snow"), but this is Hong Kong Cinema and Ricky is HUGE and needs revenge. So.. jail. It's not "Cool Hand Luke" per se but there is a heirarchy and I KNOW one fo the wardens HAD to have said, "Son, what we got here is a failure to communicate" but it never made it to the subtitles. Ricky navigates the heirarchy by eliminating the Wing Bosses, using wood lathes in rhinoplasty, doing surgery on himself, being strangled by people's intestines (while they are still attatched to them. Was this a homage to "The Reanimator"? Could be!) all the while befriending tongueless mutes and playing Enya-like music on blades of grass.Ricky is not only HUGE but he's a Sensitive New Age Guy, too. A SNAG who kicks butt.I don't have enough space to delve into the homoerotic scenery and undertones, but it ranks with "Midnight Express". Trust me.In conclusion, "The Story of Ricky".. buy it. It's a wonderful and horribly horribly horribly violent movie that brings a smile to my face and song to my heart."