Not the worst movie ever, but by far the most inept.
Greg Hirst | Casper, WY USA | 02/29/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I can't solemnly swear that I actually watched all of Python II, rather after ten minutes I screwed around on etc and just listened to the dialogue and checking out the screen every 30 seconds or so.Do I really need to tell you that plot (involving, *gasp* the military!) is simplistic contrived and lame? That it will find inconsequential characters in the bowels of a facility? That we learn most of their names when they die and another character screams "Mike! NOOOOOOOOOOO!"? That the special effects on the covor are about as good as the ones in the film? That the dialogue is like listening to a parrot strapped into a cuisinart? Or that the score uses snare drums when the military men appear? Or that there is not an iota of tension, fear or humor?I mean, c'mon... the film is called PYTHON II (do I need to tell you that the roman numeral 2 is actually a pair of red slash marks?)It's worse than Carnosaur.....It's not however, the worst film ever made. It isn't offensive, just jaw-dropping, shockingly, mind-bogglingly awful, and an utter waste of time.By the way, if you and your buds are looking to get drunk and make fun of a bad horror film for kicks don't come near this... I recommend JEEPERS CREEPERS 2 for that"
Python II
John S. Milas | Illinois | 08/07/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I really loved Python 1 after I bought it, so I ordered Python II off of amazon and it was great! It's not as entertaining and definetly not as funny as the first Python, but it's still fun to watch. Greg Larson(William "Billy" Zabka) returns in Python II as Agent Larson on a mission to capture another large snake that has again escaped due to an airplane crash. This time around the battle rages on in Russia. I wish there were some more special features on this disk, a commentary would be cool."
Why doesn't the world just end?
John S. Milas | 03/22/2003
(1 out of 5 stars)
"It blew my expectations into a million pieces, much like the million pieces of fragmented plot and poor acting. One 80 foot snake can fit into a box the size of a refrigerator, and still have room to coil and attack male nurses who are inexplicably in a military base.
It is interesting to note that of the list of four cast members profiled in special features, one is in the first ten minutes of the movie only."
Entertaining but shallow
Trevor Merris | Carmicheal, CA USA | 05/12/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Its an OK low budget sci-fi horror film but it does not have much to show off. The FX are average and the acting is a little below par. The story is ok, good enough to be made. but its a grain in the beach of terror films."