Five years past, a band of six adventurers defeated the conquering armies of Marmo, the dark island, and saved the accused island, LODOSS. Since that day, the survivors have been honored as heroes, and their deeds have b... more »ecome legends. But the darkness never perished... Now, a mad wizard threatens to raise an ancient evil ? the goddess of destruction. Old heroes must heed the call to defend their homeland and new heroes are forged as the battle for LODOSS begins anew.« less
"I have to say that "Chronicles of the Heroic Knight" doesn't seem as good as the original Lodoss War series, but is still mostly worth it. There is a lot to this one, about 9 hours or so over 4 DVDs, and the quality is a bit up and down.The series (broken up in 20 minute episodes) starts out with the familiar heroes (Parn and Deedlit, mainly) of the original series and passes the torch on to a new group of heroes. The storyline puts a little revisionist history on the original plot and sometimes seems as much a re-make as a sequel when it recycles some of the plots familiar from the first series. This is most prevalent in the first and last DVDs. The middle two are the high-point of the set and are what saves this series.The first DVD focuses on the original heroes of the Lodoss War and is the most derivative. It's good to see the characters back again, like old friends, but after a few minutes you start to be bothered by things. The quality of the animation seems a bit below par and it feels as if it's being written towards a younger (pre-teen?) target audience. Dumbed down & too cutesy, in other words. This is also where they ignore some of the history of the first series and re-use an entire plot line.The 2nd and 3rd DVDs, however, are much better. The quality of the animation comes back up to par, they pick up a new story thread with new heroes, and the writing/production seems to have been re-targeted to a more mature audience. This is the best part of the set and what makes it worth while, in my opinion.The last DVD in the set loses some ground again, compared to the middle of the series. I almost wonder if they were running low on money or getting tired of making it or something. It brings the story to a satisfactory conclusion, but it does feel as if the quality of the animation slips some in the last few episodes, and as if the writers weren't making any great effort to do anything except get it over with.DVD features include a bunch of previews and the expected language options, nothing much else. I quickly took to skipping over the last two minutes of every episode where they do their "comedy theatre" bit at the end. I really wish that had been done as a separate chapter so I didn't have to watch it (I, for one, hate that little featurette), but could still listen to the closing theme music. Instead, it's all one chapter. The music is excellent and worth suffering through some fast forwarding.If you are a fan of the original Lodoss War, you will probably be disappointed at first, feel better about it in the middle, and then be left a little disappointed at the end. Still, overall, I think it is enjoyable and worth it. Could have been better, but it's still nice to come home to Lodoss again with this set."
WOW...hard to beleave but Better then the First set.
grpdagod | Mt. Prospect, IL United States | 07/14/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Five years past, a band of six adventurers defeated the conquering armies of Marmo, the dark island, and saved the accused island, LODOSS. Since that day, the survivors have been honored as heroes, and their deeds have become legends. But the darkness never perished... Now, a mad wizard threatens to raise an ancient evil - the goddess of destruction. Old heroes must heed the call to defend their homeland and new heroes are forged as the battle for LODOSS begins anew. I saw this on the VHS tapes and all I can say is WOW. the First story drew me in and I loved it. this one is SO much more...almost Twice a long with even More adventures and better animation. if u enjoyed the First one this one will Blow you away.Greg"
Read the incuded booklet thingie
Kato | Ventura, CA United States | 05/10/2001
(4 out of 5 stars)
"People complain about the repeats in the story line and such, it seems as if they didn't take the time to read the booklet that was in the first disc. It explains that much of this series *is* just a rehash of the OVA because the OVA was an incomplete adaptation of the novels, the animators decided to do a more complete and accurate retelling of the novels. The things in this series that negate the previous series are suposed to be taken as true, what you saw before didn't happen. Just pretend it was something you heard 2nd hand from an unreliable source.I find it different enough to remain intersting, the animation is great, as is the music (the opening sequence is fantastic on both aspects).At the end of every episode you get a super-deformed short called "Welcome to Lodoss Island". I find it hilarious in an "Oh my god that is so stupid" kind of way. Those episodes alone are almost worth buying the video for."
What you would expect from Lodoss War!
Jaha | CT United States | 11/15/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"First off if you have seen the original 13 part series be warned this is not really a sequel. It is a sequel in the time frame and reflects history from the original but the characters are sometimes independant of that original series. For example in the very first episode Parn and Deedlit have never met Orson the berserker before when in the original they fought against and together for a couple episodes. Another is Shooting Star the fire dragon is still alive and is still guarding the Scepter of Domination. Once you realize that they are independant of each other you will get into it more. The original story still took place just without many of the original situations. Anyway enough of that. The series is a great series. THe animation is solid though not as convincing as the original series. It bogs at time when they fill time with the group standing around laying out whats going on in a conversation although it sounds forced. There really isn't any other way to get the story across though. The voice acting is the same as the original which is very nice since that was one of the strong parts of that series. The characters have aged and matured a bit and we get to meet quite a few new faces. With 27 episodes there is a lot of Anime to please. One thing I think a few of the other reviewers have kind of missed the point on is the focus on Spark. The original Manga was about Parn and his battles with Karla. however in "Chronicles" the original author (of the manga) put Spark in to take Parn's place. So the series is true to it's literature roots. So looking down on the series for not focusing on the star characters from the original isn't really valid since the new characters are where the focus should be. So when you watch the series and realize that is the way it should be it is very enjoyable. It is not as good as the original series but still one of the best fantasy Anime's out there."
Perfect for RPG fans!
Rowena Wendy Lim | Asia | 09/25/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I was thoroughly impressed when I saw the Record of Lodoss War OAV series. It was like being in a totally fantastic RPG. I've just watched all 27 episodes of the Lodoss TV series, and all I can say is... wow. I've always considered the Lodoss OAV series as ultimate anime RPG, but I think it's just been outdone by this marvelous TV version. I couldn't stop watching once I started. Lodoss TV begins five years after Ghim's death. Parn is no longer the struggling knight wannabee that he was. Lo and behold, he is now the legendary free knight -- and almost everyone on the land knows him. Parn's always on the road to adventure with Deedlit, but since there is a need for heroes again, they band together with the rest of the Lodoss gang (Slayn, Leylia, Shiris, Orson, etc...). If you've watched the OAV series, you'll probably get confused with the chronology of the events. Shiris and Orson are re-introduced as new characters. Ashram is alive and kicking, and going after the scepter of domination. According to the booklet that came with my DVD set, Lodoss TV is a re-telling of the whole saga. Lodoss OAV was so short that a lot of the events were condensed to fit a 13-episode series. Let's just say that this is the expanded version. Still, you'll make the most of this series if you've watched the OAV because they do make references to certain OAV events (i.e. Leylia's possession, Ghim's death, etc.). It's not really a pre-requisite though because the references are briefly explained, so there aren't really any loopholes. There are two main plots. The first half of the series features our old faves (Parn, Deed, Slayn. etc.) and some new additions. They have to stop the dark forces from acquiring the scepter of domination. The second half takes place ten years after the first half, giving way to a new generation of heroes. A younger set of enthusiastic characters is introduced. There's Spark, a knight-in-training who has always idolized Parn; Neese, Slayn and Leylia's daughter; Leaf, a mischievious half-elf... etc. They have to stop the dark wizard Wagnard from resurrecting the goddess of destruction Kardis. Of course, Parn and the gang are still there for support. At the end of each adventure-filled episode is a brief segment called "Welcome to Lodoss Island". This part features super-deformed versions of all the characters re-enacting certain events in a wacky manner. They also tell jokes, sing, dance... very cute and a very refreshing break from all the heart-stopping excitement. The art and animation are superb. The characters still resemble their OAV selves but their looks generally improve by leaps and bounds. The magic effects, battle sequences, and various encounters are also more intense and more detailed. Everything is more colorful and vibrant. I love watching the magic-users cast their spells. I look forward to every skirmish, I tell you. The songs and music complement the whole series perfectly (dang, now I have to buy the soundtrack!). I especially love the ending theme. The English dubbing is tolerable at best. Some of the dub voices don't really fit the characters, while some are just downright irritating. If you're an RPG fan like I am, this anime will definitely make your day... or your week for that matter."