My almost 3 yr old LOVES it- one of two favorites
Julianna | Reston, VA United States | 01/11/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"My son (3 yrs old in one month) watches this in the car and LOVES this video. He is pretty crazy about trucks, tractors, and the like, but some videos are just too advanced and technical. This one is great. For the tractor segment (mostly farm tractors) and farm vehicle segment, they show a lot of different aspects of farming, including the steps from seedling to harvesting, eating what you grow, visiting a dairy farm (and what is made from dairy products), and even using an airplane to spray insecticides and fertilizers. But this is all on a todler- young child level, and the main guy, Dave is likeable, and very importantly, his voice is not annoying at all. The dump truck segment is great, too- they show all different kinds, and all different activities- even filling up with gas, which toddlers are so fascinated with. There are no catchy tunes, but that can be a plus, since they are so often what makes the video unbearable for adults. This video is really well done, with all live action video, and the narrator acting as an important participant. It completely holds the attention of my son, and I actually enjoy it."
Not the 'Real' Dave, but my son loves it....
TG | USA | 02/28/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"We have all the real wheels dvds, and we have come to feel that Dave Hood is part of the family (since we see him just about every day). My 2 yr old loves this dvd and asks for it as often as the others. My husband and I like this one the least, because we've become so used to watching Dave Hood in these. Dave Sidoni does a decent job, but he lacks Mr. Hood's sincerity. Dave Hood really seems to love all the machines he talks about, while Dave S. seems to be just acting excited. Kids will love it, but grown-ups not so much. JMHO of course!"
Good Truck Video!
V. Duffy | NJ, USA | 09/15/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"My son (who was 2 when we bought this) loved it, and now that he is 3 1/2 he still loves it! Keeps his attention. Great video for the little ones who love trucks, tractors and farms!!"