Oh Lord
D.R. | Fort | 09/13/2005
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I have read the book of Redwall many times and when i saw the movie my first thought was 'oh god they've gone and slaughtered the book' but i decided to give it a try anyway, and boy was i right. things are swiched around, people who die in the book don't, they miss whole chunks and they skip out on all the big battles but the one thing i thought they got right was Basil Stag Hair. but though Basil is the commic relief they completly down played him. they do have many of the lines from the book but besides the battles one part i really missed from the book was when Basil had the rats chasing him and he was frolicking around them pelting them with dasies. i was so dissapointed with the way they made this. it makes Matthias seem alot stupider and less like the hero he is in the book. it also has cornflower dissing matthias. whats up with that? AND WHEN DOES CORNFLOWER HELP WITH THE SEARCH FOR THE TOMB AND THE SWORD!? to any who have read and liked the book i would not recomend this at all. it distorts the plot and adds background not mentioned in the book which makes no sence because who ever said anything about matthias wanting revenge in the book? Oh and its in episodes. the first disk has only the first four episodes which gets you to just after King Bull sparra trys to kill Matthias, he wakes up and it pretty much ends after that. To those who have read the book we all know that the Father Abbot agreed to defend the abby but not attack, but in the movie thing he is completly against any combat. its like he dosent care if people die. and no one really even cares about matthias, they all ignore him untill he does something dangerous or stupid. all in all it was a big dissapointment and to any redwall fans dont watch this, it will depress you."
Very good but not perfect
Jarrett P. Suhr | Fortlaterdale , Florida, USA | 10/25/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This is the first volume of 2 it contains first four episode from the redwall cartoon show that was briefly on PBS was discontinued for reason unknow to me. Unfortunaetly this version has been dicontinue there are few volumes left for about 6 to 30 dollars used. Your best bet is to get the special edition version this contain both disk that make up the whole first season. It is a good retelling of the original novel. How ever several changes and alterations were made just warning you for those who were dispointed by Eragon movie from 2005. Some of the events have been modified and there order changed. Some new ones have been add probably to stall since about 2/3 of the books original dialogue was either altered or cut coupletly out. There are also three new characters weren't in the original book a knife thrower and a spice trader and mathisis Sister who very briefly appears in a flash back at the begining.
I loved the cartoon show there are some jeers with it. The reasons why it's only gave it a 4 because some of the good parts from the book like the murder of Scrag were not shown. The other reason why it's only a four because several parts of the part were heavely censored or rewritten. Due to PBS be so strict on cencorship. Some parts censored were the crashing of cluny cart the murder of Sella, the attack on Chicken hound by Asmodous and the aftermath of the struggle between Mathisas and king Bull Sparrow cluny falling from the tree were censored.
In the original book some of Cluny soliders died in the wagon wreck.
Also in the original storey when king bull sparrows attacks Mathisis the fight is so violent that his beak snapped of his flesh and half of it gets stuck in mathisis soulder the have to pull it out with a probe.
Surprisingly three of the most violently parts in the book the slaying of Asmodous, Cluny and Cheesetheif were not censored because there were no gory effect with them.
Asmodous you see behead. Cluny you she crushed by the Joeseph Bell. Cheestief is assinated by Constance but it is done deliberately because cheesthief is not loyal to Cluny like in the original novel Cluny spy alterd him to the assination attempt in advance.
Another part that was censored I considerone of the most intense scene in the book when Mathisis meets captain snow. The bones of his previous meals are not shown. There was another scene was censored when mathisas falls from the rafters into Siquire Julian mouth. In the original book he panks and screams like a sissy girl. This is a good first season. But if you want to hear the storey in it's original uncesored form buy the redwall unabridge ten disc collection or the paper back book. You can get the audio book one Amazom for about 25 or 30 dollars. I dont recommend this unless you are super patient for it take a long time about 12 to 13 hours listen to one redwall storey unabriged on cd or casete once. If you want to get the other 9 episode buy Redwall Friend and foes dvd used."