Good story - Bad Production
Kirby L. Wallace | Tulsa, OK USA | 02/21/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
I generally like Indie movies, and I kinda liked this one, but...
First off, the video/production quality is awful. I guess I have a new appreciation for "post production" now. This thing at times looks little better than a YouTube download.
On top of that, the "Hired gun of the Lord" angle is just plain moronic. Suggestion to producer: Next time, talk to a few real Christian's before attempting to portray one.
The rest of the acting is equally afwul.
Aside from that, the story is actually quite good. The lead actor is pretty good too. But everyone and everything else in the movie is just plain stupid.
This one would have benefited greatly from some religious research, and some better directing.
Again, the story is interesting, and intriguing, but the acting and the lack of decent post production just killed it.
Would like to see some more from the lead actor/protagonist, though.
Bad bad bad bad bad
Scott M. Smith | Billings, MT USA | 11/01/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"To say this movie sucks is to be unfair to those films that actually rise to the level of "sucks". This one falls far short of that low goal. Like the previous reviewer (and I SORELY wish I'd read these reviews prior to purchase) I made it through about a half hour before deciding I wasn't going to waste any more of my life on this dreck. If someone told me that a kid who was pulling down a 'D' in his high school film class had made a movie starring any of his neighbors he could con into participating I would have expected more.
The absolutely crazy things, the DVD cover describes the movie as "Unforgiven meets High Noon". The PR hack that came up with THAT comparison should henceforth remain unforgiven...right up to his being beaten about the head and shoulders at high noon. Someday soon, we hope.
Amazon does indeed need a zero star rating, and this is the movie that demonstrates the need."
Amazon needs a zero stars option
R. CROSBY | Northern, illinois | 08/23/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This may well be the worst movie of the 21st century so far. It was filmed bad, bad acting, bad costumes, worn out plot, and not even interesting. I'd like to know who the people are that put money into a project like this. I knew I was going to have to stop watching the DVD ten minutes into the show. I told myself give it 45 minutes. Well, at the half hour mark I could not take the abuse anymore. Pushed eject."