Michelle M. from ARAGON, GA Reviewed on 10/18/2010...
Another fun Prevention workout. Clear instruction. Takes a couple tries to get the sequences just right but fun practicing.
Movie Reviews
Fun, fun dance workout with just a couple of quibbles
Fitness Fan | Fullerton, CA USA | 12/18/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I rec'd this DVD and did it this morning. What fun! It's a well chaptered DVD with warmup and cooldown. There are 3 dance segments (Hip Hop, Jazz-Funk, 90's Jam) that are 10 minutes each, as well as a 10 minute "Showtime" segment where the instructor goes through all of the moves. Total running time is about 50 minutes.
Tabitha D'Umo is a great instructor and I was able to pick up most of the moves on the 1st try (except for "Farmer John"). I hope to see more of Tabitha in future dance workouts. She's very personable and easy to understand.
I definitely worked up a sweat, especially on the 90's Jam and Showtime segments, and time just Flew by! This workout is relatively low impact except for a couple of moves, which I modified with no problem. It's also pretty easy to do on a carpeted surface (with the exception of the "Farmer John" move).
I recommend it!
The only quibbles I have with this workout are:
* if you're doing all of the segments, there's about a 1 minute period between the segments where you just kind of march and wait for Tabitha to instruct. Easy enough to fast forward through, though.
* there are no leg stretches in the cooldown, which are a must with dance workouts, in my opinion."
Fun, fun and more fun :-P
Little Miss Cutey | Melbourne, Australia | 12/13/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Prevention always bring terrifc workouts. They are always easy to follow and yet challenging enough to keep you from getting bored and also effective enough to burn some serious calories.
This dvd is no different. It's taught in a great way that allows you to learn the moves very easily. You start out learning a little bit and it's done in a slow tempo and builds up the pace to full tempo and repeats itself so you can really get the moves down well. Having said that, there is a lot of emphasis on having fun and enjoying the movement rather than being able to totally master the moves.
The three dance styles they focus on here are jazz funk, early hip hop and 90's jam. They are all fun and before you know it you've done the workout and broken a good sweat. At the end of the workout, all the styles and moves that you've learnt are put together and that definately gets you puffing.
I really enjoy this dvd. It's another brilliant Prevention workout that I've added to my collection so I don't get bored. I find it's easy to do and keeps your heart rate up for almost 45 minutes. I feel great after doing it and highly recommend it."
It's a roller coaster pace
Gail | Iowa | 01/31/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I have a number of dance videos and I found this one to be a bit on the disappointing side. Here are my concerns:
1. Almost all of the dance steps are taught in half time. This really slows down and pace and the cardio workout. At full tempo, the dance steps are very fast, which makes them difficult to do. I would have preferred a more moderate pace with less difficult steps to keep the workout moving.
After the routine is learned, many will find the teaching segments to be boring. Others will find the steps at full tempo to be too fast for them to do. I recently purchased another cardio video that taught all of the steps in half time, moving to full tempo, in a separate chapter. That was a great approach, so the regular chapters workout did not get slowed down.
2. Like most dance videos, the instructor builds on prior moves. The initial sets of moves got repeated a lot, but I found it difficult to learn the last set of steps within a routine. They were only shown a couple of times and then it was back to the top again.
3. Sometimes there were text cues for the next dance move on the screen. I would prefer adequate verbal cues so that text cues are unnecessary. There are no text cues in the show piece. This is where the text cues would have been helpful because the instructor cuts down on the verbal cues.
4. The camera work had a lot to be desired. There were MANY closeups of the dancers from the waist up, so obviously the director/camera person/film editor didn't have experience doing dance videos. You're trying to learn a new step and you get lots of upper-body shots. It is just fine to focus on the background dancers, but give me full body shots, not upper half.
5. After a warm-up and three 10 minute segments of teaching, the video climaxes with the show dance segment, which puts together the 3 prior routines at full tempo. After I get the dances down, I will probably just skip the teaching segments and do the show segment several times (with the warm-up and cool-down).
Like with many dance videos, I try to learn the dance steps first and then add on the arms. My favorite instructor is Jennifer Galardi, who has videos under the Crunch, Prevention, and Dance Off labels. For me, she is the gold standard for good teaching, cuing, and properly paced routines. It takes some repetition to learn the routines, which is a good because it keeps the workout interesting. I get a good workout without getting bored.
THIS ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mer | Juneau, AK | 12/11/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Thank you to Prevention for once again coming out with an instructor with excellent cueing and great moves! This is a very innovative, fun, fresh routine of dance moves. It is very, very dancy, with no aerobic type moves. I appreciate the consistentcy of the Prevention DVD's where the segments are broken down into warmup, jazz funk, hip hop, 90s jam, put all the dances together segment, and then cool down. The 5th segment where you put all the dances together is really the icing on the cake. I am an intermediate excerciser and really need that additional ten minutes of working out. Unlike some of the other dance DVD's where you can only get a good workout once you really learn the moves, this one is very high intensity. I was sweating really hard at the end. THis will definitely be my favorite new DVD along with Jennifer Galardi's Dance off the Inches Hip Hop."
S. L Yany | Boynton Beach, FL United States | 02/07/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I am a big fan of the Prevention DVD workout series. However, I was very disappointed in my latest purchase. I have not managed to get my heart rate where it needs to be with this workout. The instruction (especially the cuing) provided by Tabitha D'umo is severly lackly and I agree with another reviewer that not enough camera time is spent following the dancers lower bodies to enable you to get the choreography down. If you are looking for a decent dance workout I recommend The Firm Cardio Dance Slim Down....better instructor, more efficient time effective workout. Don't waste your money on Drop it with Dance."