Miracles only happen in the movies. Behind the glitz and glamour, another Hollywood exists--a world in which aspiring starlets, hardened gangsters, teenage runaways, and straightlaced innocents share the stage. In this spr... more »awling tale, the lives of eight people intersect as they search for love, redemption, and meaning on the streets of Hollywood. Director Josef Rusnak (The Thirteenth Floor) brings poignancy and relevance to a remarkable ensemble piece led by rising stars Hilary Swank (Academy Award and Golden Globe Winner--Best Actress, Boys Don't Cry), Natasha Gregson Wagner (Urban Legend) and Daryl "Chill" Mitchell (Galaxy Quest).« less
"You can always count on some mercenary to take advantage of an actor's success by releasing one of his or her early roles in some worthless B movie. `Quiet Days In Hollywood' is an abominable ensemble production produced in 1997 and never released in theaters in the United States (it saw a limited release in Germany). It was just released to the video market with Hilary Swank as the marketing hook. Actually, despite the fact that her picture and name dominate the package, Swank has only two limited appearances in the film.The film is a series of chain linked sex vignettes. Each character has sex with another character and then the second character moves on to the next vignette and has sex with another who moves on to another etc., until finally, the circle is complete and the last character has sex with the first character. The story has all the substance of a porn movie, with banal, profanity-riddled dialogue serving to bridge the gap between sex scenes. Since the sex scenes were mostly implied or obscured, even the prurient aspect was limited.Hillary Swank plays a hooker on the streets of Hollywood. She is brash to the point of stupidity, taunting and insulting dangerous people as if she has some sort of death wish. Her performance here is very amateurish and unpolished. Natasha Gregson Wagner was the only other cast member worth mentioning. She gave a reasonably good performance as a woman in an open marriage having sex with one of her husband's employees (the husband knows).There is not really much more to say about this sham. I rated it a 2/10. Don't get duped into seeing it as I did just because Swank is on the cover."
Moving picture of real life
LILyte Review | CA | 10/11/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I do not agree with most of the reviewers here as they are looking for pulp fiction type movie and not real life on the street depiction as this movie is about. I find it moving and very involving involving many characters and the super hot Hillary Swank. She plays a hooker on the street and her acting make it very believeable OMG. Life is not exciting, it is grim for many and this movie shows that. It makes u feel fortunate that you are not walking on the streets of Hollywood or anywhere in your town.I recommend this for a true life experiance."
D. C Peterson | St. Paul, MN United States | 01/18/2001
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Let me count the ways:Bad writing. At first I thought they were trying for a "Pulp Fiction" type of wittily semi-meaningless dialogue, then I gave up and decided it was just BAD. Translated from a German screenplay, but this wouldn't be any better auf Deutsch.Bad direction. The action scenes look like an episode of "Cops", the sex scenes look like porn.Bad acting. Chad Lowe's wall-pounding men's-room rant about some half-explained record company lawsuit is as bizarre as any I have ever seen. Hilary Swank's accent seems to change from Brooklynese in the first scene to Minnesotan in the finale.Even the squealing guitar music is bad. ...Hilary Swank has come a LONG way from this swill to "Boys Don't Cry.""
A film of poignancy and relevance, set in today's Hollywood.
Midwest Book Review | Oregon, WI USA | 07/05/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"In Quiet Days In Hollywood, director Josef Rusnak brings poignancy and relevance to a story set in the world of aspiring starlets, hardened gangsters, teenage runaways, and straitlaced innocents working in a Hollywood that is far different from the glamour capital of the filmmaking world depicted in the minds of most of us. This superbly written and enacted film takes up the intersecting lives of eight people as they search for love, redemption, and meaning on the mean streets of today's Hollywood only to find that "happy ever after" fantasies are available only in the movies."
Eye Opening
Meijer Goldstein | New York, NY | 08/04/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This isnt a bad movie. It is good to see how twisted and perverted people have become overall, especially in hollywood. The girls having to sell themselves makes me wonder if girls are still running to hollywood to be discovered."