Gilligan (Bob Denver), the Skipper (Alan Hale Jr.), the Howells (Jim Backus, Natalie Schafer), the Professor (Russell Johnson), Mary Ann (Dawn Wells), and Ginger (Judith Baldwin) have been shipwrecked for 15 long years, bu... more »t when a decaying Soviet satellite crashes on the uncharted tropical island, their dreams of rescue finally come true! Or do they?!« less
Don't waste your money. Definitely NOT remastered!
Vorthog | Ontario, Canada | 02/13/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I saw all the bad reviews here, and because of Amazon's confusing policy of posting reviews for ALL the various DVD editions of a particular movie together on the same page, I thought that they must all be referring to the older version that sells for 5 bucks.
When I read Amazon's description for the new 2004 edition released by Westlake Entertainment Group, it said "Format: Original recording remastered, Color, Digital Sound". So I thought this must be a new version nobody had dared to try out yet due to all the negative reviews, and went ahead and forked out the extra 10 bucks to try it.
Well, I'm here to warn you that about the only thing accurate about Amazon's description is that the movie is in colour (faded, yellowed, scratched colour, yes). Although the DVD package claims it has Dolby, the sound is terribly muffled and clearly NOT Dolby quality at all. And NOWHERE on the package does it say anything about being remastered. I don't know where Amazon got this crazy idea, because this company obviously has never even heard of the word "remastered". The picture quality is terrible and the film itself is in very lousy shape.
As for the movie, although it's a key piece in the Gilligan story, unfortunately the writing really drags. You'll find yourself wanting to hit the fast-forward a lot. And with the exception of Mary Ann and maybe Mrs. Howell, it seems that in the intervening years the others have gotten out of practice and forgotten how to act, as they deliver their lines in a very lame and flat way. I found myself missing the brilliant non-stop comedic punch of the original series, as a lot of the comedy here instead seems very awkward and forced, and just falls on its face. Also there is a new Ginger, and while she does do a pretty good job of looking the part, she hasn't mastered Tina Louise's breathy, sexy way of delivering the lines.
So overall I feel like I wasted a lot of good money on a garbage-quality DVD of a very lame movie I probably won't want to watch again. Over the past year I've been stung so many times by el cheap-o outfits putting out shoddy DVDs like this that I am getting so fed up I'm seriously thinking of stopping buying DVDs altogether! I think the industry has got to start setting some standards for quality and policing itself or something. The situation right now is ridiculous! Till then, all we can do is withhold our hard-earned $$$.
So anyway, you have been warned, so don't let them rip YOU off this time too!
Rescued From Gilligans Isle!!!!
Vorthog | 06/12/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The rescue from Gilligans Island was one of the best episodes of Gilligans Island (even though it was a reunion show). It had the same antics of each of the castways. Especially Gilligan. When they find out there is a huge storm going to hit the island they build a raft with one of the huts on it. Mrs. Howell -as the storm was approaching- told everyone that they left their dog outside. Gilligan not thinking runs out into the storm to get the dog. As he runs out the door Mrs. Howell remembers she left the dog at home. The castaways believe Gilligan is lost forever until he is found floating behind them. Soon the coast guard finds them they are took back to civilization and go there seperate ways except Gilligan and the Skipper. GIlligan and the skipper want to buy a boat but they cant without the signatures of the other five castaways. They find each castaway and ask them to come to this big party they have for the launching of their boat they take another 3 HOUR TOUR!! Which they get lost at sea again and get stuck on their own island."
Good ol' Gilligan's Island -- Rotten DVD
Vorthog | 03/05/2002
(3 out of 5 stars)
"The Gilligan's Island episode is the same made for TV movie we have all seen umpteen times, complete with screen blackouts for commericial breaks. The only beef I had with the movie is that the original Ginger, Tina Louise, is missing. As for the rest of the movie it's typical Sherwood Schwartz Gilligan's Island fare: you either like it or hate it. I happen to like it.The DVD itself is another story. It's junk. The colors are horrid. They are washed out and there is a green tint to everything. There are a few bad spots where the picture flips and rolls. I wasn't expecting much for a made for TV movie soundtrack, but this one is epecially bad. You have to turn it up high to hear and then there is a lot of garbling and background noise.As for the "extra features", they are pretty poor. The "interactive trivia game" consists of a grand total of 10 questions which have nothing to do with Gilligan's Island and which few people on earth would ever know the answers to. Not much fun. Do it once and you never need to do it again.So in summary: good flick, rotten dvd."
Hatchet job
M. Hanson | GOLDEN VALLEY, MN USA | 12/16/2001
(2 out of 5 stars)
"when i saw this movie on tv back in 78 i loved it! they finally got off the island(then back on it even though it sunk-but that's the humer on Gilligan's Island) but, what they did to this movie was terrible. most of the older movies reproduced on DVD they actually improved on. But, this was terrible. not only did they not improve the picture, but, then they cut out a bunch of parts so the movie would skip and jump. for example when Mrs. Howell suddenly remembers Fifi (their dog) Gilligan is quick (as usual) to say i'll get her and then goes running out the door. but, here right after Mrs Howell say's she left Fifi behind you suddenly see the skipper fighting to go outside! they cut Gilligans running out the door followed by the skipper! and the movies goes on skipping from one scene to another so 1/4 of the movie doesn't make sense but so much is missing. the worst cut-up is originally the castaways got together on the Minow II for a christmas reunion where Mr. Howell gives everyone a box of money. But, once again (they) cut the scene out and suddenly it's the next morning with the castaways on the boat ready for another tour, the bad guys(russian spys) are there trying to get the disc Gilligan is wearing and Gilligan mentions the Box of money. unless someone saw the original version they wouldn't even have a clue what Gilligan ment by the box of money.
so i say what a hatchet job they did on this movie and the stupid thing was was there was no reason (...), but, i tell ya if i had know what they did i would never have bought it."
Rescue from Gilligan's Island DVD Review
M. Hanson | 12/10/2001
(2 out of 5 stars)
"6 of 7 original castaways are back in action to finally get rescued, in this 1978 movie (originally shown on TV in two big ratings episodes). The only non-original castaway in this movie is Ginger. It's apparent the producers of this movie weren't impressed with Tina Louise choosing not to be involved in Gilligan reunions when they give her replacement horrible, unfunny one-liners. All in all, this movie isn't as good as one of the original episodes, although it is fun to see how the castaways finally get off the island, and what happens to them as they return to their old lives.The DVD itself is disappointing in that no effort was made to clean up the picture or sound. Some scenes are so poorly spliced together that you miss a few words of dialogue.The "extras" on this DVD would have been better off not being included. There's an old Little Rascals episode, and a overly simple 10 question trivia game. Lastly, they include a DVD Glossary of terms. There's no Gilligan related extras...something that would have been a nice bonus for Gilligan fans looking for more info on this movie, and some of the other reunion movies that were made.All in all though, buying this DVD is likely the only way to see this movie, as most video stores wouldn't carry old made for TV movies. In the future, it would be nice if someone would spend a little time and money to actually restore these types of movies instead of just quickly trying to release them asap to the public.This movie is nice for Gilligan fans, but don't expect to convert anyone into being a Gilligan fan by showing them this DVD."