Everything you think you know about modern science ia about to unravel in this critically acclaimed film about two young engineers & the consequences they face when they invent a machine that enables them to travel bac... more »k in time. Studio: New Line Home Video Release Date: 04/19/2005 Starring: Shane Carruth Run time: 77 minutes Rating: Pg13« less
Roland V. (AlHazred) from PISCATAWAY, NJ Reviewed on 8/12/2014...
Primer is one of those movies where, when the movie's over, you sit there wondering what you just watched. It bears repeated viewing due to the subtleties of the plot, but it's an enjoyable sort of repeat viewing.
The movie works due to the earnest performances of the cast, the good writing, and the style in which it was shot, which lends a sense of reality to the events depicted. The realism is a key element -- many time travel movies fail precisely because they lack verisimilitude.
Movie Reviews
The Permutations are Endless
Mark Jones | Watkinsville, GA United States | 04/23/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The "whole package" is what this movie is about. It would seem that the intangibles combined with the intentional-create a synergy that captivates the mind!
"The permutations are endless" well sums up the movie. What would you do...if you could have perfect hindsight and foresight-how long would your altruism and your noble idealism last?
It's so dimensional you will watch it over and over. I read where some feel they have it figured out, but the sage advice comes from a fan that says "stop reading and keep watching!"
The low-budget while evident at times, actually adds to the mystique. I found myself annoyed by the slightly muffled and sometimes garbled soundtrack-which incidentally improved towards the middle (probably as Shane developed his prowess with audio and the actors begin to project a bit more). The graininess of the film shows through at times, but once again- it sets the mood and actually looks very intentional. Yet, that very tension actually sets you up for the true impact-when you realize the "permutations are endless."
"Primer" is one of those very rare movies that comes along to give Hollywood a real kick in the pants-to say "THIS is how you create a thriller"-it's in the heart, not in the budget. It's amazing what $7k and a man with a vision can do!
Primer is already a cult classic and will be discussed for years to come. It's definitely not for everyone, but for those who enjoy heady, multi-dimensional movies-it will remain a standard."
It's Supposed to Be Confusing
David E. Reynolds | Lansing, MI United States | 11/14/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
Plot Summary Two friends and research entrepreneurs serendipitously develop a time travel machine. Thankfully free from an overt attempt to try to articulate the technical solution to time travel, the movie deals with the progressive temptations the friends face as they plunge deeper into a dizzying map of future-past interdependencies. They make the expected exploitation of the stock market but their dabblings with the relationship between future and past and present begin to be concerned with friends and family. As they do this, the movie becomes increasingly confusing due to the complexities of the causalities and changes they are working in the lives of other people.
Script The script is pretty solid, especially considering the complexity of the story line. The dialogue is natural, to the point where I wondered if most of it was improvised.
Acting and Character Development Surprisingly good. The two primary characters play off each other well. Their dialogue together is natural and real. They have a best-friend chemistry together.
Cinematography and Editing The cinematography is remarkable for a low budget independent movie. The color is great, the composition is creative and it helps tell the story. It does this by creating uncertainty in the time frame during their iterations of time travel. Toward the last third of the movie, the editing becomes very confusing: the protagonists are shuffling their time trips and this makes the storyline difficult to follow. I say this is good because I think that was the intent. They wanted to convey that there was complexity and uncertainty associated the implications of time travel. The audience is confused because they are confused and uncertain.
The movie is compelling. I kept thinking throughout the movie how remarkable it was that it was such a well made movie. The acting, the concept, the script... it all comes together to create a compelling movie. Yes, it is not clear and confusing.
Look, let me tell you a story.
About ten years ago, I was into John Steinbeck. I read many of his novels: Grapes of Wrath, East of Eden, To A God Unknown, Of Mice and Men, The Winter of Our Discontent, Tortilla Flat, Cannery Row, The Pearl, Acts of King Arthur.
So, have you ever read The Grapes of Wrath? Man, it's not a pleasant read. Ponderous is the world that comes to mind. I finish the novel on Thanksgiving weekend. I happen to be sick from food poisoning due to some lovely Wendy's food. The incessant dry heaves only added to the monotony of The Grapes of Wrath. When I finished the book, I tossed it down and said, "Man, that was ponderous." And then I realized the brilliance of Steinbeck. He wanted me to feel what the intinerant farmers felt.
Primer is confusing because that's what the two men felt. It's confusing to you because it was confusing to them."
Unconventionally Fresh
A. B. Lopez | Anchorage, Alaska | 03/27/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I saw this film on a whim with little knowledge of the story or acclaims. My physics background definitely helped me get a better grasp of the complex subject matter. Don't get me wrong, I left the theatre as dazed and confused as most people did. But, it was somewhere along the lines of complete awe.
This film is probably one of the best films I've seen dealing with time travel. The grainy, washed out quality of the film gave it a realistic documentary style. I didn't see the comparisons with Memento that most people refer to. The feeling I got from the movie was closer to the intesity I felt when I watched The Insider. I just felt tense and uneasy as the characters fiddled with their new "toy". The soundtrack had a very good ambient touch that helped add emphasis to the seriousness of the film.
So, in short; if you like intellectual, intense, dramatic, sci-fi movies, then you'll like this film. And, yes it may be a little to artsy for some. If Timecop is your favorite movie then you probably won't like Primer (jab)."
Very Interesting
General Zombie | the West | 04/20/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"'Primer' is a film about that most famed and classic sci-fi concept, time travel. Many films about time travel simply use it as a plot device, a way to get their characters to a different age, but 'Primer' is one of those works that's interested in the concept of time travel in and of itself, and the complications and paradoxes inherent in such activities. Needless to say, it doesn't explain or resolve these concerns, indeed they can't be resolved, but it does result in a very interesting, dense film. Like many, probably most viewers of the film, I wasn't entirely sure what had happened as the film ended the first time around. I got a better, much more certain grip on it after watching it a second time, and I actually think the movie became a bit less interesting when it's more fully understood, but it's still an intriguing web.
The film opens by introducing us to 4 young engineer types who work together on side projects in their spare time. Frankly, we don't know too much of what they're actually doing, we just watch them work for a while as the group is pared down to two central figures, Abe and Aaron, who create a strange new invention, which they contain in a small steel box. Even they're not entirely sure what it is or what it does, but their experimenting with it reveals that objects contained within the box are removed from the conventional timeline, and they eventually discover that this device can allow them to travel backwards in time. The rest of the film shows us the difficulties that come from their experimenting with the machine. These opening sections alone will doubtless scare some people off, as they're filled with techspeak. It's not as hard to understand as some would have you believe, but maybe I just let the words and concepts I'm unfamiliar with fly by with out concern because, in the end, this stuff doesn't much matter. They are making.... something, somehow. How they do it doesn't matter all that much, it's just a play to sell you on the reality of the film and draw you in, and it worked for me, anyway.
The time machines themselves are intriguingly different from what you'd usually see in a modern sci-fi film. Again, they're just boxes, and you travel backwards in time simply by sitting in them after they've heated up. Furthermore, you only move backwards in real time, i.e. you get in the box at 6 P.M. and stay there for 6 hours and it's now noon. This sort of time travel is amusingly mundane, allowing for simple practical problems and benefits, and forcing the characters to continuously deal with potential timeline deviations as they're living through an immediate past where their past self currently exists. Thus, it comes down to living the same day twice, the first time around planning it all out, the second time reaping the benefits. Of course, the short timeline means that they aren't allowed to advance particularly ambitious goals, not much beyond making money on the stock market, but Writer/Director/Actor/Everything Shane Carruth does a good exploring the sort of complications related to such short distance time travel, and this is where the major intrigue of the film comes in. For example, Aaron, at one point, brings his cell phone with him on one of their trips, and it rings. This begs the question, is the time symmetry affected? Is his other cell phone also ringing? They don't know. They also note small, amusing points, like how the storage unit security guard always sees them come in to gain access to the time machine, but never sees them come out, and how they must, the first time thru the day, bring in an extra car in the morning to the storage facility, as the car that they take there won't actually be there yet when they get out. Obviously, the potential complications of time travel have been considered before, but you usually don't see this kinda contemplation in a film, and it felt relatively new and different to me, anyway. And, again, it's interesting to see a film with simple, everyday concerns related to time travel rather than just the bigger overlying concepts.
The film can be quite difficult to follow, as it, for the most part, simply moves forward in the later timelines of the film, rather than just showing us the very first, original timeline and then the various permutations. For example, we see that Abe has traveled back in time before we learn that they have the ability to do so-- After all, he traveled back in time to *before* he was actually was able to do so in order to discuss it with Aaron, so this is the scene that we actually watch. This also allows for some unanswered questions which are legitimately left unanswered. For example, at one point they notice that one Mr. Granger has used the time machine and now has a double, but neither they nor us knows why. Again, they haven't told him about it *yet*, so why would they know? Eventually things spiral out of control, as Aaron and Abe have ideas about manipulating the past beyond simply cheating at the stock market, and they grow paranoid and lose their trust for one another and so on, leading to problems relating to maintaining the timeline and dealing with doubles and so on. I won't go in to too many specifics, and while the final third of the picture can be tough to follow it is, again, interesting.
This film was really shot on the cheap. Reportedly a miniscule $7,000. It's a fairly professional affair considering that, cleanly and competently shot, and with acceptable acting. (Fortunately, the film is very staid, with the characters generally discussing things in a calm manner, thus requiring little real acting or emoting). The picture is pretty damn grainy at times, and the sound isn't always too hot, but it's never painful to watch, and even has some nice cinematography at moments.
Yeah, this is a neat film. I don't think it's quite the mind puzzle that most people make it out to be, though I certainly don't claim to be 100% sure of everything that happened, but it's definitely a lot more dense and intriguing than the vast majority of the films out there. (I must also note, however, that I don't really think that everything is supposed to tie itself together cleanly and clearly, no matter how carefully you look at it. Indeed, the fact that it can't all be put together is the major point, and that the situation has become to complicated to be surely dissected.) Definitely worth a look if this is your kinda thing.
Grade: B+"
Not for everyone and great for some
C. Hawks | Charlotte, NC USA | 07/23/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"If you like cerebral movies and twisty, problematic plots; films that leave you thinking - like that haunting feeling you may have had after you first saw "The Matrix"... you'll likely enjoy this flick.
(Think: THX-1138, I Heart Huckabees, The Matrix, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Pi, A Boy And His Dog, etc.)
If you just want to sit and veg infront of a motion picture, you like "feel good movies", or like big noises, special effects, high drama & action for drama & action's sake (not that there's anything wrong with this at all - think: Hitch, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Out of Africa, or Star Trek - The Movie), then this movie will likely leave you wanting. It is, relatively speaking, a geek movie. And not in the sense of "Real Genius".
You can read as much as you like about the plot, etc. in other reviews. I choose not to give away too much about specifics in my reviews.
The part that I really liked about this movie is its exploration into what happens in the human character and their relationships when they stumble onto a resource that provides great benefit and huge circumstance, and yet don't really fully understand or prepare themselves for how/why it works or the implications it brings with it. The juxtaposition of being in a situation that is unfolding with unprecidented information allowing one to predictably alter said situation's outcome - and then dealing with the newly generated results, that one could not so easily predict - heady stuff. Add to that some plausible sounding science (fiction) and recursive situational examination, and you have a formula for a great story that requires you to focus.
And THAT'S what this movie requires - your undivided focused attention. Be ready to THINK, solve, and be mentally challenged. I think that is why this movie won awards - it's challenging subject matter that revolves around complex situations, both technically and psychologically. The questions it raises can be haunting indeed.
The fact that it is an incredibly low budget film is both astounding and supplies a vehicle for confusion. The actors are first timers (as is the writer/director/editor/janitor/camera operator... you get the idea.) This means that there is no room for verbose explanation. YOU have to stay alert and figure stuff out. There is no "high emotion" drama occuring as these are not trained method actors. And at the same time, personlly (having been a technoid for a long time), I think they do a very good job of depicting how intellectual, engineering types would approach/react/respond to the situations presented in the story.
If you are a techie, scientist, metaphysician, psychologist, etc. or a fan of any of these, then you will probably dig this somewhat unsettling romp.
If not - if you don't like engineering/techno-babble stuff or movies that require you to THINK/SOLVE, don't bother wasting your $ or time. Wait for it to hit network TV when it's free and there's no guilt in hitting the Channel +/- button.
Lastly, I have to say that it is a very clean-cut movie. There's really no violence, no sexual themes, and little to no profanity (it got a PG-13 rating because the word 'fags' was spoken once). I really appreciate that as well.
I give it 4 stars because I like intellectual teasers that pose introspective questions. And because it was created for next to nothing, yet provides (me) a level of entertainment at a level of a John Carpenter, George Lucas, etc. $$$$$$ movie. While it's not about the presentation as much as the content, the low-budget look & feel seem only to add to this movie's presentation making it perhaps a bit more accessible or 'real'."