Your Readings will become powerful, Informative and insightful once you learn the Symbolism of the Tarot. Symbolism is the language of the Tarot. This program easily teaches you that language, plus more! DVD Incl... more »udes: -In-depth on camera demonstrations of sample spreads explaining and illustrating step-by-step how to use Symbolism in your Tarot readings. -The Symbolism of the illustrations on all 22 Major Arcana cards are highlighted and explained. -The Symbolism of the Fools Journey through the Major Arcana. -An overview of the Symbolism of the Minor Arcana, including the four elements: Wands, Pentacles, Cups, and Swords. -Plus more guidance with Symbolism and the Tarot! Morgan Ki'ilehua is back again as your on camera instructor in the second in the series of Rider-Waite Tarot DVDs. Psychic since childhood, on camera instructor Morgan Ki'ilehua has been a professional reader and teacher of the Tarot for over 20 years. Morgan has authored several books on the Tarot and teaches metaphysics. She is also an Ordained Minister and a member of the Rosicrucian Order.« less
Just as great as the 1st in series, if not better!
john berry | Sedona AZ USA | 08/06/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I would suggest buying this video to anybody who is interested in learning about symbolism on tarot decks and want to have or give stronger readings. It will really amaze you. It has helped my readings a great deal. Graphics of the cards on the video are wonderful and easy to see and understand. And just a lot of information throughout the whole video. You could look at the video everyday for a year and learn something new about the tarot. Morgan is great just like on her 1st one."
Really awful
Inky Thumb | Boston, MA | 07/11/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I have been buying from Amazon for years, and this is the first review I'm posting, because I want to warn others that this DVD is absolutely terrible! It's cheezy beyond belief, and the woman who narrates is SO slow, and sounds like she could be reading from one of those booklets that comes inside a tarot pack. The "sample spreads" are ridiculous...they give nothing interesting, just the absloute most obvious and simplistic information. Please, spare yourself. I thought a DVD might be more "entertaining" than a book, but boy, was I wrong."
Like taking a class - At home
Nancy S. | Illinois | 03/07/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The video may not be to everyone's taste, but it is not intended for entertainment. The "instructor" walks us through the major arcana cards, giving insight into all the details and what they may represent. After going through the major arcana, she introduces the minor arcana cards as she sets out several sample readings. She talks about the individual cards as she lays them out and then summarizes the indications of the spread as a whole. I will be watching my copy again and next time will take notes."
Information easy to Understand
JPB | San Diego CA USA | 08/28/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
Both Tarot DVD program are great! They are just what I wanted and they both had exactly the content in them that was stated on Amazon's product page. I did not want to read or buy a book on the Tarot, so programs fit the bill. Both DVDs had graphics just like a book and explained the symbolism of the cards (1st DVD) or how to read the Tarot intuitively (2nd DVD) and both had sample spreads.
Really, the woman who teaches on camera speaks fine, if she spoke any faster, it would be like a used car salesman.
I have found that most how to DVDs are like books and that's the way they should be. They are for people that do not want to read or have the time to read, but want the information explained to them or maybe they are even dyslexic.
I can say if you are an advance card reader both DVD's content probably not for you.
Enlighten your Tarot Studies!,
Luna Rayo | New York | 02/17/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I suppose some people found this DVD unhelpful. But, to those of you who are picking up the Tarot for the first time these two DVD's are extremely beneficial. She does not talk to fast. If she talked any faster I would have had to rewind. The key point that is so helpful, is that why she is talking she has a card up in the upper left hand corner of her screen - and as she talks she highlights certain parts of the card and explains to you the meaning of why the image is there. She lays out spreads and shows you how to do a mechanical reading and then using the same cards shows you how it would look intuitively - which I found very helpful. I believe her method of teaching was refreshing and will help others too, in further understanding their own spreads. I suppose it's mainly meant for beginners, though I don't feel I'm a beginner and I felt I received wonderful information that was very enlightening. It also gave me insights into certain cards that I had not thought of myself. Out of all the Tarot books I've read to-date I would highly recommend: Joan Bunning's - Learning the Tarot - as she not only gives lessons and exercises in her book to practice, along with a page devoted to each card - her book (in full) is online as well, so you can print out the exercises which is very beneficial. Also, if you check with Barnes and Nobles they offer a FREE online course that uses this same book and further helps you in your studies, with support and students too boot, all for free. However, with all of these tools, the Tarot is still a very difficult study for so many, which is the reason so many give up. These two DVD's offer insights that the free B&N course and books don't give you. And to boot they give you a feeling of sitting with a professional reader that you won't get from any book. I believe these two DVD's complimented the Joan Bunning approach and taught me new ways of viewing the Tarot. I highly recommend both DVD's. Most Tarot courses tell you not to stop your studies with their book, so to me I found these three courses most helpful as the free online course (which I think comes out each spring), but you have to check B&N for the dates, gives you support from other beginning students the book is online and follows the course and these two DVD's give you new and exciting insights - personally after all my studies these are the three things I would recommend for beginners as they all compliment each other, and all offer something different. Good luck and may the Spirit of the Tarot guide you to the books and programs that will best help you become the best Tarot Reader you can be... Also, you can probably find the dates from Joan Bunning's website on when B&N is offering the free Tarot course better then searching the B&N sight for it, as they only offer that 30 days before it is do out, and Joan Bunning's site is more up to date.