On June 5, 1968, shortly after winning the hotly-contested California primary, Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy was slain in the pantry of the Los Angeles Ambassador hotel. Charged with the assassination... more » is Sirhan Sirhan, a 24 year-old Palestinian whose notebooks repeatedly declare RFK MUST DIE! While Sirhan Sirhan recants his confession, investigatory oversights leave many questions unanswered:
Why was RFK rerouted from his original destination in the hotel straight into the path of an assassin s bullet?
Who was the girl in the polka dot dress seen fleeing the hotel screaming We shot him, we shot him ?
Why was there a CIA presence at the hotel that night?
Why were additional bullets recovered but never entered into evidence?
Writer-director Shane O Sullivan, highly skeptical of the official report, conducted his own exhaustive investigation. Through exclusive interviews with eyewitnesses and invesitgators, as well as rare archival footage and a wealth of expert testimony, this disturning documentary sheds new light on the murder of one of America's most beloved politicians.
"Shane O'Sullivan has done a fine job here. This is a fascinating look at the world of the LAPD such as it was in the sixties. Listen and you will hear of witnesses being pressured by LAPD investigators to change their stories to conform to the official version of events, that Sirhan acted alone. It is possible that certain CIA officials were present that night. Intriguing photographic evidence and eye witness testimony is introduced on that score, and the viewer is left to draw his or her own conclusions. Ed Lopez, a former congressional investigator gives a positive i.d. of George Joannides, a now dead CIA official who was heavily involved with the Cuban exiles. CIA's stern refusal to provide any information on Joannides hardly helps its case before the general public. Wayne Smith, a diplomat under JFK knew David Morales well and gives a positive i.d. of him. The interview with Rocky Carbajal a rough hewn lifelong pal of David Morales, is quite interesting. Carbajal does not believe Morales was at the Ambassador Hotel that night, but he is certain Morales was involved in the murder of JFK. Carbajal believes the murders of both Kennedy brothers were CIA operations. Included also are tapes of Sirhan's hypnosis session which is very eery to listen to. The LAPD destroyed evidence in the case and many documents, leaving the viewer with little confidence in the official story. But O'Sullivan may have opened a door towards the truth, though it may now be too late to get the whole story.
A new development is being announced in this case. This was posted at JFKLancer.com:
" Scientific Audio Evidence
Reveals Second Gunman in RFK Assassination
In 2004 the only known audio tape of the RFK assassination was discovered stored in the California State Archives in Sacramento, CA by an investigative journalist. Recorded by independent journalist Stanislaw Pruszynski, it is the only known audio recording that contains the actual shots fired during the shooting on June 5, 1968 in Los Angeles.
Three years ago, Philip Van Praag, an expert in the forensic analysis of magnetic media recordings, began studying the audio tape with startling results; the tape revealed between 10 and 13 shots fired. The presence of 10 shots is highly significant because Sirhan's handgun could fire no more than eight shots without reloading. Additionally, two of the shots occured so close together that they could not have been fired by the same gunman; strong evidence of a second gun being fired by someone other than Sirhan.
Van Praag will present his unique scientific testing methods and results at 4:00pm on February 21st at the American Academy of Forensic Scientists (AAFS) meeting in Washington DC. His presentation is entitled "Acoustic Analysis of Gunshot Recordings Utilizing Frequency Selective Integrated Loudness Envelope Evaluation". AAFS is the world's most prestigious forensic science organization. As a professional society dedicated to the application of science to the law, the AAFS is committed to the promotion of education and the elevation of accuracy, precision, and specificity in the forensic sciences.
Phil Van Praag's involvement in the audio field has spanned the past 45 years, with forensic analysis of magnetic media recordings included over 35 of those years. The context of his involvement in the field has been embodied both within his professional career and as a result of ongoing independent study. In that regard, he has maintained a substantial laboratory facility with considerable scientific instrumentation with which to conduct his research.
Possessing a Master of Science degree in Engineering (Electrical), Van Praag's professional employment background has included, most recently, a position of Vice President of Information Technology (IT) for the American Heart Association. Prior to that, he was the Chief Information Officer & Vice President of IT for Applied Power, Inc. He had previously worked as a Director of Information Systems at R.R. Donnelley & Sons Co., and the Technical Head of Automated Data Management at Hughes Aircraft Co. He has also held engineering related positions at Ampex Corporation as a Senior Instructor in their Professional Audio/Video Systems division, and in technical laboratory work at Bell Telephone Laboratories, Sandia National Laboratories, and IBM."
CIA Revenge
Larry Rochelle | North Carolina | 01/08/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"CIA revenge blossoms as RFK opts to run for president in 1968. This DVD explains how Bobby was led to his death, how the CIA programmed Sirhan to be the patsy, and how four or five CIA henchmen were actually at the site of this murder.
Some of these CIA monsters are still living; many have died. But the SELECT COMMITTEE ON ASSASSINATIONS got pretty close to the truth back in the late 70s. And now we have many answers about Bobby's death.
The Bay of Pigs fiasco was mentioned during the Watergate timeline. And the anti-Castro Cubans loom large in both Bobby's and JFK's deaths. Interesting that the Republicans only gave 5 million to investigate the deaths of Kennedy, King and Kennedy, yet they spent 100 million trying to get Clinton.
Not only a must-have historical document, RFK MUST DIE shows us all who's really in power even now. And how the Kennedy family suffered so much because of the CIA's mishandling of Cuba so that rich Republicans could oust Castro and maintain Havana as a vacation spot and money-maker for them, with the right-wing Cuban fascists and the Mafia in charge of the casinos."
Absolutely riveting....
James Burns | 05/01/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"At first, I thought this would just be another conspiracy film in which the filmmaker just goes out and finds people to confirm his theory, but that was not the case. The filmmaker goes out of his way, in fact, to present facts only and does not lead the viewer to any particular conclusion. Obviously this case needs to be reopened, and I sincerely hope the official version will be proven correct, but this film left me pretty shocked. The (nicely cleaned up and retouched) stock footage of possible spooks roaming the hotel floor is disturbing, to say the least."
How many others have been assinated to maintain the power st
Jerry Payne | West Virginia | 05/05/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Very alarming to know that our government is so corrupt, that it will stop at nothing to assassinate those that become a threat to expose them.
John F. Kennedy, Martin L. King and Robert Kennedy were in position to disrupt the power of corruption and they were assassinated by war mongers, war profiteers and others, to keep them from exposing the corruption they were going to investigate and had fought against."
Genuinely interesting!
Velrahjah Holman | Colorado Springs, CO. | 06/16/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This was an intriguing look into the assassination of one of our countries greatest leaders. This documentary, or "mockumentary", however you choose look at it at, went to great lengths to suggest yet another conspiracy theory regarding the infamous Kennedy's. While I may be biased because of my affection for the legacy of this family, it's hard to dispute some of the allegations.
A provocative claim is that C.I.A. agent David Morales, the JMWAVE Chief of Operations was involved. David Morales was also alleged to be involved in the assassination of president John F. Kennedy. There is actually video footage of someone who appears to be Morales at the Ambassador Hotel on the night of RKF's assassination. Ex-operatives and colleagues have confirmed that it was indeed Morales seen in the footage. David Morales was an avid, professed adversary of both John and Robert Kennedy.
Sirhan Sirhan, the assassin of Robert Kennedy has claimed he has no recollection of the incident. His defense team suggests experimental C.I.A. mind control. The C.I.A. and the Kennedy administration, along with Bobby who was the Attorney General, were at constant odds with each other. We have recently learned that the C.I.A. was not opposed to experimental practices (see: LSD and Project MKULTRA).
The most poignant disparity is the number of shots fired, the proximity of Sirhan to RFK and the silenced witnesses. Who was the woman in the polka dot dress? At what point do conspiracy theories and coincidence become something else? Are the assassinations of RFK, JFK, MLK and Malcolm X just happenstance? (see: The Assassinations, by James DiEugenio and Lisa Pease) In the name of objectivity, I implore people to do their own research and sift through the facts, conspiracy theories and "white noise".