Age of Aquarius
Rebecca Johnson | Washington State | 09/11/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Every human being bears a higher man within himself besides what we may call the work-a-day man. This higher man remains hidden until he is awakened. And each human being can himself alone awaken this higher being within himself." --Rudolf Steiner
While the influences of the Aquarian age seem to be apparent in some situations, many say the age will not dawn until 2600 (contested by astrologers). While we wish for peace, it seems we are still swimming around in war and insurmountable natural disasters. Even I have felt this awakening from the Piscean Age where it seems we are moving from a place of following one faith blindly to a place where we discover our own individual spirituality based on the teachings of many faiths.
The entire DVD shows how the pieces of the puzzle have fallen into place in the past and then it delves into ideas about how in 2050, seventy percent of the world's Coral Reefs will have disappeared if we continue polluting the oceans. At times it seems this is more about war and destruction than a time of peace. Comments like "disaster" meaning bad star make this intellectually enjoyable in places. The doom and gloom mood throughout makes you want to reach for more than a few Tums. I took three.
It is ominous at best throughout the first half and then it seems to lighten. Is there hope? Can mankind thwart prophecy?
After a great misery for mankind an even greater approaches.
The great cycle of the centuries is renewed:
It will rain blood, milk, famine, war and disease.
In the sky will be seen a fire, dragging a tail of sparks.
Nostradamus is featured in this DVD and while his writing is interesting, I found his use of rose petals to make a vitamin C powder to be even more interesting.
Viewing "Prophecy: Next 1000 Years" will cause you to wonder why they focuses so much on the past. It seems they wanted to put ideas into context and yet somehow they don't give many new predictions. They seem to be focusing on the past in order to prove the earth will go through more conflict on the way to peace. The visual aspects are entertaining and they do show images of lovely asteroids hurtling through space and slamming into planets.
"The third angel sounded his trumpet,
and a great star, blazing like a torch,
fell from the sky on a third of the rivers
and on the springs of water
- the name of the star is Wormwood."
Revelation 8:10-11
So what do we have to look forward to in the next 1000 years? Depending on your religious beliefs you will have a different perspective. However, most prophets seem to see more war before peace. What I really want to know is why I keep seeing umbrellas in every movie I watch lately.
~The Rebecca Review
Wellll, it's like this...
J. Arena | Williamsburg, VA | 05/30/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"If you want to spend some money to get a DVD so that you can become massively depressed, feeling like there is no hope for tomorrow and that we are all "as doomed as doomed can be, I must say" -- then Prophecy: The Next 100 Years is a sure-fire guaranteed mega hit for your collection that will drag you down to the depths of despair in 90 minutes or less! Now, that's efficient!
Is any of this true? Perhaps. Should you buy any of the prophecy determined by Nostradamus? Not if you take into account that his predictions seem to be tailored and stretched to fit any situation to make them appear to be on-target. And, if Nostradamus and other predictors of doom and gloom are absolutely correct, what are you doing to do about it?
Of course, we can pray -- turning our spirituality to positive things. But, we can do that without spending money on a DVD that possibly could leave you too depressed to be positive.
In essence, this is a very well done DVD on a very bad subject that ultimately might contribute nothing to you in the long run -- but will drag you down for an hour and a half and possibly months to come.
You decide."