Performing with the London Metropolitan Orchestra in 1994, Unledded documents the much-heralded reunion of Jimmy Page and Robert Plant. Among the songs performed are reworked versions of many Zeppelin favorites, including ... more »"The Battle of Evermore," "Gallows Pole," and "Kashmir," along with four new songs, such as "Yallah" and "Wonderful One." The platinum-selling Unledded cd heralded a new era or renewed popularity. Released now for the very first time on DVD, Unledded is the DVD Led Zeppelin fans have been waiting for. Track Listing:
Brent A. Anthonisen | Alpharetta, GA, USA | 11/17/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Ex-Led Zeppelin vocalist and lyricist Robert Plant always said that the true spirit of Led Zeppelin as represented within a single song was more evident in "Kashmir" than it was in AOR standby classic tracks like "Rock & Roll" and "Black Dog"; the notion that a hard rock blues-based band of English white boys who practically invented the heavy metal music genre could in fact be considered the godfathers of "World Beat" music a full generation before Peter Gabriel came along is conveniently overlooked by Western rock music fans, as is the notion that the principles of Eastern music (in terms of Indian and Arabic theories and applications) were far more prevalent within Led Zeppelin's work than that of the Beatles, typically more associated with Indian music thanks to George Harrison's association with Ravi Shankar.
This outstanding live performance recorded 10 years ago as of this writing is a fantastic example of Plant's opinion and the Led Zeppelin vision of musical exploration gloriously realized. As detailed within the interview included with this DVD's bonus features, Plant and guitarist/co-songwriter Jimmy Page chose a set that lent itself well to a broad interpretation and that reflected less the brute force of the riff-driven heavy metal classic tracks that permeate albums such as "Led Zeppelin II" and their self-titled 4th album (although "Four Sticks" and a wild reinterpretation of "When The Levee Breaks" are included) and more of the songs crafted as introspective compostions from "Led Zeppelin III" and "Houses Of The Holy".
This is not Led Zeppelin in their prime; that would be "How The West Was Won". And in truth John Paul Jones' absence is much lamented by this listener as he may well have been the best musician in the band and was the unifying force keeping them together during their last years...but the musicians filling in for him and the late John Bonham are certainly competant and their absence tugs at the sentiment of the heart rather than the sensitivity of the ear.
But for me the accompanying musicians are what really makes this set go. This is not a case of adding an extra guitarist (i.e., Pat Smear from the "Nirvana: MTV Unplugged" concert); the musicians added to this performance play every thing from banjo to hurdy-gurdy to native Arabic lutes, in addition to both Western and Eatern string sections as well as Arabic percussion specialists. The culmination of the meshing of musical talents and the melding of musical sensibilities is no better realized than in the epic performance of "Kashmir", my personal favorite Led Zeppelin song (and perhaps my favorite song by any performer). The song is hardly recognizable as the 8-plus minute classic rock radio staple; it has instead become the living embodiment of the spirit of the band and with its new energy surpasses the original studio recording whose orchestral sounds were generated from an early synthesizer (by John Paul Jones); the energy and the determination exhibited by the lead and supporting musicians during its performance is thoroughly inspiring and worthy of one of the finest performances in contemporary rock history.
This is a tremendous sampling of a band broken down to its most musical elements. Not specifically rock, folk, or even acoustic. Just evidence of the work of one of the finest bands to ever record. All the elements are there; you owe it to yourself to partake of them."
Page and Plant should be ashamed of themselves
Tuco | Phoenix, Az USA | 02/21/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"First off, this is a must have for fans of Zepp as this DVD includes near perfect renditions of all of the classics that were not included on the recent 2 DVD set. Great acoustic stuff here. Not to be missed...
Secondly, Page and Plant should be ashamed of themselves for not inviting John Paul Jones' participation. It goes against everything that Zeppelin stands for. Not only did he contribute his solid bass and keyboard skills he was also the single entity that kept the band together in their later years. Explainable for no other reason but sheer Greed.
Shortly after this was filmed, Zepp was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Page, Plant and Jones all accepted the award together along with Bonhams son. Jones approached the mike and made the public comment when accepting "I'd like to thank my mates(looking at Page/Plant) for remembering my phone number this time." Page and Plant immediately look at each other with embarrassment and shame. Plant then glances back at Jones while mimmicking that he was searching his jacket and trouser pockets for a pen. An all time low for this mighty band and their stellar reputation..."
Amazing Music
michael shaoul | new york, new york United States | 04/06/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I'm very surprised that no has rated this DVD yet. This is one of the best live concerts I have ever scene. Plant and Page are masters and work together like two soulfull, deep and invested musicians at the top of how real musicians should make music. The Arabic touches are mesmerizing. This combination of Middle-Eastern music with rock breathes a fresh spin on the classic rock genre that, unfortunatly, is not done by too many other bands today. I can't understand why either - these styles can compliment each other so nicely if done right like they way it's done here. What a great sound. Stand out traks - "Friends," "Kashmir," "Four Sticks," "Scince I've Been Loving You," "The Rain Song" and one of my other favorites, "Nobody's Fault But Mine." I can't say how much of an impact this made on me the first time I saw it. My dad bought it on VHS and we watched it when I was about 16. That was it for me. I discovered real music. I'm 21 now, and Led Zepplin still remains on of my favorite bands including Talking Heads and Jethro Tull. I always wondered why this concert never went on DVD, so to finnally find it was great. This music started it all for me. It's deep, powerful, fun and emotional music. Note - People who like "The Backstreet Boys" will, more then likely, not like this music. It's not pop, just great music."
Page and Plant Deliver with Style
Alex G | Nashville, Tennessee USA | 10/27/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Well, Sir Robert and James Page have done it again!
This time, in a re-release of MTV's 1994 Special UnLedded Page and Plant video, the full beauty of Robert's voice, and Jimmy Page and his mastery of guitar legend abound.
It is replete with wonderful moments, such as Gallows Pole, featuring Jimmy playing one of his own BlackMountainside Brand custom acoustic guitars, Friends, a fabulous, exotic song from Zep III, and a heavy version of THE song, Kashmir, replete with cello phenom Caroline Dale, her entire ensemble of British cellists, Giles, Milne, et al, an Egyptian string ensemble, (with monstrously talented Egyptian violin soloist Wael Abu Bakr) doing lead violin solo, and Jimmy playing the 50,000$, multi computerized GIbson Les Paul Transperformance guitar - capable of instantaneously moving and retuning to nearly 100 different modal tunings real time- with relish. Jimmy has that device down to a science. Kashmir is simply still astonishing and brings tears to the eyes delivered like this. Power and glory abound here.
There is EVEN Page/Plant/Jones and Lee, doing a parody of Dred Zeppelins' (Nobody's Fault) doing a parody of Led Zep. How about that for turnabout? All in good fun of course. It's even dumbed down to Dreds level for extra gusto.
The other piec de resistanc' is No Quarter, the beginning song, filmed outdoors, in the woods, in Wales, with Jimmy doing a totally re-worked No quarter in modal 12 string, acoustic, and Robert handling his own array of black boxes (on his lap) through which he does misty mountain hopping special FX for his voice, in real time. THIS is priceless.
There are a few (very few) weak spots here and there, but after all, these guys are middle aged fellows, like many of us, here, and none of us are what we were when we were 25. And Bonham's presence is noticable at times. Thank You could have been a better take.
But on the whole, this is thrilling music, with enormous scope, big time arrangements, TOP talent doing backup roles. The hurdy gurdy, rich mandolins, and violas and Bodhran add especially flavorful ethnic mixes to the final product. It is exciting, fresh, and full of new twists. I loved the jam with the musicians in Morrocco. And in Marrackech, that anthem, with Pagey doing the moonwalk, is just plain loud fun.
Where Pagey gets these special effects is anyones' guess. He never runs out of new ideas, or new gear. No one, save perhaps Gilmour, knows more about the technical end of guitar, electronics, FX, cutting edge tech, and the like. These two fellows have pushed the state of the guitar ahead 100 years... if only there were people behind them picking up where they left off. As long as that is not the case, WE need JP showing us the way..
SIBLY is again, great. If you liked Led Zep, I dare say you will probably love this video. It is worth watching and keeping. You won't find another live rock band like this for another hundred years or more. And with this high calibre of musicians backing them up, you won't see a show like this again. That much is assured. Guaranteed."
Thank You 2
heaven on earth | 11/01/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I can't disagree more with the guy who said the DVD was distorted - their system must be set up very incorrectly or they blew some cones. In fact I'd agree with the review that said it should be a sonic reference disc (eg. like The Eagles - Hell Freezes Over... but a lot cooler)- eg. the surround mix is used to great effect on What Is & What Should Never Be.
It's a great package. You get;
A surreal vid of No Quarter, intimate concert footage including with Egyptian ensembles, & classical light orchestra. It is definately not all unplugged - Page cranks the Les Paul quite a lot & the drums are loud at times. Then if you were bored by all this - the middle section transports you to exotic Morocco for a few live songs - then back again to the original concert. You have lots of classic Zep (OK no Stairway - but you don't need it) & new songs like Wonderful One which is er, wonderful. Not to mention the extras of Black Dog, weird vid for Most High & a street interview.
You couldn't make a better DVD of this type. Thank You Page/Plant & all those other musicians & staff involved."