Hide your cats because the mensch from Melmac is back and in the custody of the US Government. And hes got Colonel Milfoil (Martin Sheen) trying to get him declared a threat to national security. Luckily his considerable... more » charms even work on US Air Force« less
"I introduced Alf to my children via Hulu, and they have slowly enjoyed watching most of the episodes. Looking for an end to Alf, they watched Project Alf. Big mistake. It ended up being something that upset everyone. (Spoiler Alert from here on) Alf never gets back to the Tanners and seems to have just 'forgotten' about them as they have supposedly forgotten about him and moved to Iceland ?!?!? Give me a break. Like he would forget about the Tanners after all those years, and like they would move to Iceland. Because he never got back to the Tanners, nor even to his fellow Aliens, it was pretty upsetting to my children, some of whom were in tears over it. Anyway, there was no happy close for Alf lovers. I would rather that the show "Project Alf" was never shown in our home."
"Let's not follow in Bill Cosby's footsteps"
Drez | Barberton, Ohio United States | 06/20/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
Okay, the movie wasn't that great. I admit that. I admit that there's no Tanner family, no cats and no reason that die-hard fans of ALF wouldn't like this movie. ALF was on when I was 4 or 5. I barely remember anything from ALF until I bought the first season on DVD. And I was a die-hard ALF fan. I even had a talking ALF doll. I even dressed like ALF one Halloween when I was about the right size to BE ALF.
ALF is in trouble. No surprise there, since he was always in trouble in the show. But now, he's in deep trouble as we see the lovable alien is at an Airforce Base. One general wants to kill ALF for what he did to his mother. It's not the best movie, but at least it tried to be funny."
Alf is delightful
Len C. | Cool, CA, USA | 04/30/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Alf is delightful for all ages. My son was hooked on Alf from the age of 3, and my husband and I were also hooked. This is absolute good clean fun for all ages, especially if you're a science fiction buff (well, okay, that's a stretch). But it is fun for all ages. The science fiction thing is iffy."
Project: ALF
Victor S. Raj | 02/06/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The regular t.v. series never properly completed this excellent series. It ended with ALF trying to leave for his home planet and the U.S. government trying to capture him. This movie did a very good job of completing the t.v. series. It was hilarious and had some excellent actors in it. It did not have any of the actors from the t.v. show but they did a good job with hiring Martin Sheen. It brought back to the good old days of the 1980's. The female cadet was smoking hot."
Finally an ending :)
PlayboyAmy28 | North Carolina | 03/30/2010
(3 out of 5 stars)
"After the series was unexpectedly ended with a huge cliffhanger at the end of season 4 where ALF is discovered, you never know what happened to him. I was born in '86 and grew up with ALF, so I always wanted to know what happened to him! When I leaned of this DVD, I knew I HAD to have it!
The story of the movie was lacking, as was the acting and the production, but the ALF comedy was classic!!! Same ole, same ole alfer! :) I was very pleased to know the ALF comedy was still there, being that this was released in 2005 about a show from the 80's.
I was disappointed the Tanner family wasn't a part of this movie, but it was nice to finally have closure and find out what happened with ALF. :) I'd recommend it for any fan of the original series."