A piece of plastic pus!!!
Jeff M | Houston, TX United States | 03/16/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I think I've finally found the worst movie ever created. Seriously, Red Lined is the dumbest, most pointless film ever put together. The DVD package makes it look like it's about racing, Fast and Furious style. However, ten minutes into the movie there was no racing, and i became pretty concerned. Turns out there's no racing at all in the movie, the movie instead focuses on a poorly developed "plot" that involves little more than a rich european guy with a riced out nissan and his buddies being pissed off at some other people that don't play that big of a part in the movie at all. It's safe to say that i'm a lot dumber through watching this movie. After I finished it (yes, i sat through the whole thing... i thought it could get better) I was so pissed that i went outside and threw the dvd into the street just to have someone else find it and get pissed off like i was. i should've taken a mallet and crushed the thing into pieces. The acting is weak, the cars could be better, the lines make absolutely no sense at all, and a drunk retarded monkey could have used better cinematography than these guys did. Horrible. Absolutely horrible."
This was just wrong...
(1 out of 5 stars)
"A crime against the entire cinimatic experience, this is by far one of the worst movies I've ever seen. After having a great time at certain "superstore", we picked this movie out of the bin where they sell the movies that don't sell. We even got questioned about our age because the movie is actually rated R; I broke down laughing in line at that point. The "plot" was more confusing than informative. Theres some kind of buisness deal that goes on and the main character gets screwed over by this other guy, but don't quote me on this because this all the plot I could understand. The acting consisted of "British", who we decided were actually imported Australian actors who were impossable to understand. Every scene just simpily made the movie more and more confusing, while all the actors kind of looked the same throughout the entire movie, so you aren't too sure who's who. Theres only one real character, "Jim" and no one else in the movie had a name except for a midget named "Sniffs" who is in 10 seconds of the entire movie. There is as little talking as possable which just leaves you confused because the only talking you do hear you can't understand. Oh turn on the subtitles, yea, the only subtitles that they offer are in spanish, that's it. There is so little racing in this movie I was appaule because the cover shows this sweet racing sequence that doesnt even happen, those two cars featured on the cover aren't even in the movie for that matter. There's only one racing sequence in the entire movie, and I've seen beter in Stephen Seagal action movies. The rest of the car stuff is random cars peeling out, which is lame by the way. Oh I forgot, I actually got a head ache from watching this because this cheep, cheesy techno music plays throughout the whole movie, nonstop. If your looking for a good time laughing at how bad this movie is, I suggest it, otherwise stay away at all costs."
Keep that clicker clicking, don't stop...its not worth it.
Jeff M | 04/14/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Basically, the dvd cover is a misrepresentation of what the movie is actually about. The opening scene takes a long long long time to get into any action or dialog, I was sleeping halfway into the intro. At first the cars draw you in, but then you start to get the feeling that "the cars are the only thing that made anyone spend money on this film"...only to be let down. The story isn't bad, there is even a laugh here & there, but a couple actors make the movie suck, not to mention the lack of street racing...the selling point that greatly misleads you to believe you'll see some hot imports burning up the street. Thumbs down...so much potential with poor follow through. Someone needs to go to film school because this movie did the unthinkable, it put some crying kids to sleep...long boring intro. Sorry guys, I wish I could have been there to tell you guys "Get on with it!...The intro is too long!...Not enough car racing!...Fire a couple actors!""