Where engines melt and young blood boils! Newly re-mastered in HD! Meet the speed breed, the young daredevils of the racing world who battle sudden death for forever glory. Produced and directed by the great Howard Hawks (... more »Rio Bravo, Red River) and starring James Caan (Rollerball), Red Line 7000 was filmed against the backdrop of the world s most famous speedways, and the film roars with all the pulse-pounding, heart-stopping excitement of professional racing and the drivers who live one dare beyond danger s edge. Overnight fame, overnight fortune and any-night girls, the men of Banjo Baker s racing team press em all to the limit in... Red Line 7000. Beautifully shot by Milton R. Krasner (Boy on a Dolphin) with a screenplay by George Kirgo (Spinout) from a story by Hawks. The supporting cast includes Charlene Holt (El Dorado), Marianna Hill (High Plains Drifter) and Star Trek legend George Takei.
Special Features:
Audio Commentary by Film Historians Julie Kirgo and Nick Redman