A lonely, down-on-her-luck waitress meets a handsome, quirky jewelry store clerk and thinks that maybe, finally, she s met Mr. Right. The more Molly (Alexis Bledel) gets to know Gus (Zachary Levi), the more she s intrigued... more » by him.
But she s also mystified, and sometimes miffed. Gus is absent-minded, preoccupied. Is there already a girlfriend in his life? Is he harboring some big secret? In other words, Molly wonders, what s his problem? Well, Gus s problem is that three years ago he suffered a brain aneurysm. He had been a brilliant young astrophysicist; now he s totally lost his short-term memory. Every day is a brand new day, his life starts anew. Every day he sees Molly he s not able to connect the dots and recognize just how, exactly, she fits into his life. But there s something about this beautiful, sensitive, funny woman that makes Gus fall in love with her all over again, day after day.« less