It's a recipe for nonstop action and excitement when the inhabitants of an isolated military outpost go up against a marauding band of cannibals in a deadly struggle for survival.
"This is going to sound strange, but "Ravenous" is a very intelligent movie about cannibals, vampirism (of an unusual sort) and the history of the west. At it's heart is a metaphor about power, exploitation, and ravenous greed. It is much more than simply a thriller, horror, slasher picture.It is set during the time of westward expansion in the youthful United States, which is significant for discovering what the movie is all about. This movie wouldn't make sense in 20th century Manhattan, or in 1930s Chicago. It is set during a time when european settlers still had a long way to go towards 'conquering' most of North America. Without giving too much away of the bizarre and twisted plot, the movie explores not only cannibalism, but cannibalism as a means of regaining life, energy, or power. You eat another, you take the life energy of that person. This notion of cannabalism (which is more along the lines of mythology than of a slasher movie) allows the movie to be completely unpredictable, disturbing and poignant all at once. At the end of the movie, one realizes that it would've been almost impossible to have guessed what was going to happen at each plot turn. If you enjoy bizarre, almost surreal surprises, this movie is packed with them.The crucial moment in the film is towards the end when Robert Carlyle's character is rhapsodizing about "manifest destiny." Here it is revealed that what's behind the ravenous hunger depicted in the film is a statement about how the west was won, and perhaps still being won. There's a lot in this film to chew on (it's impossible to avoid stupid puns when writing about movies in which people are eaten, sorry), and "Ravenous" does not belong in the same category as B-slashers or gore or shock flicks.In fact, it's almost impossible to determine what category to put "Ravenous" in. People who avoid gore movies will probably also want to avoid this one (it can be pretty disgusting), and people who enjoy gore and slash will probably feel disappointed because there's simply more going on than random and senseless killing. It's no surprise that this movie bombed, and it will probably gain cult status and continue to confuse most viewers, but for that reason it will probably be around for a while.The performances are great all around, but Robert Carlyle really, really shines. The story is so original it nearly defies categorization, and the opening sequence is one of the best I've ever seen. The music is meant to be off-kilter and dissonant, which adds to the film's offbeat tempo.Overall a great movie, but one that may confuse viewers. It's not a comedy (though it is funny), it's not a slasher/thriller (though it is gorey and thrilling), and it's not a western (though it is set in the right era). The best thing to do is see it and find out. You may hate it, or you may never be able to stop thinking about it. There are not many movies like this out there."
Wickedly Delicious!!!
vincentarlock | Lakeland, Florida United States | 09/04/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Underrated, this is a hardcore, dark, macabre masterpiece. Guy Pearce (Captain John Boyd) is a soldier, who, though decorated, is actually a coward. After faking death in a battle against Mexicans, he is tossed among the dead in the enemy's encampment. He crawls out from a beneath a pile of oozing bodies and successfully takes the base from the enemy. His commander knows he isn't a real soldier and so, as he is disgusted by the sight of him but for politics sake can't reprimand him, the captain is sent to an isolated military outpost called Fort Spencer. Living there is a skeleton crew assisted by several indians and everything goes fine until a near dead man(Robert Carlyle) staggers into camp during the middle of a very cold winter. After being warmed up and fed, he tells a grisly tale of desperate cannibalism as he and the party he was traveling with got punished by the elements and were forced into a cave. A select small band soldiers and one indian set out to assist the remaining people in the cave, who by chance might just still be alive and so the movie truly begins. Nothing is quite what it seems as the twists and turns reveal the terrifying realities of the plot which eventually climax in a very satisfying and unexpected ending. The acting is excellent all around but especially with Guy Pearce and Robert Carlyle. The weak nature and mental struggles of Guy Pearce are incredibly believable and completely balance the innocent appearance yet sinister nature of Robert Carlyle. The cinematography creates a creepy, desolate atmosphere as the ingenious soundtrack(as good or better than that of Suspiria) by Damon Albarn and Michael Nyman truly fits ever scene and action, allowing for a true horror experience to be felt. With moments of twisted humor tastefully spread throughout, this is the total horror package and definitely not a movie to be should be purchased."
Best Horror Movie Never Seen
Christopher Michael | Oakland, CA USA | 10/10/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Bloody, funny, smart, artistic, and wonderfully acted. Robert Carlyle heads a flawless cast in a film that is so surprisingly good it puts most horror movies to shame. This is something so unique it has to be seen to be believed. There is depth here among the gallons of blood; Every character is constructed nicely, and each has their moment; The locations and snow add a nice visual layer, and the cinematography captures the drab, depressing, grim overtones nicely. Hard to beat that whole cave scene, not to mention two(yes, two...) genuine, shocking surprises in this one. But this movie is about going all out with it's premise; It's crazy and outlandish, but it runs with it...all the way. But it's also refreshing. How many countless crappy serial killer/japanese ghost kids/70's horror remakes do we have to sit through before we get something like 'Ravenous'? Way too many. I'm surprised this movie even got made. But thank God it did."
Excellent, unique, gothic horror film
DokkenGal | Denver, Co USA | 07/26/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Ravenous is a stunningly effective and original movie that received an undeserved backlash from the movie industry, movie-goers and movie reviewers alike when it hit the screens on March 19, 1999. Why? Because, I think, this film is truly meant for only a small number of fans that have an appreciation for the bizarre, the macabre, and off-beat actors who turned what was intended to be a Hollywood/horror flick into something far more sinister, far more engrossing, and totally subsversive. For those of us with an appreciation for this type of accomplishment--like me!---Ravenous is by far the best picture I have seen since 1997's LA ConfidentIal. It's a story based in the 1840's during the Mexican American War about an American Army Captain who gets sent into the Sierra Nevadas to a place called Fort Spencer. From there, the story twists and turns into a grisly tale of cannibalism and horrific adventure. LA Confidential's Guy Pearce is quietly handsome and vulnerable as Captain John Boyd, and his powerful reticence is electrifying, especially in contrast to Robert Carlyle's rogueish bad-guy cannibal. The scenery is stupendous, the acting top-notch, the story along the lines of Interview with a Vampire-meets the Old West Alfred Packer/Donner Party. Totally unique, totally cool! But it had alot of blood in it, so for those squeamish people out there--be warned. But horro/gothic fans will love this!"
The Thinking Person's Movie about Cannibalism
Jake Sapiens | 05/20/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The story gets started at a fort in the Sierra Nevada's when a near dead stranger arrives at the fort and tells a tale that sounds very similar to the real story of the Donner party. But then things get much weirder! Don't eat that stew! This movie draws in religious references to Christianity, American Manifest Destiny, and Native American folklore, to create an intellectually and mythologically stimulating brew for the culturally receptive mind.The humor takes the edge off the horror, and the horror takes the edge off of the humor, in a brilliant balance that leaves this movie defying categorization. It remains far too serious call it dark comedy, but it still has its fair share of humor. Some of the more intense moments in the movie gain an erie and otherworldly tone when juxtaposed against some of the maniacally joyful music that accompanies those moments. The acting proves brilliant! And the dynamics between Robert Carlyle and Guy Pierce, hit a compelling range, from curious interest, to hatred and disgust, and even reaching the depths of thinly veiled homoerotic situational innuendo. The rest of the acting was great, but this amazing duo truly left the most memorable impression.I think the unfavorable reviews offered by some of the "professional critics" more reflects their inability to handle this topic at all, than any shortcomings of the movie itself. If you think you may be a little sensitive about the topic of cannibalism, you have been warned. I really don't think that any of the gruesomeness was gratuitous, and certainly the movie could have been a LOT more gory than it was. You simply can't pretend to discuss cannibalism without gruesomeness. To do otherwise would have been a Pollyanna whitewash job. If you have ever thought about becoming vegetarian, especially for aesthetic and moral reasons, this film just might push you over the edge! Unless you have an unusually "gothic" family or relationship, this isn't your typical date movie or family entertainment."