"There is ONE man who'd survive ANYTHING - RAMBO!"
iansomniak | USA, Planet Earth | 09/22/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Rambo's potpourri, Volume 3: Time once again to "get into the action" with another mixed-up marathon of Rambo-mania! You'll note that this marathon is a tad shorter than the previous two, with only ten adventures rather than the usual eleven. You'll also note that the price is the same despite the loss of one episode, but I guess all's fair in the DVD business. Anyways, this disc contains episode numbers 8, 37, 63, 12, 26, 6, 32, 48, 1, and 40 of the legendary animated series you've loved since 1986. The video and audio quality are fairly good for the most part, although the volume is too low at times and some specks of dirt appear on the screen here and there. I can't see any cohesive theme to this episode assortment, other than General Warhawk and his S.A.V.A.G.E. gang causing one problem after another and Rambo and The Force of Freedom saving the day again and again (while allowing the bad guys to escape to cause more trouble in the future), but one show that really stands out is the one called `Subterranean Holdup.' This, the series' sixth episode, features a terrific barroom brawl (you don't see many good barroom brawls in cartoons), a massive hoard of rats, a thrilling helicopter chase through a subway station and Rambo on a red Harley-Davidson! - As Rambo would say, "Outstanding!" Pay close attention while watching `Warhawk's Fortress,' and you'll notice that the cars at the automobile manufacturing plant rapidly change colors from red to blue and back again. You'll notice, too, that Rambo's six-wheeled jeep gets blown up a lot in these shows, but somehow Turbo always has an identical replacement ready to rock-n-roll. Volume 3 also includes the very first episode, `First Strike.' Here, you'll find several scenes that were used to make that unforgettable "Get me Rambo" opening title sequence - the unfortunate dog startled by Havoc's tank...Warhawk's soldiers kicking open a door to threaten a terrified family at gunpoint...Kat removing her old lady disguise by the light of a full moon...and Turbo Hayes winning a Formula 1 race. Too bad this is only ONE part of the five-part saga that began the Rambo series, and it closes with the words "TO BE CONTINUED." The story is not continued on this disc, of course, due to Lions Gate's MIND-BOGGLING decision NOT to release the episodes in any logical order. Oh well, at least we have a whole lotta Rambo on DVD now, and hopefully we'll get all 65 episodes someday soon, and they'll surely become a cherished family keepsake forever. Till then, here's some more of Rambo's Words of Wisdom:
"Freedom is one gift you can't keep unless you're willing to share it with everybody."
"A little excitement never hurt anybody."
"If everyone understood, and really pitched in, we could wipe out hunger in the world."
"When you're fighting evil, you never EVER give up!"
"Traitors don't care about anybody but themselves."
"Evil never rests, so we gotta be prepared."
P.S.: I can't believe this disc in currently only number 33,126 on Amazon's DVD Sales Rank! Ya know, in `S.A.V.A.G.E. Space,' Mad Dog asks, "Anyone else wanna be stupid?" Well, it would be "stupid" to pass up this golden opportunity to own some Rambo on DVD. Come on Amazonians, your country needs you!
When the world's in trouble there's only one man to call:Ram
David FERNANDEZ SABIO | Torrejón de Ardoz, Madrid Spain | 12/29/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Rambo and the Force of Freedom fights against the S.A.V.A.G.E. evil forces led by General Warhawk and his hechmen who tries to impose their will and control different countries in the world.
The Pentagon has Colonel Samuel Trautman and the Force of Freedom in charge of dealing with all situations that compromizes the world's peace.
Expert mechanic Turbo,master of disguise Kat and ninja White Dragon helps Rambo on his tasks against Sgt. Havoc and an all sort of villanins and mercenaries.
I used to watch this when I was a kid and I like it.Graphic violence is show but noone is hurt(audiencies are 5 and up).
Overall a great entertainment.