Larry Brewer | Peoria, IL United States | 01/20/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This collection of videos is important for what it includes (if the buyer is REALLY a fan) and does not warrant the comdemnation it has received for the songs that were left out. Incredibly rare videos of "I Wanna Be your Lover," "Dirty Mind," "Uptown," (which all predate the MTV era) and "Controversy" (filmed in early '81 but only played in video clubs with a few rare airings much later on BET and MTV) are all included here for the first time as are the brillant "1999" & "Little Red Corvette" (#12 and #6 respectively on Billboard's Top 100 and also initially excluded from MTV's playlist). The disc is simply a DVD of the original 1993 VHS companion released to compliment the CD "The Hits / The B-Sides". Everyone who has reviewed this disc seems to spend a lot of time bitchin' about their faves not being in this package. At the time the video of this DVD was released, Prince had already accrued 27 Top 40 singles. This set is representative of some of his most inovative work. Obviously, Warners wasn't going to include much from"Purple Rain" and cut into its video sales potential. The same holds true for material from "Graffiti Bridge" and the video for "U Got the Look" was lifted sraight off of his "Sign O' the Times" video. Video material from "Batman" was contractually tied up and not available for use. Be gateful for what you get (especially the rareties listed previously). Real Prince fans are aware that by 1993, Prince was embroiled in a bitter dispute with Warner Bros. over the ownership of his songs. That's why he changed his name to a symbol and eventually bought his way out of his contract. The price for artistic freedom was to lose the rights to these songs to Warner Bros. who could now package them for release--or re-release--any way they saw fit. (This also included many, many songs in "The Vaults" Prince did not deem ready to be released at the time. Ever notice how Warner Bros. releases a new collection of previously unavailable songs every time Prince releases an album of new material?). Everyone of the remaining songs presented here, with the exception of "Peach" which was a new single from "The Hits" set, are videos for top 10 singles: "Alphabet St." #8, "Sign O' the Times" #3, "Raspberry Beret" #2, "Kiss" #1, "Cream" #1, & "7" #7. As previously stated, many of the songs excluded causing other reviewers to whine, were available at the time of the tape's release on other videos. Another thing people seem to forget or are unaware of is that in the early '90s it was rare for any commercial music video relase to be longer than 60 minutes unless it was a concert video. Yeah, Warner Bros. could have updated and expanded this collection for DVD release but that was hardly likely with the malice the company has treated its own Prince releases since he left the label. Maybe they'll release more in the future, but until then enjoy this extraordinary time capsule of late '70s and '80s Prince videos. It will give you valuable insight as to why he is still so revered well into his 3rd decade of making music."
Prince Music Videos Dvd
Lunia | Chicago , IL | 08/31/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"For Those Prince Fans Looking For Prince Music Videos On Dvd
If You Buy The Recent Release - Prince Purple Rain 20th Anniversary 2 Dvds Edition - You Get 6 Music Videos on the 2nd Dvd Disc -
Let's Go Crazy - Take Me With U - When Doves Cry - I Would Die 4 U / Baby I'm A Star - Purple Rain - Jungle Love - The Bird - Sex Shooter"
Prince The hits
Lunia | 06/16/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"When you hear the word prince one word come to mind. ROYAL BADNESS, We all have a favorite prince song. And this jam pack video show all the best. From prince dirty mind days to just before he decame the 0+> . I think every prince fan should have this video. it's a key to the past, and it shows history in the making"
Only if you LOVE prince
Daniel Lomba | Dartmouth, MA | 12/04/1999
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This dvd is just ok. The quality of the performances is uneven. the collection streches from his early immature persona (controversy) right on up to his more polished presentations (7). there is no systematic ordering of the material, so watching the dvd offends the senses. There are no special features to speak of. No dolby digital here... linear pcm only. In addition there is only 61 minutes of entertainment, pretty weak considering the immense talent (and history) of this performer."
Joshua Hubeny | Mine Hill, NJ | 08/14/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Does this guy do anyhting bad? I mean I have been a fan of the Royal one ever since I was about 7 years old. When CONTROVERSY was released I was hooked. And to this day in 2004 he is still my fav. Yes many say he has lost his edge and to a point I kind of agree... change is good. But anyway watching this collection of these vids makes me admire a great person even more. He has done so much for the music world and all of these "Artists" now which are on stage 4 the looks and not for the talent. He broke barriers, he changed the music world and he stood his ground and he is still around. Any true fan knows the reason behind his name change. Just to fulfill the contract with Warner Brothers as he released his true titles under 0)-+>. I will not get in2 that now but this DVD is incredible but then again it is 4 an incredible individual. So many rare videos are in this collection as u see a prodigy unfold before u. Any real Prince fan will purchase this if they have not already. And when I say "real fan" I am not talking about the ones that say "I love Prince... but his older stuff." No! Prince is a Presence that has not been appreciated yet. From Controversy to Dirty mind along with a live version of "I would die 4 u" taken right from the Purple Rain tour how could anyone go wrong? And u may even get a good laugh looking at how cheesy the 80's were with Dr. Fink with his surgical mask as he played the keys. Prince in his Thigh- Highs as his trademark. And the Studded Purple... shall I even say it? THE TRENCH!!! This guy molded a generation and made many follow. Prince is history and this DVD shows exactly why. It has it all from Wendy, Lisa, Dez Dickerson, Brown Mark, Sheila, Dr. Fink, Bobby Z, a screaching Prince, A splitting Prince, a guitar Master, a camera master, this is just incredible. He is timeless and this DVD shows exaclty why. The Talent along with songs that will go on 4 infamy as well as images. So 2 end it here this DVD is just OK! PSYCH!!! Get this!! Any person, and u do not have 2 be a Prince fan, will love this. Look at the talent, look at the women, look at the moves by his royal one. It is hands down FANTABUTANTASTICALOUS!!!!!"