"Dana Andrews is excellent as the Captain of a downed Army Air Corps B25 bomber over Japan. These US Flyers are captured and put on trial in a civilian court in front of the international press for suppossed "crimes against humanity". The Japanese secretly torture the Airmen one by one trying to discover if they came from a land base or a carrier. The story basically revolves around whether or not the American Airmen will tell the Japanese what they want to know. The final minutes of the film are quite stirring. The film music master, Alfred Newman did the score for the film and cleverly chose not to use very much underscoring music until the final scene in the film. Although the music he uses is borrowed and not original his adaptation of it is powerful!"
Christopher E. Sarno | Boston, Massachusetts United States | 04/03/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is an inspiring movie to ALL Americans at this stage of the war vs Japan...in reality, three [3] of the captured USAAF crew were beheaded, others tortured unmercifuly...3 survived at war's end...with the release of, "The Purple Heart" at Christmas time [1944] well after the Gen Doolittle raid in April 1942, it hit home and in our hearts to the heroics of our courageous United States Army Air Force and Naval Forces in harm's way...this movie depicts Japan for all of her quick grabs in the Pacific War; yet, Japan was wide open and vunerable to air attack...it helped lift our morale to perservere, sacrifice and no more surrenders, ultimately paving the way for Japan's unconditional surrender forevermore in Aug/1945...it was NOT a propaganda movie; conversely, a cornerstone film for total victory over Japan who was our most formidable and cunning enemy we ever faced on the sea and on the land...Dana Andrews stirring lecture to that Japanese judge rang true as the "USAAF will blackened your skies, day and nite we'll come to burn your cities to the ground and wipe your dirty little Empire off the face of the earth"...that was a TRUISM and justly so...sadly, today's liberal Americans can't relate or comprehend to just what a UNITED effort it took to bring the Japanese Militarists to extinction in Aug/1945...the Japanese got what they readily deserved with A-Bomb interest...this movie was a harbinger of what was to come to the home-islands of Japan...WW2 was a great American lesson to America's enemies...I loved this wartime 1944 film about wartime April/1942....SSGT CHRIS SARNO-USMC FMF"
"The movie is a bit dramatic at times, but those who have studied the Doolittle raid and the treatment of the 8 men captured know it does not tell the American public enough about the terrible way humans treat other humans. If the Americans had been able to know how badly their prisoners were being treated, the Japanese Island might not be there today. Read Four Came Home for the best view, or study other exerpts of various items on the internet. I am writing about Dean Edward Hallmark, a graduate of Paris Junior College and one of the three who were executed."
Choked- Up
Robert A. Senatore | Bellevue, WA> | 08/21/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Most reviews miss what was for me, as a child, the most inspiring portion of the film. I would choke -up at the final scene, when the crew having decided to not tell the details of the raid leave the courtroom to face death, marching down the hallway with smiles on their faces to stirring music. It still grabs me today."
A Must See for those who do not with to forget...
Peter Hyatt | Orrington, Maine | 06/02/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Although AMC has the gall to call it "racist propaganda" and portray the Japanese as vicious, Japanse veterans from WWII all tell the same story: how they were, themselves, beaten by their officers, and how they were taught that the Americans were lower than animals, and no cruelty was considered unfit for the Americans.
The movie intimates the brutality and does not show what the Japanese actually did to these brave airmen.
Japanese wartime mentality was animalistic. The rape of Naking, as well as the treatment of American POWs are just two examples of the brutality of these people pre WWII.
Gen. MacArthur, though widely criticized for not prosecuting the Emperor, who had full complicity in war crimes and in the war of aggression, used Hirohito to bring peace. He brought over missionaries and set them up as school teachers, and did an amazing job in de-militarizing the Japanese people and bringing peace to a people who were raised on pagan Emperor worship. He changed their society from the ground up.
No Hollywood movie, thus far, has truly shown how brutal and animalistic the Japanese military were, and this movie is no exception. They did a mock trial and executed these brave men.
For AMC to call it racist propaganda because the judges cheered when news that MacArthur had left Corigidor shows only that they care more for political correctness rather than factual correctness.
don't miss this movie. Never forget what foreign aggression did to our nation while sleeping peacefully on a December Sunday morning, in 1941. Don't forget the bravery of the Doolittle raid, nor of the countless sacrifices made by young men to stop imperialistic barbariansism."