What can I say?
Herr Mannelig | USA | 10/19/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"It is easy to review the serial itself, but I shall review this particular release first.
The DVD's are great and it is very nice to have for watching this serial. If you are thinking of getting this serial, get this set.
Now, for the serial itself. Yes, it has elements that would be considered "cheesy" or otherwise not so great by today's standards. However, it has all the elements that are found in most movies. The fight seens are unrealistic, in that people have a slugging fest, and no one ever gets hurt (sometimes, they pass out for a couple of seconds). The fight seens of this sort are found all through out this time period (in cowboy movies especially). However, modern movies do the same thing in reverse, unrealistic fight seens with CGI and too much flair (and as always, fight seens are longer than real life).
The technology portrayed is from the 50's perspective. Judge it, and you have to judge every movie, even modern ones (in the future).
The moon is from the pre-moon landing era and is very earthlike. It is rocky and desert, but with a blue sky. This was not a problem back then, because no one actually ever was on the moon.
I got this because I watched this serial was I was very young (5-6) and I wanted to watch it again as an adult."
Dumb But Fun
Jonathan Schaper | London, Ontario Canada | 10/06/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Radar Men From the Moon was made during Republic's decline and has many of that period's weaknesses including:
1. An extremely dumb hero: His top secret lab has no guards and has a large painting of himself in costume by the door. He keeps his top secret rocket ship parked unlock on an unguarded field near a country road. He gives up chasing bad guys who have a head start despite WEARING A ROCKET PACK that lets him fly fast speeds. After finding the main villain (who is as evil as Hitler but with more dangerous weapons) unconscious he doesn't bother killing him or taking him prisoner, but just steals a ray gun. And although he has stolen a ray gun that can destroy heavy tanks, he runs away from a tank pursuing him. And that's just the first chapter. The hero is also unbelievably stiff. It's as if Bush 43 and Al Gore had mated.
2. The villains are equally dumb: Instead of stealing parts to finish one of their evil machines (or getting parts sent down from their headquarters on the moon), the bad guys on Earth spend several chapters attempting to rob a heavily armed bank, kidnapping the hero's girlfriend for ransom, etc. because they are broke. I guess stealing from hardware stores is worse than committing genocide.
and, 3. There's nothing but cheat cliffhangers: The villain disintegrates the machine the hero is hiding behind as well as everything nearby. How did the hero escape? It turns out he was actually hiding behind an ornate footstool nowhere near the machine he was hiding behind (huh?). And the good old he-jumped-out-of-the-car-just-before-it-crashed routine is used not once, but several times.
Still, Radar Men manages to be fun, sexist ("you might need a woman on the moon to cook your meals"), 1950s cheese. And as for print quality, you can always trust Roan, Image or VCI."
Very entertaining
R. Cotter | USA | 01/04/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Recently I came across a low priced Radar Men From the Moon DVD and decided to get it on a lark. Now I'm hooked on serials and rocket men movies. The inner kid in me loves the rocket suit and the flying footage and the space ship and the big ray guns and explosions and stunts...!"
Great fun
R. Cotter | 04/14/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Picked this up because it was cheap and gave it a look and loved it. From the reviews on here there are some awful copies out there, but mine is fine and not by Whirlwind. This is a good time and as 'hokey' as it is I really love this serial."