The best along with a Thief In The Night
Everett | Rio Rancho, NM USA | 07/06/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"What is wrong with everybody? Can't you see this is the truth? Whoever is reading this must understand that you don't need to go to church to become a true Christian. All you need to do is accept Jesus Christ and he'll do the rest. That's why these movies were made, to keep you from harm. God doesn't want that. These may have scared as a child, but that's no reason to give up your relationship with God. Look at me I'm fourteen, and you don't see me crying about it because these opened my eyes, and for whoever hasn't given up their relationship with God will understand too.As the end times saga continues, David Michaels (William Wellman Jr.) escapes by the skin of his teeth when a strange, yet interesting woman named Connie rescues him from Unite. After meeting up with Linda (Lynda Beattie) and her daughter Jodie (Cathy Wellman), and Jimmie (Robert Chestnut) a deformed victim of the bomb the four set out to find salvation in the state of New Mexico where a certain Christian underground resistance network is working to destroy Unite. Someone is up to something which is obvious for the fact that Unite seems to keep finding them anywhere they go. Through mutated people of the atomic bomb, Unites evil forces, blood water, man eating vultures, betrayels, and the great Tribulation judgments, the four will come together to realize that there is more to life than just sitting around and waiting to die.This is exactly what God doesn't want for you. He wants you to be with him in heaven where there is hope for us. This is not a place we want to stay forever or else he would've planned it that way. That's exactly what David was trying to tell everyone in the movie. Look at it this way. All the people who reject these films and exaggerate on their reviews about what happened afterwards are exactly like Patty in the first two movies of the series. They're trying to find anyway they can to not accept Christ because they really don't believe.I will close with this. Even if you do miss the Rapture, and have to go through the great tribulation, it may be your own fault but he will still be waiting for you to accept him. Look at the series. Patty's friend Wenda from a Distant Thunder got saved after the Rapture, David got saved, Leslie and Billie from the Image of the Beast got saved, and Jimmie and Jodi from the Prodigal Planet got saved too. Take a good look at reality. It just might look you back."
A Must See In The Profeicy 4-Pack (quadriology)
Lance W. Steck | Steckerville, IA US b a c o n | 11/20/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Once again it is the timeless story strait out of the pages of revaltion & condemnation. Breath taking action, persacution, revaltion charts, bunkers, & surplus army equiptment. This movie dives into the theory that the mark of the beast 666 is related to bar codes (very interesting spin doctrine theory). My theory though is that the mark of the beast is 666 bacon strips at one table seating. That is truely thee false anti-christ. Anyway you'll enjoy this post apopalitic christian thriller. It'll leave you breastless & wet."
Great movie to watch
mak1457 | 07/23/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I was less than impressed when I first watched this movie 8 years ago. I came back to this movie after a long absence hoping time would change my mind about this venerable movie. It has.
First of all, the fact that it's on DVD now helps tremendously. The movie itself is good but the extras help fill in some questions. The commentary on the movie was interesting (did you know that one of the scenes cost more to film than the entire original movie?). It was also interesting looking at Thom and Maryann Rachford (aka, Jerry and Dianne) after 30 years. While Jerry's chops have disappeared Dianne still sports the long hair.
But now onto the movie. The salvation message is still clear although there is considerably more plot than the first two movies. The music is also a step up from the first three films. The scenes with the Doomsday people could actually be quite scary, especially when you add the music. Although some might find the storyline redundant, it does sort of remind you of an Indiana Jones-type movie. I'm not sure why so many people complain about this movie - it lines up with No. 3 as the best in the series in my opinion
Although this is the least well-known film in the series, this is still worth your time to watch it."