Donald Rosen | Racine, Wisconsin United States | 11/14/2001
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Anytime a Lee Van Cleef Euro-Western makes it to video, it's an occasion. When it makes it in perfect, pristine condition, it's a special occasion. This exclusive was duplicated by MGM/UA, so the picture quality is excellent. Many of Van Cleef's Italian westerns are duplicated from bad 16mm prints, not so here. This is third in the Sabata series. Van Cleef appeared in the original United Artists feature Sabata, which was followed by Addios, Sabata with Yul Brenner (his only Italian western). The plot about Sabata, gunslinger turned sideshow performer after $5,000 owed to him, is so-so. It's a two star film at best, but the quality of the video brings it up to three stars. NOTE TO AMAZON.COM: let's get more of these films available to us through your arrangement with MGM/UA."
Where is Sabata?
Dancing Ganesha | Bangalore, India | 12/05/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"All I'd like to know is why does not carry the first Sabata installment? Such a classic spaghetti western undoubtedly deserves the respect of being included herein."
Surreal Opening helps save this Spaghetti Western
hille2000 | USA | 04/21/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The surreal opening of this sequel to SABATA is absolutely incredible and is in the best tradition of the outrageousness of the Spaghetti Western genre. Lee Van Cleef once again is Sabata. This film once more demonstrates the humorous acrobatics and ballistic gadgetry of the Spaghetti genre. Unfortunately the story, if there is indeed one, is almost impossible to follow. However, Van Cleef's tongue-in-cheek approach, which he plays expertly off Reiner Schone's scheming loser, saves this one. At this point in time the Spaghetti Western was in its death throes of existence. This film managed to keep the genre going for a few more years."
Return of Sabata 1971
John W . Ford | Los Angeles , California . U.S.A | 08/31/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"They Thought they could trick Sabata .. They were dead wrong ! . The man with gunsight eyes is back . And this time , he's judge , jury and executioner . Lee Van Cleef (1925-1989) , who made his debut portraying a member of the killer gang hired to gun down Gary Cooper (1901-1961) in " High Noon (1952) " , replays his most famous , most freewheeling , most gunslinging role in RETURN OF SABATA . This third-go-round for the enigmatic sharshooter who administers a qnique brand of justice in the American Western in the years following the Civil War finds Sabata in the role of victim . Sabata's skills as a gambler and theif are unparalled . However , when a shifty band of desperadoes bilks him out of 5.000 USD , he wants revenge . International showman Alberto Grimaldi ( 1925 - )* The Good , the Bad , and the ugly * (1966) makes no exeption with SABATA , bestowing upon the gunslinger an aim that straight..and deadly . High Quality Transer
2 1/2 stars - Return of Sabata is no Sabata
Robert W. Grandcolas | Eatontown, NJ United States | 08/12/2007
(2 out of 5 stars)
"The third in the series cannot hold a candle to the original Sabata. And is obviously shot on a much smaller budget and scale then the flawed Adios Sabata.
In 'Return of Sabata' Van Cleef and most of the original cast from Sabata are back but have the thankless task of trying to keep a somewhat dull and confusing film on track. They almost manage it. The opening theme song is typical of the problems with the film. Like the film - you don't know how to take the song. Is it unintentionally inept and silly or purposely tongue in cheek, campy or meant as joke? There are too many paterns and ideas started and then dropped - it seems the film makers were trying to be too much for too many. The plot is for the most part incomprehensible. All this said - there are still some clever twists, gimmicks and enough color and humor to keep you entertained. The entire cast is very good. Its also one of the last Van Cleef films of some quality. Stylistically there appears to be some Mario Bava influence - especially on the way the action is filmed and colorful lighting used in a very clever opening scene. Too bad the film makers did not chose to keep this up for the rest of the film.
It is ludicrous that Harry & Michael Medved chose Return of Sabata to be one of their "The Fifty Worst Films of All Time." Did Van Cleef snub them?...hmmmm -
The film stock - crispness, contrast, and color - is excellent. The sound quality - although mono is top grade and full bodied and almost devoid of hiss. There are no extras.