Reason To Believe
Benjamin J Burgraff | 05/16/2002
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This is a basically good movie. I was disappointed that there was not an unrated version. There are scenes which have been edited out. If you buy a censored version (which the "R" version is), you've been cheated. The movie should be seen as the director filmed it!"
Well-Crafted Low-Budget Drama Deserves a Look...
Benjamin J Burgraff | Las Vegas | 01/20/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"1995's "A Reason to Believe" has gained notoriety over the years as the low-budget film where Holly Marie Combs, of "Charmed" fame, does a topless love scene. This is unfair, as the film, shot "on a shoestring" by first-time director Douglas Tirola, is a remarkably well-made, sensitive look at date rape, and the aftermath to both the victim, and those around her. Without resorting to either preaching or titillation, the film remains one of the better dramas of an issue that continues to plague college campuses.
The heroine of the story is young Charlotte (Allison Smith), a popular sorority girl, who, against the wishes of her boyfriend, Wesley (Danny Quinn, son of Oscar winner Anthony Quinn), attends a frat party alone, where she is raped by Wesley's best friend, Jim (Jay Underwood). As Jim brags of his 'conquest', Charlotte goes through a period of self-loathing and denial, until Jim's version destroys her relationship with Wesley, the friendship of her sorority sisters, and makes her an unwilling 'Cause' for the campus feminist group. Forced to take a stand, she finds her reputation smeared by Jim, his fraternity, and even her ex-friends, until the Dean ("Animal House" 'Neidermeyer', Mark Metcalf), calls in both parties to learn the truth...
While the fraternity scenes are more 'Delta House' than real, the chain of events rings true (Jim's girlfriend, so devoted that she'd rather lie about Charlotte than 'lose' him; Wesley's 'rebound' bedmate, played with conviction by Combs, becoming another victim of Jim's unwanted attentions). Even an eyewitness to the rape (Keith Coogan, great-grandson of Jackie) cannot come forward, as he is a 'druggie' who would not be believed, only arrested if he spoke out.
To Tirola's credit, he never permits the film to slide into melodrama, preferring to allow events to unfold naturally. The limited budget forces the film's resolution to be a bit rushed, and 'pat', but will still satisfy most viewers.
"A Reason To Believe" deserves praise for the quality 'look' it achieves (on a budget of under $200,000), the timeliness of the issues it addresses, and several outstanding performances. To remember it solely for a few moments of nudity does it a disservice!
Accurate Though Exhaggerated View of College Students
MB Texas | 10/21/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This gives an accurate vision of what's on the minds of college students today. Definitely negative slant regarding the men in the film. Overall, worth seeing."
Women are from Venus, etc.
Sarah Bellum | Dublin, OH United States | 06/26/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Is a young woman expected to have sex when she makes the decision to attend a party at a frat house, whether or not she maintains consciousness? Or, can she expect to be able to pass out anywhere, even among drunk and horny college boys, and remain unmolested? The film approaches this and other date rape situations with an earnest and fairly comprehensive examination of the subject from both male and female perspectives. This film brought back many memories of college life for me. Even though I had not taken part in Greek life at THE Ohio State University, I vividly recall many discussions of this sort. This, coupled with the fact the film was shot entirely in Ohio, my home state, drew me into the film probably more than it deserved to do. I enjoy watching Allison Smith, and I also wanted to see Kim Walker (of "Heathers" fame) in one of the too few roles she graced before tragically passing away in 2001. This is not a great film, but it is certainly worth seeing at least once. Unfortunately, the DVD is full screen only and has no subtitle options. The transfer is pretty clean and crisp, however, and there is some bonus material as well.