Two of the lesser "Prom Night" entries on a single disc:
Prom Night III: The Last Kiss (1989)
a horror comedy that's essentially "Nightmare on Elm Street" with undead prom queen Mary Lou Maloney taking the place of Freddy Krueger. This one started out goofy, got pretty good in the middle, then got stupid again in the last reel. The chick who played the angry spirit "Mary Lou Maloney" was frickin' hot though. BE WARNED: the version of the film found on this DVD is NOT the original R-rated cut, but an edited-for-TV cut with all of the gore, foul language, and nudity removed!!
"Prom Night IV: Deliver Us From Evil" (1992) -generic slasher crap about a supposedly-possessed, crazed Catholic priest who escapes from imprisonment and carves up a couple of teenyboppers that are using his old home base as a post-Prom getaway retreat. Occasionally interesting but very slow moving for much of its length. There are some nice T&A shots but otherwise this is nothin' I'd watch again. At least this one's uncut.
Do yourself a favor, save a few hours of your life and just watch the trailers for both movies on YouTube instead.
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Movie Reviews
Artisan has done us an injustice!!!!!!!!!
David Seguin | San Diego, CA United States | 09/23/2003
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD is aweful. I picked this up at Best Buy with mild excitement at adding the final two movies of Prom Night to my collection. While both are neither spectacular movies, they are more deserving of a better release than this.Artisan has done an aweful job with this release. The image quality on Prom Night 3 is so bad it almost has to be seen to be believed. I counted horrendous amount of grain in the picture. And the film starts to distort at the finally almost like you are watching a really bad rental copy....and this is a DVD release! It's truly aweful. Oh and incase that wasn't bad enough they have used the "edited for television" version of the film. Means cuts during kills and cheap dubbing over swears...aweful!Prom Night 4 while being not the edited version for television also suffers from an incredible amount of grain, the picture is not sharp, feels like a bad video tape.Overall, this is a horrendous release from Artisan. Both films are in full-screen and have received no treatment they deserve. Artisan needs to take a lession from MGM's recent double dvd releases like PoltergeistII/III or Ghoulies/GhouliesII that is how to release 2 movies on DVD. Utterly shameful!"
Horrible Quality sinks DVD Double Feature
Eric Ashley | Elkhart, IN United States | 10/23/2003
(1 out of 5 stars)
"What is wrong with Artisan? Finally releasing the final two "Prom Night" films on dvd that were previously issued under the IVE Home Video label should have been a good thing... but it went horribly wrong."Prom Night III: The Last Kiss" continues the storyline set up in 1987's "Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II" in which a murdered Prom Queen has returned from the grave to wreak supernatural mayhem. More of a parody than horror, the film offers up some rather inventive ideas, even if its ending is weak."Prom Night IV" takes the series in yet another direction as a demented preacher ruins Prom Night for a group of four friends. This movie has some moments of real suspense admid all of the nonsense, and the final twist is indeed memorable.But the problem lies not with the movies themselves, but with the horrible transfers. They are full frame only, and look like they were taken directly from the old VHS copies. "Prom Night III" is even edited from a television print. Much like the god-awful "Fright Night II" release earlier this year, this double-pack is a great disppointment for those fans who were looking forward to these movies' DVD premiere."
It's Not Who You Come WIth, It's Who Takes You Home
Micheal Hunt | Hellbourne | 07/12/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"~~~~~Prom Night 3 (*** 3 Stars)~~~~~
Prom Night 3 takes the character from Part 2, Mary Lou and does an interesting thing with her character for this film. Mary Lou has gotten her revenge and shes still floting around the school. And with nothing to do and no one left to kill who needs killing she falls in love with one of the students and helps him go from a nobody to an honour student and his grades and ppopularity increase. However, anybody that keeps trying to get in the way, interfear with him, or find out whats really going on, there fate is dealt with by Mary Lou.
However he is not too happy with her killings, she cant stop and he's doubhting it will work out.... will he work it out with Mary Lou? or will he tell her it's over and turn his life upside down? ...duh
Overall I thought it was pretty interesting. I thought for a moment it's pretty original for a ghost to fall in love with a human, but then I thought a film called High Spirits and a few others, but this one is unique in it's own way. This is done more in a Horror way. However, keep in mind that this is a Horror/Comedy. So blood and gore fans who just wanna see brutality, or those who dont like comedy with there decapatations might not like this film.
I guess maybe if you like Night Of The Living Dead or Sean Of The Dead kind of movies, you might enjoy this movie.
Theres no bonus features at all. I think this movie is still better then the 1st, but it's not as good as part 2. But it's in 2nd place of all 4 movies for me!
~~~~~Prom Night 4 (* One Star)~~~~~~
This time Prom Night hasnt got anything to do with Mary Lou. Which I think is the wrong direction. I find it pretty stale, humorless, goreless and pretty boring at times. Suprsingly it does come with a trailer which is more then any of the others can say. But this film just shouldnt have been added to the Prom Night saga. It's the typical horney teenagers, unsupervised, haunted house thing. Seen it, zzzzz. I can see why it was added with part 3.
Tho I give it 1 star, I kind of lean more to just below 2 stars.. kind of a one and a half star rating. I've seen alot worse, but I would probably give those films -1 stars. But this film just needed blood and guts to be affective rather then a done-to-death already senario."
2 fun movies for a late night weekend watch
ASHI TOLEDANO | USA | 11/16/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Prom night 3 (1989)Was in fact rather fun, comedic and shall I dare say, semi creepy? It wasn't like part 1, or even 2, but it was still decent, while the 1991 'finale' deliver us from evil takes us into a very similar direction as the cheap yet scary 'HALLOWEEN: THE CURSE OF MICHAEL MYERS' Director's cut...but that one at least has pace. I actually thought they were both decent, especially part 3, the transfer on part 3 was pretty good, fullscreen, but it looked sharper then the VHS, yet part 4, not so looked the same as a VHS except less speckling and no backround film sound (like old vhs's have)I liked the fact that it was realy cheap and it's 2 movies for 1 low price, part 3 was about mary lou like part 2, except this one takes a dark humor route, part 4 had some semi suspense in it but was pretty cheap. Overall quality isn't that spectacular, but admit it, neither were these sequels..."
One bad movie and one ok movie in a nice cheap package.
Cory LaFerriere | 07/07/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"People have complained in other reviews about the poor quality of this DVD release, with the image quality not being the greatest and being full screen. I am a widescreen purist myself, but in this case I'm satisfied with what I got for how little I paid for it. I knew I was getting two low budget horror movies in a series I had seen the first two installments of and just wanted to see for the sake of seeing the whole series. The first 2 Prom Night movies were ok, but nothing special and I expected the same here. In the case of Prom Night 3 what I got was one of the cheesiest horror films I have ever seen. It was as lame as Jason X, without the fun. I hit play on Prom Night 4 with the lowest of expectations, and was pleasantly suprised to get a pretty decent film this time around. I'd say I liked it best out of the whole series. You get what you pay for and this DVD, while cheap in its presentation, was well worth the cheap price I paid for it."