Like David running toward Goliath. Or Moses and the Israelites backed against the Red Sea with Pharaoh and his army bearing down on them... just when all hope seems lost, God parts the waters! The giant is defeated! — In Am... more »erica, this could be our "Red Sea" moment when it s the darkest just before the dawn, and God splits the sea and we go walking right through! IF WE HAVE EYES TO SEE.
Kirk Cameron gathered his most brilliant, insightful, and faithful friends and asked, "At a time like this, when things seem so dark, what can we do?" Their answers were filled with HOPE and OPTIMISM. They gave a NEW PERSPECTIVE, REFRESHED SPIRITS, and REVIVED HEARTS. We can't keep this to ourselves. We must share this encouragement with the family of God!
Featuring Dr. Ben Carson, Francis Chan, Eric Metaxas, Passion Band, Dr. James MacDonald, Jennifer Rothschild, a prayer with War Room's "Miss Clara" (Karen Abercrombie) and more, experience the powerful National Family Meeting that brought together over 150,000 people in theaters across the U.S. to re-discover our nation's faith-filled roots and cast a vision for our hope-filled future.« less