So bad, it's funny
JLind555 | 11/24/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Reefer Madness, made as an exploitation film in 1936, would have us believe that marijuana is the devil's weed from hell. Worse than heroin! Worse than cocaine! Marijuana will blow your brain, shrivel your soul, and land you smack-dab into a nuthouse or a cemetery!
According to the prologue, marijuana was rampaging through the high schools in 1936 and was about to undermine the foundations of the Republic. Here we meet Bill and Mary, two squeaky-clean kids (well, they're supposed to be kids but they look like they're on the far side of twenty-five) who get drawn into a marijuana den and suffer all kinds of dire consequences. A kid stoned on pot drives down the street like a bat out of hell and runs down a pedestrian, all the while laughing like a maniac. The good girl is shot dead and the good boy is framed while zonked out of his cranium. The good boy is seduced by the bad woman, who ends up taking a swan dive from the courthouse window as penance for her sins. The requisite courthouse climax neatly ties up all the loose ends. Every cliché you can think of is piled into the movie, all in the space of sixty-six minutes.
The movie is god-awful, over-acted, over-played and over-dramatized, and the hysteria rolls along at a fever pitch, but in light of what has been known for years about marijuana (it's not physically addicting nor does it cause people to suddenly start dancing like whirling dervishes or slaughter their families under the influence), it's all so over the top that all you can do is sit back and laugh at the silliness. Watch this movie some night when you're bored out of your gourd and need a few giggles. On that score, at least, it delivers.
Judy Lind"