Boring Boring Boring
C. Remington | usa | 12/23/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Did I mention the fact that this is a Boring movie.I drank 7 beers and watched this movie.Thinking it had potential since it's about satanism and the like.Also it was suppost to have nudity in it but it didn't,at least my copy didn't.It appeared to have had 3 differant scipts of the movie piced together resulting in a big mess.Nothing scary or exciting here except a big waste of your time."
Wow. Nothing to see.
Raphael Collin | Jersey City | 12/04/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I just finished wasting 80 minutes watching this "fright" flick. It has some nice shots of NYC, but that's about it. On a scale of 1 - 10,
Skin shown - 1 Horror - 1 Credibility - 1 Acting - 1
I expect a demonic horror film to be frightening, tense, and have some clever twists. This had none. The only erotic shot (nothing sexy in the dvd)is on the COVER of the dvd. The villains were able to kill off a half dozen people without anyone investigating, and apparently no neighbors noticed. In one scene the boring bad-guy carries a young woman out of a gym wrapped in a sheet without anyone questioning him. DUM DUM MUD DUM DUM"