Two expeditions make their way into the heart of a forest near Mt. Ararat in Turkey - home of a dormant volcano that holds within itself a deadly secret that's been asleep for millions of years: un-hatched pterodactyl eggs... more »! On a man hunt for a dangerous terrorist, Captain Bergen (Coolio) leads his military Special Ops unit deeper into the forest, while Professor Lovecraft (Cameron Daddo) and his team of scientists search for clues to the past when they make a dangerous discovery. Faced with the threat of the flesh eating predators, both groups come to the realization that they must rely on one another if they plan to make it out of the forest alive! With non-stop action and explosive graphics, Pterodactyl will make your fear take flight!« less
"This made for SCIFI Channel thriller is quite entertaining for movies of its ilk. The special effects are pretty cool and the cast gamely engages in some ridiculous dialogue and action, but hey this is a giant dinosaur movie---who wants art? Cameron Daddo plays a paleontologist who is taking some of his students on an expedition on the Turkish/Armenian border. Amy Sloan plays Kate, his graduate student and would be lover. Also in the area is a special ops force out to take custody of a rebel leader. Of course as the movie progresses, the two parties of people converge to battle the army of pterodactyls, released by an earthquake in a volcano. There's lots of blood and guts as the nasty birdies engage in their predatory feeding, and lots of tense who's gonna get it scenes? While hardly a work of classic stature, PTERODACTYL provided the thrills and action I like in this kind of distracting movie."
Killer Prehistoric Pterodactyls On The Rampage In Fast Movin
Simon Davis | 09/25/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Obviously you don't go into a viewing of Showtime's 2005 production of "Pterodactyl", expecting Academy Award winning performances or a first rate script even if you are a fan of this type of film. However since a film doesn't necessarily have to have these qualities to be entertaining I found myself pleasantly surprised by this made for television effort starring Australian ex pat actor Cameron Daddo. Being a big dinosaur fan since childhood I've always enjoyed any films where dinosaurs feature in the story so I was eager to get a hold of a copy of this film. Despite its very obvious shortcomings in terms of dialogue and character development I found the film's main strength lay in the superb creatures, ie the Pterodactyl(s) of the title that were for the most part first rate. The idea of long extinct dinosaurs and other related reptiles suddenly being awakened in the present day and creating havoc among modern man is not a new one and has been used in countless films over the decades but what we have in "Pterodactyl", is nevertheless a fast moving action story that doesn't waste too much time on setting the scene before the creatures appear and begin their trail of death and destruction. What really amazed me in "Pterodactyl", were its very gory special effects that really left nothing to the imagination and certainly would not be for the squeamish. While it could in no way compare to the dinosaur epics created by Steven Spielberg I have to give this film its due in that even with its much smaller budget the savage flying pterodactyls created here in vivid CGI really lifted the film above its ordinary script and largely stock characters."
Caught me by surprise..!!
Andre Villemaire | Canada | 03/13/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Give this director another creature movie to direct please. I
was ready to be entertained but this creature movie blew me
away with the great CGI, gore and action. The birds are predators and are hungry...and we get to see what we want to see and not just quick edits thats leaves the audience dizzy.
Descent acting, good monsters and a story....get your popcorn
ready monster fans as you wont fall asleep on this one."
A good little chomp fest
b movie lover | Franklin, Wi USA | 02/15/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"A neat little flying monster B movie.Considering it was made for TV, it's well made.Basic story is about a bunch of college students on a field trip becoming lunch for a bunch of pterodactyle's. The FX is very good considering the low budget.The actors did a passing job, although the self centered (im gods gift to men)big boobed blonde was a pain in the ass.It was good to see her chowed on by the flying reptiles.The film,has tons of gore(heads ripped of,bodies ripped in half and entrails flying in the breeze).Even a group of special forces tough guys are a feast for the ptero's.Hell I was rooting for the flying meat munchers. Almost as good as "Q",the David Carradine flying monster gem of the 90's."
Cool little monster movie
Gygos the Stupendous | NWT | 02/06/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Sure, the writing, directing, and most of the acting is bad, but some of these people seem to have taken lessons before this movie and the CGI isn't to horrible either.
The plot is kinda neat. A volcano erupts, causing several dormant pterodactyl eggs to hatch. The things grow to full size in a couple of months, and next thing you know, there's 30-40 of these things flying around the area eating people left and right. They aren't very polite, either.
Overall, PTERODACTYL is a good choice for a weekend rental and the DVD has a nifty little making of feature. B-"