Revenge of the Vegetable
Captain Insanity | NY | 09/01/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
This movie is not for epileptics.
You WILL have a seizure like The Simpsons did when they went to Japan.
What we have here is a very "Shocker"-esque flick about "out of body experiences" from the guy who directed the cult hit "Shrooms".
A group of med students accidentally take a joke a little too far,
which lands the mentally-challenged, all too creepy, epileptic janitor at their college in a deep coma.
One of the students, feeling guilt for dumping him at the hospital,
injects him with an untested drug that revitalizes brain function, but causes out of body experiences.
But not just any OOBE,
this drug gives him the ability to possess others.
And of course he uses it to seek out revenge.
Hence the name Red Mist. (A feeling of rage that temporarily clouds one's judgement.)
There were plenty of deaths in this flick,
all of which, should have-could have been a lot gorier.
Don't get me wrong there was SOME blood.
but not nearly enough to match the viciousness of the deaths themselves.
The one death that should have delivered the most gore, (acid funnel) delivered the least, which seemed kind of like a cheap cop-out.
Aside from absent gore the movie also never seemed to mount any suspense.
Ok ok maybe the one scene, where the mother was standing at the head of the stairs holding the baby, was suspenseful
(subsequently this also happens to be the only scene in the whole film that pours on the red stuff)
but the rest of the movie was straight forward to the point of being predictable.
Anytime anyone was possessed their nose would bleed so there was no surprise.
If that small effect (nose bleed) were omitted the plot might have actually had the chance to pile on some tension.
Essentially; had the gore & suspense been present.. this flick would have been dynamite,
the acting was great,
the plot was interesting enough,
it had some nice production values,
like the camera work of a big budget flick.
It had all the makings of a great horror movie,
but just fell flat in the one department that should have made it.
If you're going to title your film "Red Mist" at least have the decency to show me some splatter.
3 stars = Worth a rental, but not a purchase
If you're going to accidentally kill someone don't do a halfast job.
Shrooms, Shocker, Fallen, Jason Goes to Hell, Dead in 3 Days, Flatliners, Sublime, Scanners, The Dead Zone, Infection, Unrest, The Signal"
A flawed, but interesting, shocker
N. Durham | Philadelphia, PA | 01/03/2010
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Red Mist, also known as Freakdog (which is a more suitable and sensible title), is an interesting little indie horror flick. Arielle Kebbel (The Uninvited, John Tucker Must Die) stars as Catherine; a young doctor hopeful who, along with her group of fellow med students (including Sarah Carter) accidentally cause the creepy Kenneth (Andrew Lee Potts) to go into a coma. Catherine feels bad naturally, so she administers an experimental drug to Kenneth with the hopes that he'll survive, only to find that it makes him have outer body experiences in which he can posess anyone and wreck brutal vengeance on his wrong-doers. Surprisingly well-filmed and well-acted, Red Mist is a violent and compelling little thriller that you will be surprised with. What hurts the film however is that it isn't suspenseful or scary in the least, but then again, it doesn't fall to any sort of typical slasher conventions either, which it easily could have. It occasionally plods along as well, but for the most part, Red Mist is a worthwhile shocker that is definitely worth giving a chance. Plus, it has the gorgeous Arielle Kebbel running around in her underwear, and that alone makes anything worth seeing."