Collaring Blue Collar ca$h??
Greg Brady | Capital City | 08/09/2006
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Watching this you can tell that some folks with rights to old 80s clips of Bill Engvall, Ron White and Jeff Foxworthy said "Hey, let's make a buck off all the yokels buying that Blue Collar Comedy Tour DVD!" Much of it was shot at the famous Improv (watch the backgrounds) and plenty of 80s hair and clothing can be seen in the audience (and on the performers).
While 3 of the 4 guys are here (nothing from Larry but he was probably still in high school in the 80s), for the most part they're still finding their way in their craft. Foxworthy shows the most polish but even then I didn't laugh all that often. White is seen without his signature scotch and cigar and with shaggy, long curly hair?!? You can see the stirrings of Engvall's "Here your sign" schtick but it's not yet formed all the way.
In short, if you're looking at this thinking "'s like ANOTHER Blue Collar Comedy Tour!!": Uh huh. Think again. Ron White has the most "carryover" of material (that's a generous way of saying he recycles his jokes a LOT) but outside of him you're not gonna see a lot of "You know you're a redneck if..." or "Heeeeeeeere's your sign.." jokes.
I'll second what another reviewer said and say that I probably laughed hardest during closing comic Ron Shock's bit about the "open and shut" suicide with the .22 bolt-action rifle...from the guy who shot himself 5..5...5....*5* times in the chest. Shock's breakdown of why this is highly unlikely is priceless. ("To shoot myself FIVE times with a bolt-action rifle requires a degree of determination I just don't have...")
Only diehard fans of 1 or all of the 3 Blue Collars will need this. It has its moments but they're too far between. I'd skip this one."