Thirty-five years after the slaughter, a film director returns to the scene of a mass murder to recreate the gruesome killings on film. As he and his crew step foot into the now abandoned hotel, the cast members begin to s... more »ee creepy visions and have nightmares. When shooting commences, the cast members begin to suffer very familiar fates...the exact fates they are to act out in the film...« less
Nicole W. (sterju3) from SCRANTON, PA Reviewed on 4/6/2009...
good movie..1 of 2 I actually was frightened by in the 2006 horrorfest. (the other being the abandoned). Good storyline lots of scare, and one creepy doll at the end...
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
Cliched yes, but still entertaining.
Dave. K | Staten Island, Ny | 03/29/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Since there is a plot description already on the page I'm gonna skip the rehash and get into my thoughts on the movie.
Reincarnation is the 3rd part of the J-Horror Series, which follows Infection and Premonition. Each movie though is standalone with nothing to do with the previous.
But Reincarnation was released as part of the After Dark Horror Fest as one of the 8 films to die for.
Takashi Shimizu is at it again with another ghost movie. While the movie differs from his Ju-on movies they do have a similar tone. For fans of Asian horror you should know what to expect by now.
After seeing the South Korean flick The Red Shoes I decided to take a long break from these movies. While none of them have been terrible movies, my only thought was I already saw this. So after months of avoiding these types of movies I figured it was time to check them out again.
Reincarnation isn't a perfect movie and can be slow at times, but Director Shimizu does a good job at keeping the movie interesting. While not as suspenseful as Ju-on: The Grudge, Shimizu manages to get the best out of every scene, even if it lacks the atmosphere Ju-on had.
That's not to say Reincarnation doesn't have atmosphere, it does, but just plays out as little slower. Bottom line is you aren't getting anything you haven't seen before.
The style is your typical Asian horror movie; but where some of the other films failed with too many clichés, Director Shimizu is able to take all of them and still make an entertaining movie.
There may not be a lot of creativity left, but with the right filmmaker they can still take it and make it something enjoyable. The highlight of the movie is Yuka who plays Nagisa Sugiura.
Not only is she really cute, but she plays her role to near perfection. When she supposed to be afraid Yuka looks absolutely terrified. And without a doubt she has one of the best screams in recent memory.
Some scenes that by right really shouldn't have worked play out creepy due to Yuka looking so terrified. While Director Shimizu crafted some excellent scenes with a lesser actress I don't think they would have worked as well.
Reincarnation has restored by faith in the Asian ghost flick, while no doubt we have seen this movie done a number of times and I have to say that scenes that would have worked well a couple of years ago don't work quite as well, but one thing showed is that an enjoyable and some what creepy movie can still be done even with the clichés.
The pacing though can be slow; while Ju-on wasn't exactly fast paced it did have a lot of haunting and a lot of dread. Reincarnation while does have some of that can run a bit slower.
You'll either be intrigued like I was or you might find yourself a little bored, it really can go either way. The final act can be a bit confusing, but if you pay attention you can and will make sense out what just happened.
Fans of Asian horror might wanna check this out; assuming you liked Takashi Shimizu's Japanese horror you might like this one then as well.
In closing Reincarnation features the clichés that have brought down these Asian flicks the past couple of years, but it's about how you handle it.
Director Shimizu handles it right and like I said makes an enjoyable and some what creepy movie despite the clichés. And along with Yuka a lot of scenes really play out better than they might have with another actress.
Reincarnation doesn't reinvent the ghost sub-genre and doesn't really offer us anything we haven't seen, but when all is said and done it's a well crafted horror flick with some good atmosphere and a good scare or 2.
A different sort of Japanese ghost story from the director o
Lawrance M. Bernabo | The Zenith City, Duluth, Minnesota | 03/28/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
""Reincarnation" ("Rinne") begins with three people having strange and unsettling experiences, each of which is different. Then a movie update on the radio informs us that the director Matsumara is making a new movie called "Memories," based on "the most brutal indiscriminating murders in Showa's history at a hotel in Gunma." In the 1970s a professor named Omori murdered 11 people at the hotel, including his two children. Then we meet Ikuo Matsumura (Kippei Shiina) and learn that not only is he going to make a movie about this crime, he is going to film it at the hotel and recreate each of the murders on the spots where they actually happened.
For "In Cold Blood" director Richard Brooks filmed in all of the original locations, including the Clutter House, so it is not like this is unprecedented. More recently ("Bobby") filmed a few scenes at the Ambassador Hotel where Robert Kennedy was assassinated during the hotel's demolition). But there is something inherently unsettling about re-enacting murders at the actual locations and "Reincarnation" certainly taps into those emotions. Even without out the ghostly encounters in the film's prologue, the director's announcement that they will be going to the actual hotel creeps you out long before they actually get there and he starts posing actors as corpses. Of course after watching "Odishon" any audition scene in a Japanese horror film gives me the creeps.
Because we are dealing with the conception of reincarnation, albeit as some form of possession, the "ghosts" of this film are not really "onryo," the Japanese ghost ("yurei") bound to the physical world by a desire for vengeance, so this is significantly different from what we have seen in "Ringu" and "Honogurai Mizu No Soko Kara", and of course director Takashi Shimizu's best known film, "Ju-on (The Grudge)." Except for the religious ceremony the cast and crew go through before they begin filming and the distinctive slanted tile roof of the hotel, there are not a lot of particularly Japanese elements to this movie and a more "western" approach might not be something fans want to see (you will probably be thinking "The Shining" more than anything else for most of this one).
The focal character in the story becomes Nagisa Sugiura (Yuka), who is picked to play the little girl who was the last to die at her father's hand. The screenplay by Shimizu and Masaki Adachi does have some other elements to flesh out this horror story, like the creepy child's doll that likes to announce, "We'll stay together, forever." But the fact that the original killer filmed the murders as he was committing them becomes a key ingredient in this movie's endgame and I like a lot of what Shimizu did in the film's climax, which cuts between both time and space as the movie crew films the murders, the cast becomes the victims, and a producer watches the original film of the murders. This is a film where I found the payoff to be better than the setup, which is better than the other way around, a fact confirmed by dozens of less successful horror films. I also liked the double-denouement, which was far and away the best ending of any of the Horrorfest 2006 films and on a par with that of "Honogurai mizu no soko kara," so I actually consider "Rinne" to be far superior to "Ju-On" in terms of Shimizu's films even if it produces less actual scary moments.
One of the reasons I liked "Reincarnation" is as I was sitting in the theater watching it as the opening film for the After Dark Horrorfest I was thinking that clearly this film wants us to think "A," but that what would be interesting would be if it were "B" instead. The more I played out my hypothesis the more I was convinced that I was correct, a fact confirmed by the movie's endgame. One of the fun parts of Horrorfest 2006 was doing a post mortem on each film when it finished, and nobody else said they had seen the ending coming so it should surprise you too, and even if it does not you should like the direction this film ends up taking. "Reincarnation" is the third film in producer Takashige Ichise's six part J-Horror Theater series, following "Infection" ("Kansen") and "Premonition" ("Yogen"), which is proving to be well worth checking out.
DVD Special Features: There is a brief introduction from the director and a pair of featurettes, "The Making of 'Reincarnation'" and "Memories of 'Reincarnation,'" to go along with the deleted scenes (which have commentary, although the movie itself does not). This is an above average collection of bonus features for a Horrorfest 2006 DVD, but nothing stood out enough to justify rounding up on the DVD overall. I never complain about having to read subtitles for a movie, but for some reason on these sorts of featurettes I get distracted. Go figure"
Shimizu's best offering.
Robert P. Beveridge | Cleveland, OH | 11/01/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Rinne (Takashi Shimizu, 2005)
News flash: Takashi Shimizu makes incoherent movie. Film at 11!
Like Marebito, Rinne is a movie that is head and shoulders above Takashi Shimizu's usual output, but never lives up to what it could easily have been. The story is great stuff (students of Japanese culture will recognize two or three blended fairytales in this one): a young actress, Nagisa Sugiura (single-named TV actress Yuka) lands a role in a movie about a mass murder at a secluded hotel thirty years before, and the odd flashes of memory that have always haunted her suddenly intensify. They have to do, of course, with a mass murder at a secluded hotel thirty years ago, and she soon discovers she's not the only one who has such memories...
Rinne is by far the best of Takashi Shimizu's films to date. To be honest, that's not saying a great deal, but it's a huge leap forward from the PG-13 potboiler pap (yes, even in the Japanese original) of The Grudge and the well-meant but deeply inconsistent Marebito. This one works as a straight mystery, something no Shimizu film to date has done, as well as operating on the ghost-story level. And the mystery is really an absorbing one, as we try to figure out who these characters really are and what their relation to the old story is. And perhaps others saw the ending coming, but wow. I was blindsided. All that said, the setup of the mystery could have been handled a lot better than it was (the first ten minutes of the movie will make no sense to you until you've almost made it through the entire film), and some of the actors probably could've used a bit more coaching. But that doesn't take away from the fact that Shimizu seems to have shown profound growth as a filmmaker here. Now if he'd ever stop directing Grudge sequels, we might get to see the results of this growth. *** ½"
Stylish j-thriller
hollygolightly | New York, New York | 07/01/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Shimizu's After Dark horror contribution Rinne (Reincarnation) is probably closer in sensibility to Pulse or even the Shining than his earlier Ju-On/Grudge films (or most of the other After Dark entries, if the endless previews on my DVD are anything to go by). None of the usual japanese horror tropes--the long haired ghost in a nightgown, the omnipresent water--are present, as Shimizu chooses to focus on the inevitability of repeating your past lives endlessly.
Briefly, the plot is as follows: in 1970, a professor staying at a small hotel went crazy and killed 8 strangers, his 2 children, and himself. 35 years later, a director decides to make a movie dramatizing the event, casting as the lead actress a woman who is haunted by the young victim she plays. Various people throughout the movie, including some of the movie cast and crew, are inexorably drawn to the hotel as history repeats itself.
Part of the creepiness factor is the randomness of the doomed souls who were part of the killing in 1970, and Shimizu is very good about keeping everything moving along quickly and making the intersecting stories mesh. He also uses CGI lavishly (unlike either Ju-On or Grudge) which I always like. The only thing I didn't care for was the usual lack of explanation for why these events are happening at this particular point in time. I've now watched a zillion of these things, and that ALWAYS bothers me.
I see that some of the tag suggestions include "crap" and "worst movie ever made" which suggests that other reviewers were disappointed in their expectations. However, if you're looking for a thoughtful thriller rather than a straightforward J-horror flick, check it out."
Finale not what you expect
G. Rangel | 06/26/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Very good movie, not the kind of scare you are used to. I have watched 5 out of the 8 movies and they are all very good if you are a fan of the mysterious and unknown. This movie has an ending that you do not see coming, making it a great movie to watch at night."