2004 Nominee Independent Spirit Award - Best Foreign Fim. It's a summer holiday weekend in Paris. Antoine (Jean-Pierre Darroussin), a timid insurance salesman, and his lawyer wife Hélène (Carole Bouquet) are off... more » to the south of France to pick up their children from camp. They begin to quarrel while on the road. He pulls over for a drink at a bar along the highway. When he returns, she is gone. He dashes to the train station to try to meet her but is too late. Darkness has fallen and, left alone to continue the journey, Antoine picks up a strange hitchhiker, not knowing he might have already crossed paths with his soon-to-be-missing wife...Based on a novel by Georges Simenon (Maigret), Cédric Kahn's (L'Ennui, Roberto Succo) edge-of-your-seat thriller masterfully evokes the films of Alfred Hitchcock and Claude Chabrol.« less
Gary J. (gjones) from TROUTDALE, OR Reviewed on 1/29/2012...
Good thriller! Wasn't quite sure what was happening in the middle, so that part was pretty suspenseful. Then when the husband realized his wife was not where she was supposed to be, things really starting cooking and he made me feel his anxiety. The main character, the male lead, totally pissed me off for the entire movie, which tells me the actor is either a first-class a**hole or he did a great job. I'm going with the latter! His character redeemed himself at the end, which helped wrap things up nicely. Good movie, recommended, especially for those of you who, like me, like original story-lines from Europe (or wherever) that Hollywood hasn't ripped off yet, and you don't mind captions to watch them!
Movie Reviews
Great one for Hitchcock, Chabrol fans... good DVD transfer
dooby | 03/30/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Originally titled, Feux Rouges, this 2004 mystery/suspense piece from Cedric Kahn will surely please fans of Hitchcock or Chabrol. After reading various reviews, my initial expectation was of a movie like George Sluizer's Spoorloos (aka The Vanishing) but this film has less of the latter's chilly horror. For one thing it ends on a more upbeat note. The movie's strengths lie in it's quiet build-up of suspense and the well sculpted interactions between husband and wife. Based on a novel by Georges Simenon (creator of Inspector Maigret), it tells the story of a constantly inebriated man who misplaces his wife while on a car journey to pick up their children from summer camp. He picks up a hitchhiker who may or may not be an escaped convict. He spends much of the rest of the movie trying to find out what happened to his wife. To tell more would be to spoil the fun.
The movie has been given a very good DVD transfer by Wellspring, in what looks like it's original theatrical aspect ratio of 1.85:1 (enhanced for widescreen TV). Black levels are nicely rendered which is very important because a large portion of the movie takes place along the roads at night. Colors are well presented and natural. Audio includes both dolby stereo and a 5.1 surround mix with good delivery of the music. I love especially the use of Debussy's Nuages to create both a dreamy as well as a slightly sinister effect when needed. Optional English subtitles are included. All in all a very good DVD and strongly recommended."
MICHAEL ACUNA | Southern California United States | 02/10/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
""Red Lights" (Feux Rouges) is a tightly written, expertly directed (by Cedric Kahn) thriller in the vein of "Frantic." But director Kahn, as adapted by a story by Georges Simenon, has more up his sleeve than a woman-in-distress mystery.
Antoine and Helene are pretty much fed up with each other when they set off by car to pick up their children from summer camp. Helene, a successful lawyer, despises Antoine's drinking and Antoine (Jean-Pierre Darroussin), a functionary in a large corporation, suspects Helene (a gorgeous Carole Bouquet) of having an affair. The mood is strained, palpably tense and barely civil when they begin their journey from Paris to the south of France. If only Antoine had listened to the traffic news as he stood at the bar having his first whiskey of the day: "Be Careful" intones the TV newsman.
The casting of Darroussin with his worn-in, put-upon face and barely controlled anger and the patrician, upper class, calm yet judging Bouquet is perfect. On the surface they seem so wrong for each other and yet the tension created by their odd pairing draws you to them: How did these two ever get together?
So much of the success of "Red Lights" has to do how well director Kahn succeeds at the creation of a disturbing and almost pathologically desperate mood. With Debussy's "Nuages" playing on the soundtrack, there are many times when you feel that you are watching a dream and that someone will wake up and things will go back to normal. No such luck.
"The devil is on vacation with you"
M. J Leonard | Silver Lake, Los Angeles, CA United States | 09/07/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Red Lights is a strange, abstract, almost existential exercise in movie making. Adapted from the 1953 novel by Georges Simenon and set to Debussy's elegantly creepy Nuages, writer-director Cedric Kahn offers up movie with attributes of a Hitchcockian suspense thriller.
The feeling of foreboding begins immediately when we meet Antoine Dunant (Jean-Pierre Darroussin a low-level insurance executive. He's just leaving his job to meet his beautiful wife Hélène (Carole Bouquet) in a local café. They are planning to drive to the countryside from Paris to pick up their kids from summer camp.
But as soon as Antoine gets to the café he guzzles three beers back to back with one eye on the street lest his wife arrive before he's suitably fortified. It soon becomes pretty obvious that their marriage is far from happy - Antoine armed with enough drink to sink an elephant, settles into a manner of truculent impetuosity, while Helene remains detached, cold, and almost abusive.
While in the road, Helen discovers that her husband is utterly plastered. She hardly says anything as he weaves all over the road, but her silence speaks volumes. Thus starts a trip of barely controlled hostility with the husband clenching the wheel and brooding, while the wife fumes beside him. Both are so busy bickering with each other and thinking dark thoughts that they're half oblivious to news reports of an escaped convict on the loose nearby.
Antoine isn't usually a drinker, but something has snapped in him, and as the neon signs of the roadside bars start to beckon him, he becomes obsessed with downing as much cold beer and whisky as he can. He leaves Helene angrily waiting in the car while he goes into yet another bar, to prepare himself for the long night ahead.
Hélène, freaked by his increasing belligerence and inability to drive in a straight line, abandons her husband to look for a train station. Meanwhile Antoine strikes up a conversation with a reserved one-armed stranger (Vincent Deniard).
When, minutes later, the stranger steps out of the parking-lot shadows, his face half hidden by the hood of a sweatshirt, and asks for a ride, the cocky, staggering Antoine doesn't even break stride. By now he's so sweaty and drunk that he waves the fellow right into the car.
What follows is detour into a night of terror for Antoine, Helene, and for the viewer. The movie starts to resemble everyone's nightmare - the inexplicable disappearance of a loved one. And as Antoine embarks on a desperate journey to track his wife down, it soon becomes clear that Red Lights is really showing us a portrait of a marriage, a marriage that has been enigmatically hanging by a thread.
Their need to see the children again is probably just a way of distracting them from the aridness of their relationship. She's beautiful and accomplished, while he plain and dull. Somehow the couple began their marriage as equals, but she soon eclipsed him, for which he can't forgive her. Other than this, Kahn provides very little reason as to why their relationship has suddenly gone sour.
What Kahn does provide, however, is the knowledge that marriage can often dissipate completely, leave two strangers in a car, totally sick of each other, in desperate need of a reviving shock to the system. But when the sun finally rises, and Antoine is released from his drunken hell, Kahn does provide a dash of hope for the couple.
In the end, Red Lights is showing that relationships are frail and that the machinations of marriage are often inexplicable. And if nothing else, Antoine and Helen show that it can all dramatically and irrevocably change and fall apart in a searing flash of red light. Mike Leonard September 05.
Great Character-driven Film!
S. Sommerville | Raleigh, NC | 05/21/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Get the synopsis from other reviewers, I'd just like to say that as a die hard horror fan, I appreciated the great dialouge and character development.
Very old fashioned feel to it, the Hitchcockian comparison is appropriate. The way the film unraveled was masterful, and the conclusion wrapped everything up nicely leaving no loose ends, as I feared it would.
In many ways, this film contains what most big budget horror films are missing these days. There is no realiance on fx and gore (not that that's always a bad thing) to portray the uneasy feeling this one leaves.
I highly reccomend this to all fans of well made horror/suspense that yearn for those vintage chills."
Excellent Suspense Thriller With A Satisfying Ending
C. O. DeRiemer | San Antonio, Texas, USA | 05/19/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Antoine Dunan (Jean-Pierre Darroussin), a middling successful insurance salesman who works out of an office cube next to dozens of others, and his wife, Helene (Carole Bouquet), a successful corporate lawyer, are going to drive south from Paris to pick up their two kids from summer camp. Dunan is unhappy with his life, resents his wife's success, feels he is less than a man. As he says later, "I got sick of playing the good little doggy." He sneaks a couple of whiskeys before they leave, then sneaks a couple more along the way. It doesn't help when the radio reports a couple of car accidents on the highway and the escape of a criminal from a prison in the area. The atmosphere in the car gets chillier and chillier. He and his wife start to bicker. Dunan stops again, and his wife tells him that if he goes into the bar, she's going to drive on by herself to where the children are. He takes the keys and goes into the bar. When he returns, she is gone. A note says that she's taking the train. When he drives to the train station, however, there is no trace of her. What follows is Dunan's increasingly drunken and self-pitying search for his wife, this time with a passenger, a young silent hitch-hiker he has picked up.
I liked this movie a lot. It's a suspense thriller that slowly builds up quite a bit of tension. Only once or twice does explicit violence happen, and it's not too startling when it does. What Kahn accomplishes is to take our expectations that something awful is going to occur and then string us along while the dread builds. There are sequences on the highway at night, sometimes involving long stretches of emptiness, other times involving traffic and police checkpoints, photographed from the driver's position looking forward, that would have made Hitchcock proud. One long sequence has Dunan in a small restaurant trying to locate his wife by making call after call to train stations, police departments, hospitals, the hotel he and his wife were going to stay at. It may sound mundane but the pacing and the acting really bring the viewer (at least this viewer) into the scene. The hitchhiker Dunan picks up creates a long sequence where Dunan, driving and increasingly drunk, and his passenger, silent and surly, create between them a terrific amount of tension.
The conclusion of the movie is not what you'd expect, but is satisfying. The movie is based on a story by George Simenon. I think it's well worth watching. The DVD picture is fine and the subtitles, in yellow, are easy and fast to read."