A powerful tale of fantasy, courage and epic adventure. A wondrous quest to recover a legendary lost weapon. Brian Jacques' Redwall is the first of three volumes to be animated. These 13 action-paced episodes recount the ... more »captivating Redwall story while remaining faithful to the book. Also, the memorable soundtrack is beautifully performed by the Czechoshlovak State Orchestra.« less
"This is a fairly good adaptation of the Redwall series of books (edited slightly from the books, mainly to remove some more gruesome scenes). This DVD isn't for young children as there are some characters killed in the series (though most deaths are off-screen).
Also the technical specs listed for this DVD are incorrect. Currently the page lists that the DVD comes in English and Japanese and is closed-captioned. This is not true. The two DVDs are English only and there are no subtitles or closed-captions on either disk."
Redwall - Season One
CatholicMom | Midwest | 01/16/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Redwall is a huge hit in our house - both with the books and DVDs. When we first got into Redwall several years ago, I had been told there was a cartoon series about it on PBS. I looked for the VHS online (no DVDs available then). I could find no sellers in the USA & had to buy from Canada. One tape, with only a few episodes, was about $15 with shipping. We got all of them (at that time there was only season 1). My daughter wanted all of the episodes for Christmas, so I decided to go the DVD route (one DVD case takes up a lot less room than several VHS tapes) and replace all the VHS of season 1 with this DVD (actually, there are 2 discs in one case). She also got season 2 (and will get season 3 for her birthday).
You will also notice there is also available "Redwall the Movie". All that is, is season 1, edited down to an appropriate length for a movie. Sure, it may be smoother viewing w/ no breaks in between episodes - but you miss a lot that is edited out. Also, as a mother, I appreciate the shorter 20-30 minute episodes on the unedited season 1. I think you can also get the season broke up into several DVDs - but it is cheaper to purchase all of the season at once.
My daughter who is 9 now, really enjoys these episodes & watches them frequently. My son, who is now 13, has been reading the books for a few years (he devours them & rereads them frequently). He says the episodes are pretty true to the books. He did say there is the occasional added character (minor character), and some of the more gruesome scenes are edited for younger viewing. (By the way, When I say 'gruesome', I do not mean like a horror movie.)
Redwall is an excellent series to watch or to read (my daughter will read them when she gets older - the size of the books intimidate her right now). I am a very careful mother - what I mean by that is I try to screen what my children are exposed to until they have proper discernment of their own. I found nothing objectionable in this series. Yes, there is death (just like real life), & the episodes show it, but in a gentle sort of way. In a way, these Redwall series remind me of the DVD version of "Watership Down", though not quite as serious. Redwall has some humor, though I would not categorize it as a comedy.
Redwall is a GREAT series! Not mind-numbing entertainment that seems so prevalent these days, unfortunately."
It could not be any better
CB | Illinois | 01/11/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"If you a fan of the books, you will not be disappointed with the series. Even if you never read the books, this 2 disc set stands strong on its own. A wide variety of characters and a solid storyline makes this series fun for everyone. My son and I ate up all the episodes within 2 days and it has become his favorite show to watch. Highly recommended."
Love it!
CB | 11/07/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is a very good movie. Goes along with the book very well. Even adds a few things. Could have been funnier, though. They left out a lot of amusing conversations. Oh well. They did pretty well for a movie made from a book."
A great story brought wonderfully to life.
Jack Reynolds | Southwest Virginia | 03/27/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Redwall is a great adventure story for children of any age (Adults, too! I didn't pick up my first Redwall book until I was 18!) If you liked the book, this is a wonderful adaptation of the book into a television series.
There are some slight differences between the book and the television show, mostly additions that did not appear in the original story, but I expect that was probably just a way of fitting the story into an entire season - and the changes are not harmful to the story.
Only one small word of warning: Redwall may not be appropriate for very young children. The villain of the story presents a somewhat frightening image, and there is some death in the show. But if you like the novels of Brian Jacques, or if you have never picked up a Redwall book in your life, this is a wonderful show for the family to watch, and a great adventure."