"I should've guessed Warhawk was behind all this!"
iansomniak | USA, Planet Earth | 09/26/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"He's no government man, he's just an American helping his country -- and in this stellar eleven-episode volume, you'll watch in stunned disbelief as that "same old invincible Rambo" helps his country time and time again in a myriad of death-defying adventures. This fourth medley of mayhem contains episode numbers 51, 52, 17, 16, 65, 10, 31, 56, 53, 39, and 2 of the outstanding animated series loosely based on the famed feature film trilogy starring Sylvester Stallone. I'll go out on a limb and say that this collection is the best Rambo disc yet, loaded with several truly terrific installments beginning with BOTH episodes of the two-part epic, `Alpha, Arms and Ambush,' and concluding with the second part of the five-part Tierra Libre saga, `Angel of Destruction.' In between, you'll stand up and cheer as our immortal hero wrests the top-secret XK7 fighter jet from the sinister clutches of the traitorous Mike Flynn...literally fights fire with fire on the plains of Africa...straps on two pairs of giant suction cups and climbs the outside of the Stature of Liberty while dodging blasts from Sgt. Havoc's helicopter...gives the Loch Ness Monster a bad case of indigestion...rescues a Scottish terrier named Bobby from Mad Dog and his minions...infiltrates the castle of Count Vladimir's great grandson in a homemade hot air balloon...befriends an ill-tempered orca...hops on a motorcycle to chase Cruncher, head of the Hogs gang, along the top of a speeding locomotive...transports Nicky, an orphan who's dying of kidney failure, through a violent snowstorm to Crowley Medical Center with S.A.V.A.G.E. forces in hot pursuit...and skis limbo-style under a truck to escape the sting of Gripper's flamethrower! Then you'll hear Kat exclaim, "Rambo made it!"...to which Turbo will casually add, "Was there ever any doubt?" Also on this thrill-laden DVD, you'll finally hear a couple of lines of dialog from lesser-known Force of Freedom member, T.D. -- you know, the blonde-haired dude in the green vest who's always shooting circular saw blades at the bad guys. Plus, you'll even get to meet Turbo's mama! Sorry to say you still won't find the elusive `Raise the Yamato' episode, which, you'll recall, was supposed to be included on `Volume 2: Enter the Dragon.' As the episodes roll along, you'll note that in Rambo's world, the root cause of all problems seems to be one General Warhawk. I wonder why this self-proclaimed general is always in such a foul mood? Is it because of the eye injury that forced him to wear those reflective sunglasses, or does he just come from a dysfunctional family? Is he frustrated that he's so woefully inept with a sword launcher? Maybe he's envious of more famous aspiring rulers of the world like Cobra Commander, Megatron, Lex Luthor and Doctor Doom. Warkawk complains that he's "surrounded by stupid lily-livered bunglers," but he and the "harebrained dunderheads" that do his bidding somehow always manage to slip through John J. Rambo's indomitable fingers. The General should at least be thankful for that much. And we Force of Freedom fans should be thankful that we only need two more volumes before we'll have every episode of this exciting series on DVD. So come on Lions Gate, let's blow this pop stand and rock and roll! Then we can move on to M.A.S.K.; Centurions; Bionic Six; and Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs. Until then, let us sit cross-legged on the ground and meditate on these Words of Wisdom from The Guru of Gunfire and Good Advice, Rambo:
"Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades."
"We don't do this for medals, [we do it for our country.]"
"Fighting doesn't make you a man."
"Make sure there are always elephants."
"If you want something you have to work for it; you can't just take what belongs to others."
"You should never play around water alone."
"There will always be people who wanna corrupt things and use them for their own evil purposes. It's up to all of us to see that they don't succeed."
"Pay attention to signs; you'll be a lot safer."
"A little kindness works wonders."
"Some people can brighten up a room just by leavin'."
"The only truly handicapped in this world are the ones who believe they are -- they're defeated from the start."
"Don't ever pull a gun unless you plan to use it."
"A free country needs educated people.""
When the world's in trouble there's only one man to call:Ram
David FERNANDEZ SABIO | Torrejón de Ardoz, Madrid Spain | 12/29/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Rambo and the Force of Freedom fights against the S.A.V.A.G.E. evil forces led by General Warhawk and his hechmen who tries to impose their will and control different countries in the world.
The Pentagon has Colonel Samuel Trautman and the Force of Freedom in charge of dealing with all situations that compromizes the world's peace.
Expert mechanic Turbo,master of disguise Kat and ninja White Dragon helps Rambo on his tasks against Sgt. Havoc and an all sort of villanins and mercenaries.
I used to watch this when I was a kid and I like it.Graphic violence is show but noone is hurt(audiencies are 5 and up).
Overall a great entertainment.