It's boring and not sure what it wants to be.
Brian Martin | From neither here nor there | 08/16/2006
(2 out of 5 stars)
"On a whim I decided to watch "The Real Cancun" having missed its all to short theatrical release. I am positive I am older than the target audience but "The Real World" and "Road Rules" were brand new when I was in college in the early 1990's and I was a fan of both those series.
This movie was edited very poorly. There are way too many characters to keep track of, and the audience cannot possibly know or care about any of them. The movie follows a simple pattern. We'll start to get a glimpses into some of the characters but then it reverts to a collage of party and beach scenes, followed by a insight from another character then more partying. The movie can't even decide if it cares about any of these kids or if it just wants to be some sort of skin flick, although it doesn't succeed there either because not much skin is shown.
The movie does depict more than a few of the kids in situations they are sure to regret when they are older, especially since the behavior is chronicled and will be available in bargain dvd bins for years to come. The twin girls (I forget there names) come off especially bad.
The extras include interviews with some of the cast members at a premier party. This is especially interesting because they all look mortified. There are several deleted scenes, most of which are boring. There is one scene that I am curious as to why it was excised from the movie and that is the women's wet t-shirt contest. It is a little more raunchy than anything else in the movie (thanks again to the twins), but a little raunch didn't faze the other hour or so of the movie so I continue to be curious as to why it was left out.
In the end this movie has little to recommend it and if you never see it you will not have missed anything important."